This Is Our Last Chance ...



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
I know over the last couple of years our beloved 7071GTReg Bruce was the beneficiary of several successful fundraising efforts here on FABO. It never came as a surprise to me that people would come out of the woodwork over and over again to help in any manner they could ... Bruce always unselfishly came through for us in many different ways, and it seemed the least we could do to try to help him out when times got tough as his illness progressed.

It's also no secret that we've all lost a very dear friend and colleague this week. There are a couple longstanding, highly viewed threads now filled with condolences and fine personal memories. If ya'll are like me -- overwhelmed with life, busy as all get out, and have limited computer time -- you might not check in on your old subscribed threads that often to see what's happened since your last visit. I learned on FaceBook -- not here on FABO -- that Bruce's family and friends now need assistance with his final costs.

Yes, we've done this before more than once ...

Yes, our past efforts with donations of time, ramp building, a wheel chair, cash (and God only knows what else behind the scenes that we never heard about) greatly helped make Bruce's last few months more comfortable ...

And yes, of course, the economy sucks! We're all broke and struggling with the holidays almost upon us.

Well, this is our very last chance to help Bruce. Let the next few mouse clicks be your first hint of the Christmas spirit this year, and do it with a happy heart ......... because his pain has finally ceased and he's moved on to a better place.

The paypal address for donations / gifts towards Bruce's cremation is:

[email protected]
I just sent a little something for the Family..Thanks..
I didn't send flowers to the funeral or a meat and cheese tray to the visitation but I can help out with a few dollars for expenses. God bless his family and friends. He will be missed. toolmanmike
I will be sending a little something but it takes a few days.
I wish i had some cash to give ! I do have some bed rails that could stand to lose there not the best but there all i have .....
You can count me in for a few bucks. This site is full of great people and i feel its the least i can do. I have a few and i no not all do.....God bless all who knew him and loved him. Thanks for letting me know of the cause.
Thanks guys ... :-D

I got to speak with Brenda, Bruce's sister, for the first time yesterday. Since she's not a member of the site, she asked me to send out a global and very heartfelt Thank You to everyone who's called, sent a text, or otherwise contributed in some way these last few weeks. It's making a difference! "My brother had a LOT of friends!"

Yes he did.
Treva just did this for me Leanna, I still don't know how to do it on my own :eek:ops:
Half of what I sent will be sent in behalf of Dart_Doctor 8)because I know if he could he would.
I am not rich in money :glasses7:
but rich in friends here on the hill and here at FABO :coffee2:
Leanna :glasses7: thank you for being you :glasses7:
and to all the members here that has been blest to have met
and enjoyed our great friend Bruce
Ain't allot of $ but we are strong in numbers, God bless you all
Your Arkansas friends on the hill counting our blessings
as Bruce is resting in a better place
my donation was sent as well as a donation for strokerscamp-rob and dart doc-asa may god bless bruce and his family in there time of need..sd426
Headed over to Paypal to send my donation as well. Bruce will surely rest easier knowing that his friends here still love and support him and would like to give his family something back for all he's done for so many.

Lots of friends...INDEED!!! Geof
....sent a little someting and played a verse of Amazing Grace for our friend in heaven
my donation was sent as well as a donation for strokerscamp-rob and dart doc-asa may god bless bruce and his family in there time of need..sd426

Thank you Bob. You're a class act indeed.
I'm sorry to say that I never had the pleasure of visiting with Bruce. From what you and others say about him, he must have been a stand-up guy. Coming from you, I'll take that at face value and I have sent a small gift to hopefully help ease the family's financial burden.