Thought for today


Mark Wainwright

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 4, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
totally DISAGREE
playing a sport is a privilege not a right
if a player is uncoachable they shouldnt be on the team, period
totally DISAGREE
playing a sport is a privilege not a right
if a player is uncoachable they shouldnt be on the team, period
Comprehensions not your strong point eh ! They're saying let the coach do what needs to be done to teach your kids the life lessons they are supposed to learn from sports ,pushing kids away is the exact opposite of what all the kids are supposed to be learning in a team sport enviroment .
Comprehensions not your strong point eh ! They're saying let the coach do what needs to be done to teach your kids the life lessons they are supposed to learn from sports ,pushing kids away is the exact opposite of what all the kids are supposed to be learning in a team sport enviroment .
And I'm saying, the only kids that should be allowed to play sports in the first place, are those who have allready proven themselves (to be caochable, among others)
and I'm telling you the whole purpose of organized team sports is to teach children how to interact with others and be productive contributing members of a team / society .For this to happens sometimes you need to be hard on the little buggers .
Thats why most team sports have house leagues and seperate travel/ allstar level teams .It's not just about grooming future pro atheletes ,in fact thats a minute part of it all .
They're saying let the coach do what needs to be done to teach your kids the life lessons they are supposed to learn from sports...

That, and stop giving everyone a "Participation Trophy"!
Kids need to learn that not everyone wins. Sometimes you come in second, third, fourth, or even last...and sometimes you don't even make the team.
Work harder next time.
That, and stop giving everyone a "Participation Trophy"!
Kids need to learn that not everyone wins. Sometimes you come in second, third, fourth, or even last...and sometimes you don't even make the team.
Work harder next time.

you remember the cereal boxes right?
didnt matter that you had 3 brothers and 4 sisters, there was only one price in the box
you remember the cereal boxes right?
didnt matter that you had 3 brothers and 4 sisters, there was only one price in the box

I learned early to get to the cereal box first and open from the bottom because that's where the prize was!
totally DISAGREE
playing a sport is a privilege not a right
if a player is uncoachable they shouldnt be on the team, period

Then you agree!! "Being employed" is not a right, either, and if you can't hold a job, then you won't be on the "team" (job)
Speaking of ribbons
I was watching my kids one track day, several decades ago; and I saw the teachers handing out ribbons to the losers. "What is this?" I asked. I about fell off the bench in laughter when it was explained to me; that everyone gets a ribbon.
So, I asked, what then is the incentive to win? The answer; Oh it's not about winning, it's about participating.
Well then, I said; why then aren't all the ribbons the same ugly brown?
We have; gold red,blue,and yellow, but we don't have brown she says.
lol I says.That person sitting next to me, was dumb as a sack of rocks when it comes to reading between the lines.
I wonder where those kids are today? Wait! three of those were mine,lol. Not one of them ever won anything in school; There was no incentive to win, and they figured it out by grade3 or so.
On the home turf, it was a different story.
Comprehensions not your strong point eh ! They're saying let the coach do what needs to be done to teach your kids the life lessons they are supposed to learn from sports ,pushing kids away is the exact opposite of what all the kids are supposed to be learning in a team sport enviroment .
Life should be learned at home , not by coaches or teachers !
Or find something you are good at. Nobody is good at everything.
That, and stop giving everyone a "Participation Trophy"!
Kids need to learn that not everyone wins. Sometimes you come in second, third, fourth, or even last...and sometimes you don't even make the team.
Work harder next time.
Comprehensions not your strong point eh ! They're saying let the coach do what needs to be done to teach your kids the life lessons they are supposed to learn from sports ,pushing kids away is the exact opposite of what all the kids are supposed to be learning in a team sport enviroment .
Damn you mean I coulda got a coach to raise my kids?
My coaches were all excellent teachers that took no **** from any kid ,you think your something your not ? you think your special cause your mommy told you you are ? go run laps , do pushups or bag skate till ya puke then come back to practice with a better attitude kid .
I like it. And yes, let the coach have the power to tell some kid it's just not his forte. Disappointment is one of the biggest, used to be one of the biggest, motivators.
kids that can't play is what house league is all about , let em have fun and get some exercise , and learn to interact in a competitive world because the boss at work isn't handing out participation raises . If your fortunate to have a box lacrosse league nearby go watch Peanut Lacrosse , 7-8 year olds tripping over their jerseys, in my neighbourhood they made us wear full size jerseys that ended up coming down to most kids knees, it's a howl and they love it banging each other like the big boys , none of them can actually play yet but who cares .
I agree they all should get to play. Just not being told how good they are every day. When they really aren't. I wasn't good st sports but I loved to play ball. But at no time was I mislead to believe I was good at something I wasn't. We knew who the superstars were. We were ok with that. And I think we turned out ok???!!!!
The worst thing about kids sports is the parents living their own failed dreams through their kids and 2 minutes into a sports discussion you know who they are .
I think a lot of people are missing the point (as I see it). Just because the sign is on the side of what appears to be a baseball diamond dugout and includes the word "Uncoachable" does not, in my opinion, necessarily mean we are talking about sports. Keep in mind that two magic words in a LOT of businesses today are 'Coach' and 'Team'. Lots of companies nowadays, including the last two I worked for, call their employees Team Members instead of employees and you don't manage them, you coach them. It's just a bunch of business mumbo jumbo if you ask me. As a manager, I was telling people what to do and how to do it. If they screwed up I disciplined them, and if they did well, I praised them. Hmm, kind of like raising kids. So if your kids cannot be effectively 'coached' by a person above them (parent, teacher, boss, etc.), then it makes total sense to me that they will have trouble getting and keeping a job. And sometimes you (parent, teacher, boss, etc.) have to discipline (be tough on) the 'team member' So I am not going to read sports into it at all. Kids who are uncontrollable will likely be unemployable.
I think a lot of people are missing the point (as I see it). Just because the sign is on the side of what appears to be a baseball diamond dugout and includes the word "Uncoachable" does not, in my opinion, necessarily mean we are talking about sports. Keep in mind that two magic words in a LOT of businesses today are 'Coach' and 'Team'. Lots of companies nowadays, including the last two I worked for, call their employees Team Members instead of employees and you don't manage them, you coach them. It's just a bunch of business mumbo jumbo if you ask me. As a manager, I was telling people what to do and how to do it. If they screwed up I disciplined them, and if they did well, I praised them. Hmm, kind of like raising kids. So if your kids cannot be effectively 'coached' by a person above them (parent, teacher, boss, etc.), then it makes total sense to me that they will have trouble getting and keeping a job. And sometimes you (parent, teacher, boss, etc.) have to discipline (be tough on) the 'team member' So I am not going to read sports into it at all. Kids who are uncontrollable will likely be unemployable.
I totally agree with you. This team member crap is just what it is CRAP. Kids need discipline and never mind "Now Johnny, you shouldn't do that". They have to learn life has its consequences and not if you're bad you get a reward regardless. I got my arse tanned several times and it didn't hurt me one bit just my butt. Most of the problem today is both parents are working and kids are basically raised by babysitters who don't dare discipline kids for the fear of getting sued etc. And of course then there are kids that don't have a father figure around to support mothers. These losers jump into bed and have their jollies and once the girl is pregnant they run like hell and don't step up and support what he has created and moves on to the next conquest.. I worked with a guy that wasn't married and had 6 kids and would F*&k a football if he had a chance.