Stop in for a cup of coffee

My own do list is still pretty long myself then add the wifes and you can see the curve of the earth before the end.
Cold and damp. Supposed to start raining early afternoon. Then may not stop till Fri. Think I'll hang in the garage a few days with the Smurfs. Or till someone cuts me down.
That's why I want to start stripping the parts car, no hops, no deck good time for it, now where to put the parts.
8 year old grandsons b day party tomorrow. So the bride will be driving us to jersey for the party. Looks like they are moving to indiania in June, so I should get a lot more space in the garage when their stored furniture goes.
8 year old grandsons b day party tomorrow. So the bride will be driving us to jersey for the party. Looks like they are moving to indiania in June, so I should get a lot more space in the garage when their stored furniture goes.

what part of indiana?
I always love more space in the garage. I just moved some stuff around and swept the floor by the walls found all those small parts I dropped!