Thank you all

Only a drummer can stay after something as long as you have here! I don't know where to start with the list of goofyness so lets just say thanks for being you Mike and looking forward to another 14,000!
Oop's wrong member spaz, Know who was it that took the time to resize there frame connectors
It may have been thinking Pettybluedart working on his 66 Dart :read2: My brain fart :-D

LOL, well you have 19,000 posts to go through to find it, ha, ha.:read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::read2::tard:
19,000 posts! Awsome!:cheers::cheers:
Thank you for all your good advice here Bud :cheers: I have got to make it to one of your parties some time :happy10:
I still remember the first time we talked on the phone, musta been on their with ya for over an hour, can't wait to sit down with you at the tiki hut and have a cold one.
I remember that day Wag's :cheers:
If I ever make a trip I will hold ya to that cold one in your cool tiki hut :cheers:
My little bar got hurt during the ice storm but I still step out there to enjoy a cold one :-D Thank you for the engineering work you dun to get dual's on my low deck 170/ Brother :cheers:

Only 19,000?
You are slipping Memike.
Congrats bud, and you are the most entertaining poster here! I always enjoy your comments and pics.
We should start a pool for when you reach 20,000.
My guess is for November 15th the way you are going.
Any takers?
All proceeds go to Memike's Victoria fund or a charity of his choice!
Mike I think we all owe you a big thank you. Reason: As it was stated before you have a little something special about ya. And believe it or not it tends to bring the best outta people. I have to be honest when the time came that everyone pooled money and made Victoria happen for you, I was truley taken back by the generosity of people and it helped me realize that there are still plenty of absolutly, genuinely, nice people still.
It kinda gave a renewed sence of hope!
So... NO, Mike, thank you!
:drinkers: Memike, if there's ever (another) good reason to drink a toast to you, this is it!

Always look forward to keeping up with what's happening in your corner of the world, and always appreciate your good words to all that are on here.

what can I say that hasnt been said? Your Awesome and stick around!!
It's been a pleasure getting to know you through this site, maybe one day we'll meet in person, you should do a FABO tour :-D
Damn Mike, it doesn't seem like so long ago that I welcomed you to FABO. :clock:
19,000 posts... :munky2: You have been busy bud. :toothy10: Hope you're here for at least another 20,000 posts. :cheers:

Have a great day Mikey.
It sure don't seem that long ago does it Sid
Thank you for all your help and friend ship I have needed here and in every walk in life, You are an ace in a deck of cards :happy10:

:angry7: I don't know how many times I told that black Lab to quit talking to strangers. Maybe she's been reading your posts on FABO Mike, then you wouldn't technically be a stranger and she could talk to you. :toothy10:
She sure woke me up when I herd the words ARE YOU MEMIKE LOOKING FOR SID"S HOUSE 8)8) I forgot all about that till this thread was started :clock: Ya know I have to do this for ya :bootysha: hehehehehe!! Thank you my Canadian friend :happy10:
Mike, this place just wouldn't be the same without our "Pappy on the Hill". You're like our guru. You have quite the following on here.

And you were the first person to share a :drinkers: with me!

And my reply.

To this day we're still knockin' back a few. Wish we could do it on the Hill for real sometime. :drinkers: That would be nice, really nice. Then after we'd go listen to Zach Williams and The Reformation play live in town. I got a few YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaa 's to let out after I've had a few.

It's always good to see you on line enjoying a cold one and this site Wylde1 :happy10: And there was many times I was just a little bummed out just looking outside and see you online and it brings my spirits up and I go running to the fridge for a frosted mug and feel like I am enjoying a cold one with a cool friend here, It's like not drinking alone :happy10:
Yep :cheers: You have brightened many day for me here Brother :happy10:
Only a drummer can stay after something as long as you have here! I don't know where to start with the list of goofyness so lets just say thanks for being you Mike and looking forward to another 14,000!
Well let me help ya with one Vic :-D posing in a new pair of top of the line briefs I received as a gift from Grumpuscreature and Xcptshnl1 one day :toothy10: That was a good silly one :-D
and it's 19.000 Vic, But who's keeping count :toothy10:
Thank you Vic, It sure has been a pleasure meeting you at Small Block's and enjoying Monster Mopar Weekend on my first trip there in my life :happy10:
LOL this is an awesome thread memike. I cant remember the first time you sent me a message but i do remember thinking this is one stand up redneck right here LMBO Something that was really crazy and I would have never thought of it was memkie the Disco king. Man I was born in the wrong era. Would have loved to see that.
Out of everyone on the site you are the best memike!!!!:cheers::cheers:
I'm not quiet sure how you can have that many post tho... :read2:

I missed out on the great adventure when Victoria was being planned and all the troubles with the other car. I kick myself in the butt for not hanging out on the site when I took a break from working on cars. Wish I could have been part of that great experience memike. Victoria couldnt have gotten a better or more deserving owner! :-D
Congrats to you Mike. It has been a lot of fun. It would not be the samr around hre with out you. Here is to the next 19,000.
Congrats Mike....feel free to stick around for 100,000 posts and beyond!

You are a heck of a guy, I always enjoy reading your posts. You come off as an all around good guy and I am glad to call you my friend.

It wasnt long ago when I heard that creed was in a band and when I listened to there music I LOVED IT.... I told Mike how much I enjoyed listening to ZWR and he said he would send me one of there CD's.

sure enough The CD showed up in the mail and I have enjoyed listening to it over and over and over again.

Now alot of people may look at it as "just giving someone a cd to listen to, no big deal"

But to me......I have alot easier time remembering points in my life by the songs I was listening to at the time ,almost a moment frozen in time that can be thawed out each and every time you hear that song again and it all comes rushing back.

And I would like to thank Mike for helping me hold on to some good times! (even if he doesnt see how something so small can mean so much).

