Stop in for a cup of coffee

****... The old guy thought it was a V6.. Until I showed him...But he is 92....
It's your basic HD work truck, with some nice options , and only 40K on it. Should go fast. Especially since I'm inspecting it.
you can have it inspected before you sell it and the sticker will be valid for the next owner?
you can have it inspected before you sell it and the sticker will be valid for the next owner?
Yup. As long as I sell it to someone in MD. The inspection is good. It sells the vehicle, much faster. Oh, yeah.. The State Inspector is a friend of mine :thumbsup:
Hello peeps... Just a fly by this morning... I have to cook/make my lunches for the work week this morning...

We broke cam in the 360 in the oldest boy's 71 Valiant more door last weekend and ran out of gas at 35 minutes...

We got more gas this weekend and then I gave it the first tune up...

I have the idle speed screw pretty much all the way down as far as it can go and it idles at 1000 and 20" of Hg.... The idle mixture screws want to be about 5/8 of a turn out...

When you rev it, you can see flames shooting out of the exhaust manifolds... Check it out beyotches:

Yup. As long as I sell it to someone in MD. The inspection is good. It sells the vehicle, much faster. Oh, yeah.. The State Inspector is a friend of mine :thumbsup:
That's how it is in PA. But we have to re-inspect annual starting when the previous sticker runs out. I thought MD was a one time insp when you buy it. ??
That's how it is in PA. But we have to re-inspect annual starting when the previous sticker runs out. I thought MD was a one time insp when you buy it. ??
That is correct. Only time the vehicle is inspected, is when it changes ownership. I obviously will not take the title in my name. I just pass it on to the next owner.
Hello peeps... Just a fly by this morning... I have to cook/make my lunches for the work week this morning...

We broke cam in the 360 in the oldest boy's 71 Valiant more door last weekend and ran out of gas at 35 minutes...

We got more gas this weekend and then I gave it the first tune up...

I have the idle speed screw pretty much all the way down as far as it can go and it idles at 1000 and 20" of Hg.... The idle mixture screws want to be about 5/8 of a turn out...

When you rev it, you can see flames shooting out of the exhaust manifolds... Check it out beyotches:

nice! :thumbsup:
That is correct. Only time the vehicle is inspected, is when it changes ownership. I obviously will not take the title in my name. I just pass it on to the next owner.
Ok. So as far as the state is concerned the new owner is the one getting it inspected...
Ok. So as far as the state is concerned the new owner is the one getting it inspected...
Yeah the inspection done is specific to the vehicle, not the person that brings it in for inspection. The inspection is only good for 90 days though, so needs to find a hew home, before that, or re-inspection. Laws in MD, make it pretty lucrative to flip cars. I been doin it for 40 years.
**** - every year AND every time it changes hands here.. damned thieves
Yup, my neighboring , Virginia, and Wash. D.C. have annual inspections. As you all know, I was in the Auto Parts business for many years. Some of those years , I spent on the Board of Directors, for the Auto Business Association. We tried many time to introduce legislation that would have, Maryland doing annual inspections. Never could get it to the State House. Obviously we would have sold more Auto Parts, if there were yearly inspections. So our motives were very clear.
and now Mass has introduced new inspection machines and are recording (via camera) every inspection - - :realcrazy: - - it's already $35 and you gotta know it'll go up again as soon as everyone has the new machine/process in place :BangHead:
My day was going pretty good yesterday till I discovered I have work to do on the Magnum. :BangHead: I heard some clunking noises in front end. Pulled over din't see anything. Drove a little farther, make a turn, more noises, :wtf:. Look again and saw an open CV boot on driver side. But the noise seemed to be coming from other side. thought what else?... then I recalled same noise from years ago. Sway bar links. Checked and yep - shot again -THIRD time. I found them in my online orders from AZ. Limited Lifetime warranty, so hopefully they give me a new pair . The axle was installed by A local garage 4 years ago. Don't have a warranty in writing, but will check with him if at least part was covered...
and now Mass has introduced new inspection machines and are recording (via camera) every inspection - - :realcrazy: - - it's already $35 and you gotta know it'll go up again as soon as everyone has the new machine/process in place :BangHead:
Holy 'big brother watching', Batman! That's some serious :bs_flag:there! PA tried to do state run emmisions stations years ago. Not sure if any still exist or what the next phase of stupidity might be.
Ray is right - yesterday was just "one of those days"
Yeh, what sucks most is I thought I was done with car work till spring other than maybe oil. It was just inspected in August . Did brakes on hers and got that inspected a couple weeks ago...