Stop in for a cup of coffee

It is refreshing thought to have a discussion without childish name calling and insults.
Absolutely. It is a discussion of ideas without attacking the holder of those ideas. The subject is up for debate...not the individuals debating it.
Absolutely. It is a discussion of ideas without attacking the holder of those ideas. The subject is up for debate...not the individuals debating it.
We all cant agree on everything.
We have different views and beliefs based on upbringing and life experiences.
I just think he got off way to easy .over and out.
The whole thing seemed cut and dry to me. There is no wiggle room in military justice. Or so I thought.
Must be the night for "not-quite-right" pizza. I got a slider from the local place.

All the cheese and toppings were slid to one side.
No, it's not. It was and still is the basis on which this Nation was founded. A "More perfect Union" where draconian execution of laws are not permitted nor is the tyranny of the majority...or public opinion on guilt or innocence leading to execution of punishments.

We have an independent judicial arm that hears cases and determines punishment. The mass public does not have, nor is entitled to the power of judgement...for damned good reason.
Sure it is different Burgdahl was not doing it for his country. And Benedict Arnold would have been in trouble had he stayed in America. It was a self gratification that cause the loss of life of team members. So he lived in a cage while captured. Can you really believe him He needs to be given more than a demotion. Sorry I cannot accept his actions for whatever his reasons. He came out alive and healthy. Not all who looked for him faired as well. And our Judicial arm is screwed up and I live with it every day.
Sure it is different Burgdahl was not doing it for his country. And Benedict Arnold would have been in trouble had he stayed in America. It was a self gratification that cause the loss of life of team members. So he lived in a cage while captured. Can you really believe him He needs to be given more than a demotion. Sorry I cannot accept his actions for whatever his reasons. He came out alive and healthy. Not all who looked for him faired as well. And our Judicial arm is screwed up and I live with it every day.
All I can say is I'm glad you aren't king. I would have to mount a rebellion...

So more like a pardon.
Yes, that's all they are permitted to do. The military justice system is regulated by the same principles as the civilian one. Reviews can overturn verdicts or sentencing but cannot increase them.
Ok on a serious note.

Its a full Beaver moon tonight.
No cheating looking it up.
I bet @Ben Drinkin knows the answer.
Frost moon. Best time to hunt beavers. My family called it the frost moon as long as I can remember...of course we have some Native American Penobscot Indian in our blood. My dad used to set his last harvest of the family vegetable garden by it.