You are a great person Mike and we are all glad to have you I am sure!!!
Only 19,000?
You are slipping Memike.
Congrats bud, and you are the most entertaining poster here! I always enjoy your comments and pics.
We should start a pool for when you reach 20,000.
My guess is for November 15th the way you are going.
Any takers?
All proceeds go to Memike's Victoria fund or a charity of his choice!
Thank you Dartnut, Victoria is like a wedding band to me, I hope I make everyone proud when she get's closer to completing my 1966 Victorious cruiser that I have been making some changes to :happy10:

Mike I think we all owe you a big thank you. Reason: As it was stated before you have a little something special about ya. And believe it or not it tends to bring the best outta people. I have to be honest when the time came that everyone pooled money and made Victoria happen for you, I was truley taken back by the generosity of people and it helped me realize that there are still plenty of absolutly, genuinely, nice people still.
It kinda gave a renewed sence of hope!
So... NO, Mike, thank you!
I was blown away and the night it all happened I could not keep a dry eye so out side by a tree and a cold beer in the dark on the hill I seen that things sure aren't all bad in the world and nothing like this has ever happened to me.
I found out that few days how hard it is to receive :pale:
It's so much fun and easier to give, But to receive such a great gift was one of the most hart warning and hardest thing for me to deal with till all the words of wisdom came pouring in.
Thank you 4mula, Hope and dreams keep this man happy :happy10:

:drinkers: Memike, if there's ever (another) good reason to drink a toast to you, this is it!

Always look forward to keeping up with what's happening in your corner of the world, and always appreciate your good words to all that are on here.

I agree, It's time to raise a frosted mug to all the great folks here and to you Grant, Let's enjoy life as it come's one day at a time so to the fridge I am going and dig out a frosted mug from the freezer :hello2::drinkers:

what can I say that hasnt been said? Your Awesome and stick around!!
Back at cha needsaresto :happy10:
Thank you for all you have dun for me and the members here my friend :happy10:

It's been a pleasure getting to know you through this site, maybe one day we'll meet in person, you should do a FABO tour :-D
It's been all mine Rob :happy10: The day will come when Victoria and I will make a 4 week tour to meet as many folks here that I can :happy10: It's in my plan's :cheers: The day will be here before we know it Brother :cheers:
LOL this is an awesome thread memike. I cant remember the first time you sent me a message but i do remember thinking this is one stand up redneck right here LMBO Something that was really crazy and I would have never thought of it was memkie the Disco king. Man I was born in the wrong era. Would have loved to see that.
Out of everyone on the site you are the best memike!!!!:cheers::cheers:
I'm not quiet sure how you can have that many post tho... :read2:

I missed out on the great adventure when Victoria was being planned and all the troubles with the other car. I kick myself in the butt for not hanging out on the site when I took a break from working on cars. Wish I could have been part of that great experience memike. Victoria couldnt have gotten a better or more deserving owner! :-D
I think that there was so many great folks here and we had allot going on helping other members and when that happens some days I would get over 75 post a day and then there is the welcome wagon I use to never let a member join with out welcoming them back a couple years ago, I joined and there was 3.000 members I believe and was just learning to use a computer :happy10: and FABO was my first site to join and they made me feel right at home and helped me along with posting pictures and it never stopped. I try and jump in and welcome new members but at one time for over a year and a half I did not miss one :cheers:
memike the disco king!! So you have herd of me :toothy10:
You have been a real pleasure to have here Chuck and I am glad you are hanging around :happy10: Thank you Chuck :-D Your are to cool bud :cheers:

Congrats to you Mike. It has been a lot of fun. It would not be the samr around hre with out you. Here is to the next 19,000.
Thank you Burnt, You are a great tec here and I am always looking forward to your post's and cheers you give to all the members here




:-D:toothy10: Man of many words!! Some times :toothy10:
Congrats Mike....feel free to stick around for 100,000 posts and beyond!

You are a heck of a guy, I always enjoy reading your posts. You come off as an all around good guy and I am glad to call you my friend.

It wasnt long ago when I heard that creed was in a band and when I listened to there music I LOVED IT.... I told Mike how much I enjoyed listening to ZWR and he said he would send me one of there CD's.

sure enough The CD showed up in the mail and I have enjoyed listening to it over and over and over again.

Now alot of people may look at it as "just giving someone a cd to listen to, no big deal"

But to me......I have alot easier time remembering points in my life by the songs I was listening to at the time ,almost a moment frozen in time that can be thawed out each and every time you hear that song again and it all comes rushing back.

And I would like to thank Mike for helping me hold on to some good times! (even if he doesnt see how something so small can mean so much).

You are a great person Mike and we are all glad to have you I am sure!!!
I am so glad that ZWR has some words that can take you back in some of there words Dude, I know there are some great stories being told on that cd and I am glad you are enjoying it, I am so proud that you was one of the members that got one :happy10: I want to thank you for being you Dude
You have been a sharp knife in the drawer for me and others here and I am blest just by reading your post. Creed will be home Sunday :cheers: and I must say thank you to all of you that made me feel better about him being so far away from home. It's the small thing that can make my day Dude and you just made mine. Thank you my friend :happy10:
Damn, I was working and missed this..

Mike, like I said before, you bring something great to this site that is hard to quantify in words. It certainly wouldn't seem to be the same place without you, that's for sure. Here's to your 19K posts and here's to another 20K!!!!

Oddly, long ago I had also dreamt of a talking dog and it too was a black lab (a friend of mine's). Weird, lol.
I can't imagine this site without Mike..... He's an integral part of this family (at least the FUNctional half...) and not seeing another 19,000 posts would be a huge disappointment.

Congrats Amigo....:cheers:

BTW: That was me re-sizing the frame connectors.