Taxpayers, go F yourself, basically.

I will use this thread for my rant..... Am I alone in thinking that the gov. is fixing the wrong problem here ?????? I really don't see how this lending issue is my problem..... What I do feel is my problem and everyone else's problem is the high fuel prices...... Why don't they get this fired up over that.....
OMG! You mean the Goverment is screwing us and my wallet at the same time!?!?!?!?

NO WAY!!!!!!!

What else is new????????
I hate it as much as you guys do, but they have to do something to get all of the bad debt off the books of these major players or our economy is going to come to a halt.........

If that happens, it will only be a month or so before our supply chains are upset......if you think gas prices are sky high now, you DON'T want to see them if they don't cover this bad debt..........

It's the lesser of 2 evils..........Widespread anarchy and chaos is the joke.

Believe what you won't matter what you believed when it all comes crashing down. It already HAPPENED when my Mom was young........the stage is set for it to happen again.

This is a "perfect storm" approaching.........Our coastal refineries have drastically cut production due to Hurricane Ike, our gasoline supplies are running out already in the southeast, our lending institutions have all but frozen new lending (especially to the corporate sector and small business, and for homes), and our major investment banks and insurance carriers are beginning to fall like dominoes, while our 401K's and retirement funds backed by the stock market are being wiped will be wiped out, and tax revenues also as a result....hyper inflation is a real possibility.....your dollars won't help in that situation.

This happened in Mexico a while back.......a bank bag full of peso's couldn't buy a stinking slice of bread. It happened here in 29........It can happen again if Congress doesn't get off it's lazy $%# and DO THIS.......If not, it's all coming down in a matter of weeks.

Call me "Pastor Doom" if you want, but someone's gotta blow the %$#$ trumpet..... (and Lord, please pardon my "bleeps").

If you guys believe in prayer, now is the time.
Instead of sending out rebate checks that no one earned the government should have sent everyone a case of KY Jelly. That would have been more useful.
I will use this thread for my rant..... Am I alone in thinking that the gov. is fixing the wrong problem here ?????? I really don't see how this lending issue is my problem..... What I do feel is my problem and everyone else's problem is the high fuel prices...... Why don't they get this fired up over that.....
They definitely need to do something about fuel prices but if they allow Fannie and Freddie to fail the fuel price problem will seem like nothing. Every major lender and almost every small one is holding Fannie and Freddie paper and if they fail you will see bank failures on a scale not seen since the depression. The economy would be devastated on a scale no one who was not alive during the depression can imagine. Unfortunatly, leaving the people holding the bag AGAIN in order to save Fannie and Freddie is definitely the top priority right now. Just wait and see what happens to the markets if this is still in doubt when they open on Monday.
Time to join your local militia ... it's not going to get any better. People will be trying to tear down your doors to get what you have with you standing there in your own house. Are you ready?
They definitely need to do something about fuel prices but if they allow Fannie and Freddie to fail the fuel price problem will seem like nothing. Every major lender and almost every small one is holding Fannie and Freddie paper and if they fail you will see bank failures on a scale not seen since the depression. The economy would be devastated on a scale no one who was not alive during the depression can imagine. Unfortunatly, leaving the people holding the bag AGAIN in order to save Fannie and Freddie is definitely the top priority right now. Just wait and see what happens to the markets if this is still in doubt when they open on Monday.

I agree that yes we do need to fix Fannie And Freddie.... But I really think this whole problem started as soon as the gas prices started going up..... I think these folks that are overextended on their mortgages could probably be OK if that didn't have to put that little extra money in their tank, groceries,goods etc...

This is a real serious and scary situation !!!!!
Fan and Fred also gave millions to "community organizer" groups, such as ACORN. Does ACORN ring a bell? It should. They have had a number of members and chapters indicted and convicted for voter fraud in 12 states and are under investigation in more. Guess who worked for ACORN? Barak Hussein Obama, that's who.
Scary stuff for sure.

Who will be held accountable? No one of course.

It really kills me that these big dogs in companies and govt make the bad decisions that the rest pay for and NEVER get barbed.
Time to join your local militia ... it's not going to get any better. People will be trying to tear down your doors to get what you have with you standing there in your own house. Are you ready?

