Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not sure was down hard again yesterday. I do have to hit town today and do a few things. Wanted to do that yesterday but no way I was driving.
That sucks, wish you could get that figured out. Does weather affect it? My sister has to take sudephed or dramamine daily to help her avoid vertigo.
Nothing really helps. It is what they labeled as Persian Gulf Syndrome. Pretty generic when they cant get a issue figured out. I wish it was Vertigo. It has every doc I have seen stumped. Even the head Neurologist at Hershey Med here which is a great hospital. I just have to deal with it really, I have to accept it. I am not a woe is me type of person. I would never hang out with myself then. Defienatly neurological issue. All started after I got a N1H1 shot when I was going to help out with the Haiti earthquake. Got it the day we left and the next day it all started. I have to prove thayt or they have (VA) have to disprove it. Prob the shot triggered something else that was in my heathen soul. Hell, I have had probably every shot out there with all the places I have been. I swear it is because we were exposed to Ricin in N Iraq when I was there camping in a farm field in small tents. Then it rained hard for a few days and strange stuff started appearing out of the grounds that I will not post here. It was in a Kurdish area that has been chemically attacked in the past. Dock tested the local water we were using not drinking for other stuff and warned us not to use it because of the contamination. Yeah, prove that one Doc Denied it afterward.
I remember you talking about the shot etc., your history almost makes agent orange sound pleasant!
It just sucks, really cant plan much. Trust me I push myself at Carlisle. Timmy saw it hit me once hard when we were at the Gettysburg battle field. First dock told ne I will be dead in a few years over ten years ago. Tell you what getting into the A bodies prob saved me. Seriously. I just try to stay busy all the time.
Shocker the guy who I was waiting till Sunday, the day he picked to come get the tires has flaked out. So next in line, also taking a ferry over supposedly today is the next guy. Glad I'm not sticking around today anyway.
30 I would. Hard to find one its for the Cuda. I have one but I rather change it. Hope he replies before it ends.
First one I have seen listed. Got a Walker one just not bent right. If I am doing this Cuda eventually I want it as good as I can get it. Only good thing about taking years to get a car done is the collection of parts you find in the meantime! :rofl:
-5 and going up.
Today is cab mounts. Gotta go find some steel in the shed. Mount cab first, then deal with front mounts and rad support.
Doing searches and notice the NOS chrysler orange boxes are getting stupid prices. Used to be around 50 now the average 100+
Here is a rare one 64 A990 car with a hemi.