Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dinner was good... dishes and then to bed

I had to do CPR on my wife when she had cancer and all 8 of my kids was there watching. If I was alone with her I would have let her die as that's what she wanted but the kids didn't understand. One of those times being an EMT when you wish you didn't know how to do CPR.
Sorry to hear that Fred. I can’t imagine the pain you must feel. Prayers my friend
I lost my infant son so I had to find another reason to go only child...
FYI: you’ve taught the next generation a thing or three… if you count me as that anyway. Oh and my son haha Ive not told him yet that we’re tagging along with you. He affectionately refers to you as the “funny man” and when we talk cars, he always brings up Carlisle even though he was just 3. Speaks to the positive impression you had there to my friend.
OK, hockey kids

Thoughts here?
Utah expansion team name is down to 4

Outlaws and

Blizzard is too much like the Avalanche

Outlaws, in Utah??? Errrr.... No

Mammoth.... slow and extinct

Yeti... other than trademark challenges... I think that could be fun, but Utah isn't known for Squatch sightings.

@Sublime one
If Outlaw is an option I will always land there! They will probably go with Mammoths!
My body clock is obviously still off. Woke up about 1:30 a.m. hungry. Went in the kitchen to cook a hamburger with bacon and swiss. Was out of bread so I use some Texas toast that I had to bake in the oven. Right after the oven heats up, the smoke alarm went off in the kitchen. The oven is filthy inside and obviously somebody spilled something inside of it In my absence. I keep finding one thing after another and not right here. Sorry don't mean to rant again.....
I am up also somehow. I have never had luck with people house sitting. Hawaii is a good one went to San Antonio for 8 months, they made it so Marilyn and the kids were on the ""Move"" Had a friend house sit the dogs and he needed a place for a bit. Come back one dog is knocked up and had 7 pups, house was so infested with fleas etc That I was not bringing the kids in there, They guy I bought the house that we moved onto our land was like a dad to me he and his wife took the kids Danny was 9 months then, for us to clean the house. Took two days! Never again.
This stuff is getting pretty deep.
I will add some more. Dad was a drunk, died when i was 19. I was a mis-directed youth and priorities were drinking and partying. I learned how to fix things myself mostly being broke and out of necessity. Mom hooked up with a colossal asshole that robbed her blind, and i was the smartass kid that saw through his bullshit. When she said she wanted to move to BC i thought it was a good idea. That was 85/86 and i never really had much to do with my siblings. Not many people to look up to in my life. Then i met a few of the old timers, farmers, loggers and contractors, really learned a lot about respect and sharing what you know.
Those people are all gone now, and my friends and i somehow are now the ones filling those shoes. But the young-uns are different now.
Its a lot easier to learn things now than it was 30 years ago.
Good may be a good morning I put a jacket on because it was cool in the house. And guess what? I found $18 in the pocket