Thread about nothing



It's going to get stupid around here!
FABO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hoppyworld, PA
Ever notice for a simple question there are 10,000 answers? Well here you go a place to vent stupid answers with simple questions. Post some good almost relevant ones!
Here is the first.

How many times do you wrap Teflon tape around a fitting? and clockwise for the northern hemisphere or counter clockwise?
(this should be fun!)
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll Pop
Why did the chicken cross the road.


I know i know I had to go there
Oh, Im sorry, I thought you were asking for my opinion.If you didnt want my opinion, why did you ask? Or is it your opinion that my opinion doesnt have merit? If you know so much about it, how bout you give me your opinion. Then I can counter opinion. What do you think about that? Ill tell you what I think. Stop wasting my time.Go ask Rusty.
One of my favorites: I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you, or some such.
I started reading;"how many licks" and started laughing inside, almost hysterically. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the answer.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood ??
Ever notice for a simple question there are 10,000 answers? Well here you go a place to vent stupid answers with simple questions. Post some good almost relevant ones!
Here is the first.

How many times do you wrap Teflon tape around a fitting? and clockwise for the northern hemisphere or counter clockwise?
(this should be fun!)

Clock wise here Hops :D
But in Australia when you flush the bowl it goes the other way around? Now I am confused!!! LOL
Oh, Im sorry, I thought you were asking for my opinion.If you didnt want my opinion, why did you ask? Or is it your opinion that my opinion doesnt have merit? If you know so much about it, how bout you give me your opinion. Then I can counter opinion. What do you think about that? Ill tell you what I think. Stop wasting my time.Go ask Rusty.
One of my favorites: I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you, or some such.
I started reading;"how many licks" and started laughing inside, almost hysterically. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the answer.

Just because it's legal, doesn't mean that you should put a condom machine in the lobby of a rape crisis center....
Judging from my commute to work this morning.......

It's a good thing planet Earth has gravity...or outer space would be filled with dumbasses.
Oh, Im sorry, I thought you were asking for my opinion.If you didnt want my opinion, why did you ask? Or is it your opinion that my opinion doesnt have merit? If you know so much about it, how bout you give me your opinion. Then I can counter opinion. What do you think about that? Ill tell you what I think. Stop wasting my time.Go ask Rusty.gideonwe doing you better get down
----- One of my favorites: I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you, or some such.
I started reading;"how many licks" and started laughing inside, almost hysterically. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the answer.

Why do people call service techs to their home to fix something then tell us how to fix it?
How much grease should I put on the door hinges?? And what's the best kind?? Should I use white grease, but my car is black so I'm thinking black would be best. But my girlfriend has a very sensitive sense of smell so I'm not sure about the black grease because it smells more than the white. And, I live on the east coast so will the salt they use on the roads eat away any of the grease?

