Stranger Slaps Baby



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Aurora, IN
I hope no one has posted this video yet.

<div><iframe height="339" width="425" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><p style="font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;">Visit for <a style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;" href="

Any thoughts????
the annoucer guy got it right... The old man was lucky the father was not there. As the father of a 2 month old daughter, if someone ever raises a hand to my girl they better be prepared to raise it to me, in self defense.
Yea seen it. So sad and such a commentary on the old school way of raising kids....smack the $hiz out of them if they have an opinion....I'm sure he'll get his A$$ slapped around in jail real soon.

What a corn-holer!

I hope no one has posted this video yet.

<div><iframe height="339" width="425" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><p style="font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;">Visit for <a style="text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px; color:#5799DB !important;" href="

Any thoughts????

Thoughts??? I thought he was lucky to live long enough to be arrested. He wouldn't have it had been my kid.
So sad and such a commentary on the old school way of raising kids....smack the $hiz out of them if they have an opinion

So a 2yr old screaming is expressing some kind of opinion?
I want to beat his *** already! If that was my boy someone would be going to jail and someone would be getting buried
That story has been on our local news. I agree the man lacks self control and needs theropy and/or medication. Neither him nor the ill behaved child should have been out in a public place.
Similar incidents have occured in more confined enviroments like planes and trains. Why niether of these parties had sense enough to just walk out of the store is beyond me.
I've been in restaurants where parents will allow their kids to run around, scream, yell, throw food, climb under and over everything while they talk on their cell phones. I guess since it doesn't take a village anymore to raise a child, this is considered acceptable behavior.
I've been in restaurants where parents will allow their kids to run around, scream, yell, throw food, climb under and over everything while they talk on their cell phones. I guess since it doesn't take a village anymore to raise a child, this is considered acceptable behavior.

So you've met my sister. :toothy10:

I blame the parent here also(not saying this jerk was right).
I have raised 4 kids WITHOUT the but whippings I got and none of them acted out in public the way I see it happening today.
When one would start to act up I would take thier hand and leave the establishment out of respect for other people. Especially a restaurant.
When they settled down we would go back in. I was complimented many time's on this.
If parent's let there kid's do this in store's, just imagine what happens at home.:angry7:
The old man would have had to be picked up off the floor by paramedics if he laid a hand on my granddaughter, try that on a lion cub or eagle they would have dun the same, It's all over thr news here to
So sad and such a commentary on the old school way of raising kids....smack the $hiz out of them if they have an opinion

So a 2yr old screaming is expressing some kind of opinion? I'm hungry, tired, crapped my pants, scared to death of that crazy old man that is approaching us....verbal opinions in a language you cannot understand.

You don't think babies have opinions?

You must not have any or never paid attention to them...
So you've met my sister. :toothy10:

I blame the parent here also(not saying this jerk was right).
I have raised 4 kids WITHOUT the but whippings I got and none of them acted out in public the way I see it happening today.
When one would start to act up I would take thier hand and leave the establishment out of respect for other people. Especially a restaurant.
When they settled down we would go back in. I was complimented many time's on this.
If parent's let there kid's do this in store's, just imagine what happens at home.:angry7:

thats exactly what my parents did as well and we got the message real quick.
thats exactly what my parents did as well and we got the message real quick.

I remember walking through the store and if I even touched something my step dad would rap me in the back of the head with his keys that were around his fingers like brass knuckles. :angry7: I learned real quick.
But now parents are their childrens best friends, and best friend wouldn't do that to each other. My parents (and my best friends parents) had no problem letting me know when we did something wrong.
Thats not right at all. If that was my kid that old man would of been sorry he ever seen the light of day.

On another not I hate people who let there kid sit there screming there branes out and do nothing about it. They just keep shoping like nothing is wrong. Not saying it is ok for some one to come up and hit the kid though. It should not be needed as the parents should be more courteous to others and take care of there kid or leave the store till the kid is taken care of and not crying any more.
Either one of my parents would snatch me up by my arm and take me out to the car to bust my but if I acted out . It didn't take long for me to learn either . My daughter (who will be 2 in oct) hasn't caused us any problems so far , but either way I would go off on someone if they tried to slap her . Its like I said in the other thread on this subject . That man wouldn't be lucky enough to just go to jail . It would be a 50/50 chance between the ambulance or the corriner .
Thats not right at all. If that was my kid that old man would of been sorry he ever seen the light of day.

On another not I hate people who let there kid sit there screming there branes out and do nothing about it. They just keep shoping like nothing is wrong. Not saying it is ok for some one to come up and hit the kid though. It should not be needed as the parents should be more courteous to others and take care of there kid or leave the store till the kid is taken care of and not crying any more.

