Thoughts on this porters? Math on velocity, port size etc..



Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
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Thoughts on this porters? Math on velocity, port size etc..

Very, VERY smart dude.
I remember reading on Mach etc.. but never seen anyone put it altogether and seemed right so I was hoping it wasn't just a guy saying B.S. Wish he went into more how to determine the right speed, in another video he goes on how a larger engine needs slower and smaller but higher revving needs faster velocity speeds.
Not posting this as a rebuttal to videos above just the other side of the coin., generally the average dude with a credit card only has less than a handful choices of cylinder heads and not running the optimal cam, cr, gear etc.. the above method is gonna have less bearing on what he's gonna do. Richard shows even though the larger heads aren't a power/torque killer on the dyno but the throttle response/driverability could be a different story.

Only the first 15-20 minutes he goes on about his thoughts on CAS which basically he doesn't worry about it. He focus on the low hanging fruit hp gains, which like most aren't gonna put together a highly dialed in engine. Obviously in a highly competitive race class the above method or similar is the only way, but on a vague engine goal like burn out machine probably not so much.

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I haven't watched them yet but Chad Speier is a wizard for sure.
Just came across his videos, usually watch Eric Weingartner and some from MBE cylinder heads.
I like how he breaks it down with math makes it easier for my brain to comprehend :)