68 Hemi GTS, Funny I slick shifted a 3.09 first 833 myself and ran it for 5 or 6 years till it wore out the clutching teeth and became harder and harder to shift. I sent the gears and cluster to Liberty and had them pro shift 2nd and face plate 3rd and 4th. Seven passes latter 3rd gear let loose and took out the rest of the trans,I think when they weld on the gears they are taking the heat treating out, they said it was because the gears were old and brittle. I bought a freshened Jerico after that from a stock eliminator racer( course it had a Chevy input, so I ordered a Mopar 18 spline input and bearing retainer) and the whole thing cost me just shy of $2500 back in 2011 it's been going strong for over 10 years now.