Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know what, I'm gonna go raise my flag, not gonna let Terrorists keep that flag down.

Prayers to the families of those involved.
You know what, I'm gonna go raise my flag, not gonna let Terrorists keep that flag down.

Prayers to the families of those involved.
Thanks for the thought. Just put mine back out. No rain expected between now and Tues (Flag Day) so good to let her get out in the breeze!
You know what, I'm gonna go raise my flag, not gonna let Terrorists keep that flag down.

Prayers to the families of those involved.

I'm thinking along those lines myself, to be more positive in my actions despite those who would kill and maim people they don't even know.

We're open today, a group of bankers wants us to be. For a change I'll take their money!
Gun control, gun control, gun control. Guess what if there was one person it there with a CCP it would have ended differently, I guess they wil get even harder to obtain now.
Gun control, gun control, gun control. Guess what if there was one person it there with a CCP it would have ended differently, I guess they wil get even harder to obtain now.
Sadly, the gunman was the only one there with one.... .
There was an armed Police Officer there and the suspect exchanged gunfire with him. Unfortunately he was seriously out gunned by the suspect. Based on the kind of fire the suspect was laying down, it would have taken a lot more than a few civilians with CCP to stop him. He had put down 50 rounds before anyone knew what was happening.

In an open society, there is just no defense against a maniac with heavy firepower bent on mass murder.
There was an armed Police Officer there and the suspect exchanged gunfire with him. Unfortunately he was seriously out gunned by the suspect. Based on the kind of fire the suspect was laying down, it would have taken a lot more than a few civilians with CCP to stop him. He had put down 50 rounds before anyone knew what was happening.

In an open society, there is just no defense against a maniac with heavy firepower bent on mass murder.
Not to mention a vest full of explosives
Maybe he will finally realize that it's not about getting tough on's about getting tough on terrorists.

Obama Guns 1.jpg
Good evening folks. Very windy here, dry cold front comin' through. At least it's not raining again!
Sitting out on the deck.Kinda like I started the day. But now I have a beer instead of coffee.

I have a beer in hand too. Hard to believe it was over 90° earlier today. Now it's 70° and dropping into the 50s tonight.
Putting away a few things from working on the car today. Got some wiring cleaned up and set the new carpet in

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