Think i got Screwed



I'm a pretty big deal
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Laquey missouri
I recenty bought a 1995 Eagle talon to fix up and i didn't notice that there was two names on the title but only one of the person's signed it. I called him and he said the other title name (his brother) is in the army and over seas. And he told me to just sign it. What should i do?
I recenty bought a 1995 Eagle talon to fix up and i didn't notice that there was two names on the title but only one of the person's signed it. I called him and he said the other title name (his brother) is in the army and over seas. And he told me to just sign it. What should i do?

If this guy is asking you to sign the other owners name that's a crime. I would ask him to return your money until the other signature is obtained from the other owner. Since you can't title it with one signature, he owes you your money back.
I recenty bought a 1995 Eagle talon to fix up and i didn't notice that there was two names on the title but only one of the person's signed it. I called him and he said the other title name (his brother) is in the army and over seas. And he told me to just sign it. What should i do?

Think you better tell him to get his brother to sign it or give your money back. I wouldn't be signing anybodys name for them.
I don't know how much you paid but try small claims court. A judge will surely undo this sale because it was never completed. You can't title the car so he owes you your money back. The sad part about this is that you will be granted a judgment and this scumbag will never pay you.
Not sure I would pressure him to get his brother to sign off. There has to be a way unless the brother doesn't know in that case small claims court may be an option.

Your sure the title doesnt say "OR" between the two names on title
Sign that **** ASAP with a different pen and act like nothing ever happened. And then forget about it and move on, don't let your concience get to you its no big deal. Posession is 9/10ths of the law.

Bad Shrimp

edit: I'm not pro-crime, but it is what it is. From what you previously said your not going to get your money back. And I personally would not feel like launching a civil suit when I could sign the title and be done with it. Not a cool situation, but you have an easy way out and a hard way out.
Sign that **** ASAP with a different pen and act like nothing ever happened. And then forget out it and move on, don't let your concience get to you its no big deal. Posession is 9/10ths of the law.

Bad Shrimp

nope not listening to not going to jail it said stephen AND Brandon.

He said have fun i'll see you in court....over a measley $900. I'm only 18 and that money has been saved up for over a year and this goes to show i can't trust anyone.
Just went through small claims with a renter. It takes about 8 trips to courthouse with filings and sitting in front of the judge. While this is going on (6 months) collect the papers and info to garnish wages. Then pay a lawyer $1100 to get it done; a loss, but better than total loss.
I'm not trying to convince you to break the law......well maybe I am. Its just what I would do. I've been around the block 1 or 2 times and i've found that certain things in life are important and certain things arent. I think sometimes my opinions are shared by many, but I just voice them out loud.

Such as, If you found a purse with $10,000 in it.......would you keep it or turn it in to the cops? I wont tell you that I would turn it in then keep it..........I'll just tell you straight up that I would keep it. I find that a lot of people would tell you that they would turn it in, but in reality they would keep it.

Here comes another episode of "when keeping it real goes wrong" lol

kk i'm outy,

Bad Shrimp
3 options…….

•Just have someone other than you sign it…… Pay a bum $5. If anything ever comes up just act stupid and that is how you got the title when you bought the car.

•Small claims court. No layers, just tell your story and pay a small fee.

•Eat the loss……. But go park the car someplace where it will rack up a bunch of parking fines that the jack *** will be forced to pay.
Drop the title with the brother keep a copy for yourself and make sure you have a bill of sale from him. Have the brother get it signed! You don't care how he does it and you don't want to know.
titles being signed over are typically notorized....or more specifically, the signature is the dmv ( not the one you're gonna try to pull one over on if it comes to that) and straight up tell them the situation and ask them for advice, surprisingly helpful, and they can even refer you to your states official DMV that can also help.

that being said there should be notary stamp by the guys name that actually signed it, if it's not specifically stamped just on that name, and you could forge the other guys name and the stamp should look like it accounts for both..take it to the title office and be done. if there's no notory stamp, then he legally hasn't even signed it over to you..which case the dmv can again help and advise what to do
bad shrimp is right on the money, dmv is way too busy to be comparing signatures on every car sold. i have gotten titles unsigned before, its no big deal.
have someone sign it, anyone, just make sure they spell the name correctly!
then transfer it into your name and be done with it, there is no need to make this into a bigger deal than it is, the only one who MAY get in trouble, and I stress MAY, because it is not very likely is the brother who sold the car, worse case scenario, you go to court and say "yes he sold me the car for $900" then the judge makes brother "A" pay brother "B" $450 and you keep the car
LISTEN......................................... in some states, even though there is a co-owner on the title, you only have to have one. in nj, for instance, if there is a co-owner, as long as one signs it, then there is no problem.

take it to dmv in your state, and may be the same way.

having a co-owner on the title is not for like having a lein to sell it. that is what a lien is for. so, that said. i say you will have no problem putting it in your name with just the one signature.

just google your state laws, and see what it says

i googled this real quick. but may not be exactly for your needs. you may have to call dmv for exact requirements
I'm frankly AMAZED by the REAL BAD LEGAL advice being given here.

YOU DO NOT KNOW what the brother's attitude is. He may get back from overseas and come a'lookin.

SIGNING THAT NAME IS A CRIME and may be a FELONY. Most places call it forgery

FIRST examine the title wording carefully. In this state you can have "a couple" such as man/ wife, or girl/ boy friend and the title MAY say ---- "XXXX AND YYYY" ---- OR IT MAY SAY ---- "XXXX OR YYYY." ---- If it says OR then you only need the one signature.

THIS IS A POTENTIAL CRIME. You may regret it.

If this is a legit deal, and if you must have the brother's sig, then it should be no big deal to have the title sent to the brother by registered mail, get it SIGNED AND NOTORIZED and returned.