Stop in for a cup of coffee

If you had 10 cases of beer and drank 5 cases... View attachment 1715946692

Then you can have another party tonight and finish the left over 5 cases.... View attachment 1715946691
Actually yes there will be another party tomorrow here middle of the day. That's good so not to go into the late night. Cuz I'm leaving on Monday to go to Saigon. To get ready to leave on Tuesday evening. I did pack one case of tiger beer in my suitcase to bring home. And some local moonshine.
Morning to you all. Nothing much to report. Need to move the John Deere up from the basement shop and clean it up this morning.
The buyer will be here after lunch to pick it up.
Then we're going to watch my wife's college nephew's summer league high school team he coaches play this morning.
The team is out of Kansas City and playing a game here. The nephew is a college player, a left-handed pitcher.
This evening a BBQ and pool party.
So, in all a day of pretty much doing nothing constructive. Guess we all need one of those once in a while.
Still raining, a calm steady rain though. Buddy wants running boards installed on his super duty. Not happenin. Im not hanging out under a muddy truck, especially for sfa…
It has been a long time since we had tornado warnings up here on the tundra but we darn sure had them last night. Eerily calm this morning now that the rain has stopped. Air is still heavy tho. This is the first weekend in a very long time whereas I have zero obligations. I might just stay in my Jammie’s and sleep all day!
It has been a long time since we had tornado warnings up here on the tundra but we darn sure had them last night. Eerily calm this morning now that the rain has stopped. Air is still heavy tho. This is the first weekend in a very long time whereas I have zero obligations. I might just stay in my Jammie’s and sleep all day!
I agree take a break.
It has been a long time since we had tornado warnings up here on the tundra but we darn sure had them last night. Eerily calm this morning now that the rain has stopped. Air is still heavy tho. This is the first weekend in a very long time whereas I have zero obligations. I might just stay in my Jammie’s and sleep all day!
No car show this weekend, all im planning is a trip to visit mom, drop off a studebaker part for a new friend. Then shop for a new pair o shoes.
I am wondering if Anders is drop shipping parts to me again, got two boxes in with a weird name and my address on them, no idea what they fit either.
I hammered the grass yesterday,put the tow behind on the lawn tractor, 7 foot cut with it on.
I hurt my quads the first softball game we played three weeks ago.
They were so tight you could of bounced quarters off them.
Did I rest no kept playing weekly, exercise class most every day and all the yard work I've been doing.
I stretched, soaked, medicated, and drank liquid muscle relaxers trying to make them better.
I finally went in and was introduced to dry needling. Heard of others doing it I loved it that some great stuff!!
Quads have felt better every day since. Chiropractor said I can play Monday night just don't get too crazy.
Getting older...UGH!!
The nephew is a college player, a left-handed pitcher.

Speaking of that...

Do they make left handed beer pitchers????

We wouldn't want anyone to spill any beer because they have the wrong handed pitcher....
My younger son is leaving NC today to come up here for a visit.... :steering:

Then in middle of next week he's going to visit a girl friend in England... :confederateflag:
One more day in Vinh Long and then on Monday I drive up to Saigon spend the night. Catch a plane home next day on the 28th
I hammered the grass yesterday,put the tow behind on the lawn tractor, 7 foot cut with it on.
This is a pretty cool mowing rig I spotted across the street recently. Very wide cut and deck is mounted on a giant swing arm.
Good morning

I hammered the grass yesterday,put the tow behind on the lawn tractor, 7 foot cut with it on.
Good thing I mowed yesterday. It rained after midnight. This can't be right. I need to move my gauge away from the Clematis.
