The Damn "S" word



Shade Tree Vintage Auto on YouTube
Nov 27, 2007
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Last Friday here in Logan, UT, it was 90 outside. Today at 12:30 PM, there is snow falling on the benches and it is 39. What the #%@&??? I HATE WINTER!!!! Anyone else getting snow?
Are you elevated up from sea level? Thats mighty cold for Oct around here,and no we dont have snow in the Kootenay's yet..Raining steady but not cold .
No snow here,but I wish we would get a little of that cooler weather. 85 today freakin summer everyday here hate it. don't get me started wanna trade.
Went down I-80 in PA. and there were a couple of spots higher up where there was...uh...well you know.
68 here in SoCal today. Drops down to low 50s at night. We had an unseasonably cold storm come through here the past couple of days with rain down here but snow in the upper local mountains above 8000'.
Been here in SoCal all my life and we very rarely get any snow in the local mountains this early.
68 here in SoCal today. Drops down to low 50s at night. We had an unseasonably cold storm come through here the past couple of days with rain down here but snow in the upper local mountains above 8000'.
Been here in SoCal all my life and we very rarely get any snow in the local mountains this early.
Must be "Global Warming"
Lots of rain here, I'm horrified if snow hits before november... Don't got the $$$ for studs yet.... and driving in montana without studs is suicide.
Last Friday here in Logan, UT, it was 90 outside. Today at 12:30 PM, there is snow falling on the benches and it is 39. What the #%@&??? I HATE WINTER!!!! Anyone else getting snow?

I hate the friggin heat !!We had a cold snap ONE evening,it got down to 58*,now that's what I'm talkin about !!!
live in NW pa. there was snow on the ground last week about 50 miles from me....saw this on the news. We made it to 39 with that cold snap but I live in town, nice warm up now high 70's for the next week, maybe 40's at night
I live in the san fran bay area and we had about 3 days of hot wheather then all of a sudden since last sunday this cold storm just blew in and its been wet for days. what the hells goin on.
I live at about 5,200 feet.
Supposed to be 38 for a low tonight.