OK, so you say you hate screaming kids in public (obviously so does he) so he reached his breaking point and obviously the parent will not do anything (probably never has her whole life) what would you do in the same situation?
Become confrontational with the parent? Walk away and/or leave the store? (which is the same as doing nothing which translates to "I won't intervene so I'm condoning the behavior") I'm not saying what he did was right but I do see where he is coming from and i think that is what is wrong here in this topic, we can place blame but we don't come up with a solution.
Kids scream for a reason...I know I have 3.

When they do in public it's your responsibility to take them outside to call them your boss doing it behind closed doors.

That way you get your point across and they do not get negative attention that they may desire? Why I do not know to this day. I have 3 they are all OK......when they were 2 and did act up I or my Wife would simply take them out of the environment and find out what was wrong.

List in order.
1. about having a tooth pulled without gas only it takes 3 weeks not 3 seconds.
2. Hungry...nothing says I'm pissed off like an empty stomach on a baby.
3. Thirsty...same as hungry unless they are still on the bottle/titty.
4. Pissed myself.....go ahead and piss yourself right now..I DARE YOU.
Piss can burn like bad gas on your fine skin so go figure.
5. Shizzled myself...same as pissing yourself but it smells REAL BAD!!!!
6-10 are related to a number or combination of things as listed above with hold me as a tight #6.

C'mon guys are you really that old? You can't remember what it was like?

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH....oh no I typed to long and my Flowmax just kicked in.

OK, so you say you hate screaming kids in public (obviously so does he) so he reached his breaking point and obviously the parent will not do anything (probably never has her whole life) what would you do in the same situation?
Become confrontational with the parent? Walk away and/or leave the store? (which is the same as doing nothing which translates to "I won't intervene so I'm condoning the behavior") I'm not saying what he did was right but I do see where he is coming from and i think that is what is wrong here in this topic, we can place blame but we don't come up with a solution.

Laws are in place to protect the children but the people overseeing that is the HRS and they are a joke.
But yet we can put a 5 million dollar treadmill into space. :angry7:
The problem is that anybody can have a baby no matter thier mental capability, or financial status. Just look at "Octomooch"
Thoughts??? I thought he was lucky to live long enough to be arrested. He wouldn't have it had been my kid.

I got to look up in my state (SC) wither it would been ok if someone with a concealed weapon shot his *** would they go to jail?

You wouldn't know would you SCredneck?
I work with young children every day. We use to be able to put the child in time out at school but now according to licensing requirements we are not allowed to do so. Now basically the children get to do whatever they want and do positive redirection and conflict resolution. They have to come up with their own solution to the problem no matter how severe it is. Many parents are afraid to discipline their children because they are worried CPS will be called and the child will be taken away. I am not defending that man for what he did because it was totally wrong and I would have given him a swift kick to the **** if he would have touched my boy. I just think discipline has changed so much over the years and that is why some children act the way they do.
hey is WAL-MART the place to beat kids or what the walmart near me had just moved into a new building and i went there to do a little looking around when i ran into my sister (oh yes just alittle note i am 63 years old) well while standing there chatting with my sister a man (wll i wouldn't call him a man) was walking with his daughter who was maybe 6 or 7 he pointed for the girl to make a left well she did right in front of him he tripped a little didn't fall well he reached back and punched the girl with a closed fist she fell to the floor in tears this guys was maybe in his 30's i couldn't control myself i jumped in his face and grabed him by the throat luckly one of the store reant a cops watched what happened and came to my help lol this guy would have killed me they called the cops a police woman was called in she took the kid and 4 other cops took the guy i wish i would have been younger i would have made him feel like he made the kid feel
hey is WAL-MART the place to beat kids or what the walmart near me had just moved into a new building and i went there to do a little looking around when i ran into my sister (oh yes just alittle note i am 63 years old) well while standing there chatting with my sister a man (wll i wouldn't call him a man) was walking with his daughter who was maybe 6 or 7 he pointed for the girl to make a left well she did right in front of him he tripped a little didn't fall well he reached back and punched the girl with a closed fist she fell to the floor in tears this guys was maybe in his 30's i couldn't control myself i jumped in his face and grabed him by the throat luckly one of the store reant a cops watched what happened and came to my help lol this guy would have killed me they called the cops a police woman was called in she took the kid and 4 other cops took the guy i wish i would have been younger i would have made him feel like he made the kid feel

My son use to work at WM. He told me one time they had to call the police because someone hit their child in the store.