Stop in for a cup of coffee

small animal rotisarry!
Good morning kids! Ushering at church this morning. Shower time soon. Just stopped in to catch up a bit. (boy that's a handfull of un-connected thoughts) lol
Swap meet score yesterday. The Cars Heartbeat City album. 71 Duster on the cover.
Got plate full of food... Football is comin on... Checkin back and forth here on FABO... LIFE is GOOD !!!
Just hanging out here on FABO in between chores and laundry. The wife had to go to the office this afternoon.
tough day here - Pats got beat, Beckman got beat, I'm still feeling semi-crappy and I made a miscalculation on my available fundage.. DOH! on the bright side, I got the throttle body on my truck cleaned up and it seems to be running better..