Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, trying to loosen up this morning after hanging a new ceiling fan in the sports room (bed room) yesterday, wow it has been a long time :steering: I have not hung a fan in 6 ta 7 years :) neck is on fire :wtf: But hay ! it will get better before it gets worse :lol:
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Way too early Mike. I got up darned near a hour ago to potty and can't seem to get back to sleep.
Way too early Mike. I got up darned near a hour ago to potty and can't seem to get back to sleep.
I hear yea brother , I finished up hanging the ceiling fan, had supper and did a few things outside to get ready for the rain we got around 1am, then Treva surprised me with a cake she made ( Carrot Cake no coconut ) and took me a 1 1/2 hour nap at 7pm, crashed at 10 and woke up after 6 hours, I guess 7 1/2 hours is all I needed , I see you have turned in your notice Mike , everything good out your way ?
Doing well. Sounds like you need some ibuprofen for those sore muscles. A long hot shower would do good also.
I hear that :thumbsup: As soon as my sugar britches get's up and takes hers I will, can't wake her up till 6:15 :)
Good morning, trying to loosen up this morning after hanging a new ceiling in the sports room (bed room) yesterday, wow it has been a long time :steering: I have not hung a fan in 6 ta 7 years :) neck is on fire :wtf: But hay ! it will get better before it gets worse :lol:
So, you hung a fan (not a ceiling) right?
Oh my !! I did it again :lol:
One of my slip up's as I wake up enjoying my first cup, thank you :thumbsup: fixed it. Goop morning and :welcome: to Tuesday
Yeh, a fan can be a bit of work. A lot easier if you have a helper to hand you stuff and avoid getting on/off a ladder 27 times. LOL. Never did a ceiling other than patches or tiles. That sounds like a few days work...

I'm betting there are some shenanigans going on - how long does it take to set up a barber shop???? :poke:
Actually... A lot of his customers are helping him. Yesterday, the floor guy pulled up all the carpet,and then 2 layers of VCT tiles. He's gonna put down ceramic. Also the walls were a mess from the last build out. Today we pull down all the old walls, so his drywall guy can do them properly.. Gonna take a few weeks to get all this done.. Oh also some plumbing for sinks needs to be done. I'll take some pisc along the way.