Stop in for a cup of coffee

AZ and NJ will work have the others.
I should look around the garage for plates. We tend to keep cars a long time and except for our newest vehicle, most of my plates are 10-15 years old. LOL
They are messed up here for sure. If I want it the VA has some for vets and there immediate families also. I guess that's a benefit?
Yep. I know someone got his from the local VA.
You guys should talk to your docs about it. Both about the safety with whatever meds and conditions you have, and how each of you may handle the possible side effects. I know people that had no side effects and others that felt like garbage for about 24 hours.
Yep. I know someone got his from the local VA.
You guys should talk to your docs about it. Both about the safety with whatever meds and conditions you have, and how each of you may handle the possible side effects. I know people that had no side effects and others that felt like garbage for about 24 hours.
There is so much conficting stuff on it it is hard to figure out. I asked my doc about it since the H1N1 shot got me this way he actually could not answer if it would or wouldn't cause more probllems for me. I am about at my imit with this crap and it definitely has been getting more often the past few months.
There is so much conficting stuff on it it is hard to figure out. I asked my doc about it since the H1N1 shot got me this way he actually could not answer if it would or wouldn't cause more probllems for me. I am about at my imit with this crap and it definitely has been getting more often the past few months.
What side effects did you get with the h1n1?
There's a guy a bit west of here who buys and sells plates and factory lit. He used to own a couple of junkyards dedicated to european/UK cars. Could give you his phone number if you get serious...
He's almost always at the Frostbite show/rally and I bet he goes to some of the shows/swap meets at Macungie
Sent a plate to Steve at welderup, he used it:thumbsup:
There's a guy a bit west of here who buys and sells plates and factory lit. He used to own a couple of junkyards dedicated to european/UK cars. Could give you his phone number if you get serious...
He's almost always at the Frostbite show/rally and I bet he goes to some of the shows/swap meets at Macungie
This is just if some on has one thing, al started at Fall Carlisle when Marilyn was with me, Wolfe and his buddy and said a Alaska plate is cool, to Wolfe and he sent here one from his daughter in Alaska.
Well a 4 year old male German Shepard has come up for adoption. It is a rescue hound named chaos. Not satisfied we are ready for that but we are entertaining it as Hemi is getting long in the tooth and it is much easier to train one if ya got one. Jodi is somewhat determined to get a set of litter mate pups male and female. But this guy is a beauty but a bit small at only 85 pounds. That tells me he is an American version and I really like the European breed better. Plus Jodi wants a dog of her own. Hemi just kind of tolerates her, she is my dog period. I tried to explain to her you just never know who the German Shepard will bond to, it may or may not be her. They are funny that way, it could be me, or her, or the neighbor, or even the postman! But once they bond it is unbreakable. Just another reason why I love the breed! But man are they a handful!
You are so correct about a hand full . A 4 year old is out of the teething stag , which is really the most difficult in my opinion . Mine is now 14 weeks old , full of piss and vinegar ! She is so good when she is sleeping

three dogs.jpg
You are so correct about a hand full . A 4 year old is out of the teething stag , which is really the most difficult in my opinion . Mine is now 14 weeks old , full of piss and vinegar ! She is so good when she is sleeping

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I hear that mine is in the middle and when they get together (Daughters dogs) Like a WWF fight but playing, just a ball of fur.
I can tell you from experience, the side effects from a Covid shot can't be as bad as actually having a severe case (in the hospital) of Covid.
Being on the Covid floor, no visitors, isolated, you can't breath without oxygen, coughing every 15 seconds 24/7, can't even get out of bed without help, not sure if you'll live through it, not a fun experience.
I'll take a sore arm. When I can get a shot I will.
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I really bellieve it is the person, have heard good and bad on it. And different to people that get covid. Probably how good of shape you are in. I would die for sure to much fun in my lifestyle.
I can tell you from experience, the side effects from a Covid shot can't be as bad as actually having Covid.
I got the Pfizer vaccine and I think my taste buds are off a bit. I mentioned on a whisky tasting group on Facebook and many others mentioned the same thing. A Dr. on the group chimed in and said it should go away in a week or two. Bourbon that tastes like turpentine isn't fun!
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Which one did you get?
I didn't actually had Covid a couple months ago and was in the hospital. Doctors said based on my case, and the anti-bodies I have, it will be months before I need a shot.
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