this is how outta touch fiat is....



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Berlin,N.J. 08009
recieved this from chrysler communications on my facebook wall this morning...

do you see a hemi in this picture? lmao..


  • chrysler.JPG
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That is terrible, Destroys my faith in the people running Mopar's PR. All the good people are disappearing. It will only get worse. (my 4 year old knows the diff between a Hemi and a wedge motor by the valve covers because I taught him).
That's what happens when pencil pushing moron/newbies take over.
No !! I do not see one Joe, I see a job opening/or should be.
That is plum crazy of them....
That would be funny if it were not so sad.
Didn't you know that all Max Wedge cars came with Hemis???

I told you about the time that I sat in a powertrain town hall at Chrysler when the Krauts were running it and the Director of Powertrain (Bob Lee) showed a 57 300 picture to show where the style for the new 300 came from... It actually was styled after the 55 C-300 you clueless MF....

They didn't know that there was a difference between a 55 C-300 and a 57 300 C. Duh...
It's my opinion that most of the non-car-people there now are probably holdovers from the Benzo buttmunchers. It really does take time to cycle through personnel.

Ralph Gilles is a true-blue hard-core car guy and I am certain that when he was CEO of Dodge he told his underlings to tell their underlings that people with vehicular passion move to the from of the hire-list. I don't know much about who they replaced him with though...
Wait 'til the 'quality' rates on the new Dart come out...ha,ha,ha-if you think they don't know the history, sh@t, they don't know how to build a durable car. It is FIAT, people!
YOU guys are the idiots. That is the new Fiat "Wedgie" Same thing as a hemi, only different.

EDIT THIS is even better!!! I decided to write 'em a little note, look CAREFULLY at the contact address and the phone number!!!

Also LOOK at the email address. when you COPY it, you do not get the illustrated [email protected]

but rather --- [email protected] which results in a mailer daemon failure!!!

The contact page:

A partial screenshot of the page

You all realize that Fiat doesn't OWN Chrysler, right? They're not in charge... Chrysler is in charge of Chrysler. Fiat owns 55% of Chrysler, the UAW owns the rest. That's how they all work. The Canadian govt owns 12% of GM, the us govt owns 20%, and the UAW owns the rest. Fiat and Chrysler have a partnership. Yes, the head of Fiat is now the head of Chrysler, but he turned Fiat into one of the worlds largest and most successful auto manufacturers, so I fail to see how this is a bad thing. Fiat builds some of the nicer cars in Europe.

Reid Bigland replaced Giles, and he seems to be very passionate about making Dodge a successful company.

And as for everyone bashing the Dart, saying it's "low quality" or "a crap car" NOBODY outside of the press has even sat in one yet. They've had the doors locked at the auto show (being that it's a preproduction model it's not entirely ready yet), they had one at the auto show that the press got to sit in, and as I remember, everyone was quite impressed with the quailty and standard features.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Chrysler was the fastest growing auto company in North America. Yes, the United States, Canada, and even Mexico, and had more awards for quality than any other manufacturer.
I do NOT mean this sarcastically, but what is your point?

Well the title of the thread is "This is how out of touch Fiat is." My whole point was that it wansn't Fiat, or Fiat's influence on Chrysler, but some bonehead in marketing that can't tell the difference between a Hemi and a Wedge. Then I got sidetracked and went off on a tangent that was directed at several different people.
over 50% is a majority is it not?

the dart is a alfa. who is also owned by fiat. saying its gonna possibly get a Hyundai transmission too. i'll stick with the foreign cars already here that are already proven..

but hell that wasn't the point of the thread anyway. the point was that some asswipe from chrysler communications posted picture of a wedge motor and called it a hemi...
over 50% is a majority is it not?

Technically no, you need a 3/4 majority in most countries in order to officially "run" a company. Anything less, and you're just a shareholder. And even then, there's lots of laws regarding what you can, and can not do.
some one needs to check there work before they publish things

Does remind me of the last year autoshow in DETROIT where the new Mustang Gt had the tires mounted backwards on the wheels.......
Technically no, you need a 3/4 majority in most countries in order to officially "run" a company. Anything less, and you're just a shareholder. And even then, there's lots of laws regarding what you can, and can not do.

give it a little more time... its coming.
One real bad aspect of the Chrysler/ Fiat thing, is that it appears that Italy is in as bad/ worse financial shape as the US is.