this is not for the young or those with weak stomachs

Wow! I really doubt the guy even knew what happened.
man that was horrible and i was reading some of the comments made on the site what kind of animals are out there that could make comments lke that its sickening
I'm a licenced Airframe and Powerplant mechanic and that was awful i ain't looking at them again but it don't happen that quick [kinda like lunchmeat in the slicer at the deli only quicker] the thought oh crap i f--ked up did cross his mind trust me,my prayers go out to his family.I have seen a similar thing happen in the Air Force a crew chief was checking out a T38 jet and was sucked in to the intake luckly the intake inlet is only the size of an average *** cheek,it sucked him in and his butt blocked all the incoming air which caused a compressor stall [kind of a backfire in jet engines] he walked away with an industrial hickey and us poking fun at him.
man that was horrible and i was reading some of the comments made on the site what kind of animals are out there that could make comments lke that its sickening

I agree completely. There was a pretty insensitive one here until the mods removed it. THANKS, mods, whoever you were.

There HAVE been guys who got sucked into Navy jets and LIVED, there's one incident involving an A-6, I think. He may be deaf, though.
I agree completely. There was a pretty insensitive one here until the mods removed it. THANKS, mods, whoever you were.

There HAVE been guys who got sucked into Navy jets and LIVED, there's one incident involving an A-6, I think. He may be deaf, though.
I was contacted by the member that posted the comment in question and asked to remove it. I am sorry I removed your comment as well but your comment without the offending one did not make much sense...
I was contacted by the member that posted the comment in question and asked to remove it. I am sorry I removed your comment as well but your comment without the offending one did not make much sense...

Absolutely no problem. Thanks.
That was NASTY!
Do you think there was more left of him that they removed? Or was he totally gone? Did the engine stall? I wonder. Seems like there would have been more mess.
That was NASTY!
Do you think there was more left of him that they removed? Or was he totally gone? Did the engine stall? I wonder. Seems like there would have been more mess.

My opinion based upon my knowledge of jet engines is that the unfortunate mechanic was not compleatly inhailed due to the size of the human body the compressor blades could not withstand the impact of the larger bones [skull,hips ect] without breaking apart causing catastropic falure of the engine and possibly the aircraft [shrapnel damage] i am not gonna look at the photos again but i did not see the compressor blades missing but i could have missed them.
My opinion based upon my knowledge of jet engines is that the unfortunate mechanic was not compleatly inhailed due to the size of the human body the compressor blades could not withstand the impact of the larger bones [skull,hips ect] without breaking apart causing catastropic falure of the engine and possibly the aircraft [shrapnel damage] i am not gonna look at the photos again but i did not see the compressor blades missing but i could have missed them.

There were a good number of blades that were pretty banged up. Every time I fly I look out at the huge engines and imagine what would happen if a person got sucked in... Now I know. Such a terrible mess.
there was a couple of sections of blades missing unfortunately even for as instnt as it lokked thet poor soul probably suffered briefly. my condolences go out to his family i hope they never accidently see those photos on the internet.
In all my years of aircraft work jet engines and propellers always scared the crap out of me i gave them a wide berth,back in the day [computers do it in new aircraft] we had to do engine runups to adjust the fuel control so i [as an engine mechanic] had to be on a large deck held by a forklift in contact with the guy running the engine and some times it would compressor stall, every thing shakes and i just close my eyes and wait for it to come apart scared me every time i did it, but what a rush.