Stop in for a cup of coffee

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."

John Adams

Does our desire to better our children result in our weakening their abilities?
That must have been John in one of his softer more reflective moments. LOL
Just ordered a new pair of prescription reading glasses for the ones that disappeared today
and need to order a replacement repop 'Barlow' folder for the nicely patina one that disappeard last month.
You, Sir, should understand more than most the burden placed upon those who serve as bards of history for the current time.
In my sojourns outside of the place that is my current permanent address, its not been quite as bad as I feared. Ignorance yes, but dogma no. Thankfully.
In my sojourns outside of the place that is my current permanent address, its not been quite as bad as I feared. Ignorance yes, but dogma no. Thankfully.
But we have confidence in the which we know from experience not from the direction of others .

Isn't it grand
Think there is a 3 second rule on picking things up off the floor and still being able to eat them with no side affects. but new studies show that with inflation on the rise you can still eat that if you get it it off the floor in 10 seconds and drink plenty of beer with it and still be safe. :thumbsup:
Unless you have a dog, usually they win!!
Just ordered a new pair of prescription reading glasses for the ones that disappeared today
and need to order a replacement repop 'Barlow' folder for the nicely patina one that disappeard last month.
My broken glasses (first night on vacation) are getting replaced under warranty. Just the frame. And in a couple months i will get new lenses when the plan allows. $800 for glasses every 2 years.
My broken glasses (first night on vacation) are getting replaced under warranty. Just the frame. And in a couple months i will get new lenses when the plan allows. $800 for glasses every 2 years.
Yup. Love the warranty.
Sat on mine a year after purchase and they replaced lens and frame.
Now my glasses are a year old again. Scratched but usable. But warranty has expired. Lol
My broken glasses (first night on vacation) are getting replaced under warranty. Just the frame. And in a couple months i will get new lenses when the plan allows. $800 for glasses every 2 years.
Ouch. Nothing cheap about good glasses.
My solution to the big $$ was a pair of cheap prescription glasses bought on-line.
They're decent - better than just plain mangifying readers, but if I scratch or lose them (and I think I lost them today) I'm only out about $50. In this case $70 'cause I paid the premium for two day delivery.
My problem is I leave them in the shirt pocket and sometimes they fall out or fly out from t-shirt pockets.
I burnt my beard today. Lost about 6". Lost another couple trimming it up to get rid of the melted parts. What a stink face today.
Wife is a bit twitchy because I look way different now. Lol

Think there is a 3 second rule on picking things up off the floor and still being able to eat them with no side affects. but new studies show that with inflation on the rise you can still eat that if you get it it off the floor in 10 seconds and drink plenty of beer with it and still be safe. :thumbsup:
You were reading my mind :lol:
I remember going into Germany the first time on orders for a short exercise. At the airport our group of four got two rental cars. I asked what my choices were, and the lady responded BMW or Mercedes. I replied oh no we're on a per diem and those cars are out of our allowance range. She laughed and said no these are like your Fords and Chevy's. Ok then one of each. We raced all the way down the Autobahn.

I still recall my first trip to Germany, a short exercise with a group of four. At the airport, we were handed two rental cars. Curious, I inquired about our options, and the lady at the counter mentioned BMW or Mercedes. Jokingly, I expressed concern about our per diem budget. She chuckled and explained they were comparable to Fords and Chevys. So, we ended up with one of each. The memory that stands out the most is our high-speed race down the Autobahn, which was an exhilarating experience. Speaking of experiences, I stumbled upon an interesting article about esports on this site It's cool how gaming and real-life adventures can intertwine in unexpected ways!
Hahaha, and how did they feel? And what model was it?
Morning Moparians. Going to see what the hurricane brings us a little rain and wind is what they’re telling us. We are even close but still within the tropical storm warning. Guess if you include the whole state you’re FEMA covered??
I don’t think it will be much where we are. I’ve asked the locals and they aren’t concerned with this one.
Neighbor down the road left yesterday. I forget where his winter home is, but he was hit hard last season. Been waiting a year for a new roof. They were supposed to finally start next week. He told me he is right in the path for this one. Doesn't sound good.
Neighbor down the road left yesterday. I forget where his winter home is, but he was hit hard last season. Been waiting a year for a new roof. They were supposed to finally start next week. He told me he is right in the path for this one. Doesn't sound good.
The last one hit Ft Meyers area a year or so ago. It’s a 100 miles or so south of Tampa. Even thought Ft Meyers is expecting a 3-5 foot storm surge. Learning a lot about the powers of a hurricane. Daughter and grand kids are in Panama City west of the storm. She said yesterday as it’s predicated now they’re ok.