Stop in for a cup of coffee



She is a lot like Harleyt in many ways. Pretty funny the other day Taz J's dog from across the street came down with another ball for Harley. Let Lexi out Taz ran like a bat out of hell like she saw Harleys ghost! Pretty funny. They did play yesterday for a bit though.
Not a heck of alot with a stock module except that if it fails any parts store will have a module. It does seem to have a hotter sharper spark if that makes sense.
Good Morning All! Worked 2.5 hours "over" yesterday (actually was an early start), not charging it, regulating this a.m. Boss is good with it when it makes sense as long as I work my 10 hours every day.
Managed to get onto the first local ferry, glad I picked that cause don't know what would have happened at other ferry.