Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning just rolling thru. Up and around with a walking boot.
On the plus side I've spent time working on the shoulder. Was able to lift ten pounds over head without a struggle. First time in almost a year.:thumbsup:
Thats good to hear this morning Ray, don't heat up that shoulder very much sir, it's best to go slow and keep doing it every 3 hours a day, I had a right dun, surgery went well but I spit a bunch of blood as they was waking me up from putting me under ! chewed the inside of my mouth and ... well blood was in my gut and lungs.. next time if I have to go under I will ask for a mouth piece.
In a thong?

Tikini santa man.jpg
Whats funny is except for the tattoo's and less of a gut...that picture would be close.
Ok , everyone have a great day, thanks for putting up with me again, time to get to lowes for some electrical supplies for the shop :usflag::usflag:
Well I won't do that again....I hopped over to the coffee pot and things fell off of the shelves...Man I got glass and crap everywhere
I am scared of HD right now I really need a new cordless drill, like the one Keefer has. Just cant afford it right now. Those cordless impact guns are great!
I have 2 because they usually put things in kits. So I ended up with an extra one when I bought one of the kits and so I just put it away somewhere