Stop in for a cup of coffee

Chris that CW plate you gave me what year is that about? Cant find anything on it.

Wall came down in 89... Countries unified a year later
Yeah I knew I was close. My dad died on December the 10th 1989 from exposure to agent Orange in Vietnam. I had always wished that he could have been alive to see the unification
Maybe this a dumb question but there is no reason other than hooking up the speedometer for the access hole is the transmission, correct?

The reason I am asking is I don't want to put the plug in and then have to remove it for anything related to putting the trans in the car.
I am cussing you boys this morning as I am still humming one toke over the line! Serious regression today could not put my own socks on! Arghh! It is official I am slowing down my roll!
Get to stretching and exercising! (look who's talking) We watched some old Ed Sullivan music videos over the weekend. There is a dumb Dianna Ross tune that won't leave my head. Want to trade songs? :lol: :lol:
More like being OK with it sitting in an evidence locker or "lost" by the system. Not sacrificing dependability

I wonder if IMPD ever found the MP5SD they lost.

Guy was at the NRA convention years ago when a rookie cop and his partner stopped him. Guy has a fully registered and legal MP5SD with full auto capabilities. Even had all the papers with him. The cops took it from him, claiming they needed to verify with the ATF. It was logged into their property room never to be found again. Guy is still suing the **** out of them. ATF investigation last I knew was still looking for it. My guess is some crooked cop has it in his safe.

I wonder if IMPD ever found the MP5SD they lost.

Guy was at the NRA convention years ago when a rookie cop and his partner stopped him. Guy has a fully registered and legal MP5SD with full auto capabilities. Even had all the papers with him. The cops took it from him, claiming they needed to verify with the ATF. It was logged into their property room never to be found again. Guy is still suing the **** out of them. ATF investigation last I knew was still looking for it. My guess is some crooked cop has it in his safe.

Yeah.... I wouldn't expect to see your Kimber micro ever again in such situations
OK this is really rn fun. Bird is flying around, dizzy guy throwing a towel at it trying to catch it, two cats going nuts for it, wife screaming and the only one that got this right is Harley in her bed not caring at all about it!