There has always been a particular life lesson I hold close. My Grandfather (greatest and bravest man I ever knew) and the Boy Scouts have taught me BE PREPARED.
I didnt barrow any money from these banks. Why am I stuck paying the bill ? I can hardly pay my own bills never mind ever one elses.
John McCain's chief financial advisor, if I'm correct, has been paid $15,000 per month by Freddie Mac or Fannie May for years now. Check out Sara Palin's interview with Katie Couric. She was asked to give specific examples of McCains leadership and responded " I'll get them to you". WHAT?????????????? I think this bailout is simply for the crooks on wall street and in Washington to get their money now and when the bailout fails, as planned, they can convert the US dollar to the Amero and they will still be rich.This country has been in Hell and now it's really starting to burn!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree that yes we do need to fix Fannie And Freddie.... But I really think this whole problem started as soon as the gas prices started going up..... I think these folks that are overextended on their mortgages could probably be OK if that didn't have to put that little extra money in their tank, groceries,goods etc...

This is a real serious and scary situation !!!!!
Not really, this problem has been brewing for years. McCain co-sponsored a bill 3 years ago that could have headed this off but the democrats blocked it. Bush was warned about it as soon as he took office but his attempts to reform the oversight were blocked by the democrats too.
John McCain's chief financial advisor, if I'm correct, has been paid $15,000 per month by Freddie Mac or Fannie May for years now. Check out Sara Palin's interview with Katie Couric. She was asked to give specific examples of McCains leadership and responded " I'll get them to you". WHAT?????????????? I think this bailout is simply for the crooks on wall street and in Washington to get their money now and when the bailout fails, as planned, they can convert the US dollar to the Amero and they will still be rich.This country has been in Hell and now it's really starting to burn!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, he was paid by them when he was the head of the Homeownership Alliance, which was a lobbyist group. The NYT, who never reported on Obama's connections until now of course, is trying to paint this as a connection to McCain just in case he ran for President again. Well, it obviously didn't work since McCain led the charge to reform Fannie and Freddie. The NYT also makes excuses for Obama's ties to Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, who were in control of Fannie, Freddie, and/or Lehman while all of the cooking of books was happening. They walked away with tens of millions (90 million over three years for Raines) and left us holding the bag.

Bring it on sucka's.

Well it's true.

I like the Boy Scout saying "Be Prepared!" While people are crying "Why is my house on fire and everything been stolen?" "Where is the law.. why aren't they here helping me?" I'll be standing there with gun in hand protecting what's mine. Most folks want live long enough to see it happen but I'm 38 yrs old so I just might have to endure it.
There has always been a particular life lesson I hold close. My Grandfather (greatest and bravest man I ever knew) and the Boy Scouts have taught me BE PREPARED.

Well me and you thank a like! I swear when I posted above I did not read this first! LOL!
I was in the Boy Scouts when I was growing up.
I'm grabbin my gun and heading for the mountains to live off the land instead of the land livin off of me.
Well it's true.

I like the Boy Scout saying "Be Prepared!" While people are crying "Why is my house on fire and everything been stolen?" "Where is the law.. why aren't they here helping me?" I'll be standing there with gun in hand protecting what's mine. Most folks want live long enough to see it happen but I'm 38 yrs old so I just might have to endure it.
Let's see, 2 AKMs, several other rifles and pistols, a shotgun, thousands of rounds of ammo, night vision, body armor, a reserve supply of food and water, generator, plenty of seeds for the garden, radios, lights, I think I am ready.
This a legit FAQ on a militia site.

Q: That may be the way things once were, back when this country was founded and during the frontier era, but does the concept of the Militia have any relevance for today?

A: As much as it ever did. This country still faces threats from foreign enemies. Maybe not invasions on the ground from a foreign army, but terrorists, guerrillas, and criminal gangs, either foreign or domestic, are a growing threat. Urban riots are always possible, and looters are a potential threat following natural or manmade disasters. The police can't be everywhere, and rising crime means that everyone must be prepared to act on his own or in cooperation with other citizens to enforce the laws until the professionals can assume control of the situation. Everyone must also be prepared to perform emergency services until emergency professionals can take over, sometimes under circumstances in which they must also be prepared to use armed force.