Stop in for a cup of coffee

Same here, was a difficult day, thought i would be out until morning. Oh,ya-somebody’s snoring. I cant sleep on the couch...
They pushed the forecast back 6-8 hours so I'm heading out towards the woods.
Yuck weather is on and it will be cold and wet here all day and windy! Hey I was thinking of you yesterday when I was checking out that worked slant.
It is stock exhaust I asked him that also, he just wanted the look. Really nice guy I posted pics of just a few of his toys yesterday, serious nice stuff. Think it is page 7223
Mornin, Gents! It is going to be an AWESOME Saturday. Hot coffee right here and sitting under a blanket on the recliner. The cat is purring and it is so peaceful.
would love to see all that in person Dizzy, the van would work out nice in my hands ! Love it
It has the retractable step option also, pretty cool. I like the hemi water pump absolutely perfect! He has another one with a generator unit but needs the generator part to it.
Never saw one before have the defogger in mine, never knew they had a heated version of them.
I thought that was a generator. I was once told that there are several of them in Kansas. I have a friend from there and he says they were all over the place.
Morning just rolling thru. Up and around with a walking boot.
On the plus side I've spent time working on the shoulder. Was able to lift ten pounds over head without a struggle. First time in almost a year.:thumbsup:
I thought that was a generator. I was once told that there are several of them in Kansas. I have a friend from there and he says they were all over the place.
Man if you can fine the generator part he needs it for another unit.