Tim Tebow

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2011
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I am wondering what are the thoughts about him, if I where a team I would sign him because people would come to the game just to see him, but I guess these people do not understand $$$$$$$$$$ DAHHHH
I could see went he was in college he would never made it in the NFL...aka Not For Long ....
I am wondering what are the thoughts about him, if I where a team I would sign him because people would come to the game just to see him, but I guess these people do not understand $$$$$$$$$$ DAHHHH

He and the broncos made it or near made it to the Super Bowl. He had to be doing something right
I don't follow sports......but I've never liked him. All of his faith stuff is nothing but a big show. A Christian should show humility. You're not very humble when you hit your knees in front of millions of people in a stupid act of showboating. The Bible says pray in a closet.
living here in Colorado , we were inundated with tebow this, that, the other, enough to make people feel like puking. I was glad when the hype finally left. yes he was good... for a minute..... but man it got old fast. I wish him luck wherever he may end up
Like him or not, wherever he has had significant reps in both college & the pros, he has won. He may not win pretty but he wins. I feel he's been slighted so far by the NFL. I'll caveat this with the statement that i don't believe in gods, but I think he's a good role model to kids in comparison to some high profile athletes out there that grab the headlines most often.
There is always the Canadian Football league....or he could hook up with TO in the arean league...
I feel like his football days should have been over in college but it didn't happen that way. My thought as a Christian that a young person that already is confident in himself at that age is way ahead of the game. I feel like everyone has a choice and I will respect that, whats the worse thing that could happen, Me be wrong. Saetun has a good point about being a good role model. After college if that long Pro sports are dead to me, I love high school sports and under........more team play. Peace out
living here in Colorado , we were inundated with tebow this, that, the other, enough to make people feel like puking. I was glad when the hype finally left. yes he was good... for a minute..... but man it got old fast. I wish him luck wherever he may end up
He almost got you to the super bowl and his record was the same as Peyton's. I don't care how you win just so you win. Like I said whereever he would go you would get alot of people to go and see him and that means money .:cheers:
I like him and do not think his religious antics are a put on. I do not believe in wearing your religion on your shirtsleeve but respect him on his desire to show the world his faith. We are all different and he makes football a little more interesting. I predict he will develop into a very good quarterback because of his determination and desire to be the best he can. He just needs to be with a team that wants him and a coach to help refine his skills. So far the two teams he has been with did not really want him or desire to develop him around a system that he would fit in. But if he goes to a team that wants to build an offense around him and fully shows their confidence in his potential I think he will be successful.
He almost got you to the super bowl and his record was the same as Peyton's. I don't care how you win just so you win. Like I said whereever he would go you would get alot of people to go and see him and that means money .:cheers:

he almost took the DENVER BRONCOS to the super bowl LOL , me not so much , in fact , im not even a bronco fan . the news coverage was absolutely ridiculous. at least Peyton is all business , no antics to boost his reputation

LMAO !!!
I think the news coverage was great at least he wasn't afraid to say he was a christian, if you say you are gay it is alright but to say you are christian everybody gets upset, what a stupid world we live in, how sad.:eek:ops::read:
he sure made watchin' the games fun....I'm a fan.
great role model too...unless you want your kids to grow up to be like Tryvon

most of the armchair nay-sayers (not anyone on here ,of course) are not even qualified to wash his jock strap.
I don't follow sports......but I've never liked him. All of his faith stuff is nothing but a big show. A Christian should show humility. You're not very humble when you hit your knees in front of millions of people in a stupid act of showboating. The Bible says pray in a closet.

I guess I missed that page....

Actually it more like those who deny HIM...He (God) will deny.

good luck when it's your turn to stand before Him...and if you do not believe...Oh well??
I don't follow sports......but I've never liked him. All of his faith stuff is nothing but a big show. A Christian should show humility. You're not very humble when you hit your knees in front of millions of people in a stupid act of showboating. The Bible says pray in a closet.
So maybe if your gay you should follow the same standards ???:prayer:
I guess I missed that page....

Actually it more like those who deny HIM...He (God) will deny.

good luck when it's your turn to stand before Him...and if you do not believe...Oh well??

I have very strong faith. I choose to let others know in my own way, just as Tebow does. I happen not to like his display. That's my right. That doesn't mean I deny God. You're pretty presumptuous.
So maybe if your gay you should follow the same standards ???:prayer:

So, I choose not to like Tebow's display and suddenly I've denied God and I'm gay. For both of you to claim to be Christians, you certainly aren't acting like it. I never aimed insults toward either of you. Why caint everybody voice their opinions without being insulted? That was uncalled for. Especially since I am both Christian and UNgay.
I don't follow sports......but I've never liked him. All of his faith stuff is nothing but a big show. A Christian should show humility. You're not very humble when you hit your knees in front of millions of people in a stupid act of showboating. The Bible says pray in a closet.

I love it when the ones that are not....tell the ones that are....with some kind of authority...how to act.

sure...we will get right on it for you

BTW...nice rack on Sarah
I have very strong faith. I choose to let others know in my own way, just as Tebow does. I happen not to like his display. That's my right. That doesn't mean I deny God. You're pretty presumptuous.

You say your faith is strong and yet you have a photo if a nude woman draped in a flag as your pic..... The rest of you trash talking arent any better. this thread is supposed to be football related and has gone of the beaten path in the worst of ways...
Crap like this is why I don't visit the religion section of the forum...
I dont really care what you think of me. Or my faith. That's a private thing between God and myself. Yall are proving yourselves with each additional post. I don't have to say anything.
So, I choose not to like Tebow's display and suddenly I've denied God and I'm gay. For both of you to claim to be Christians, you certainly aren't acting like it. I never aimed insults toward either of you. Why caint everybody voice their opinions without being insulted? That was uncalled for. Especially since I am both Christian and UNgay.

Christian???....then what is your point about praying in the closet?

BTW...you diss a Christian brother and I wish you good luck...think about it
Matthew 6:5-6

"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

That's what I mean.
OK I started this about football and how I think he could benefit a team that in the dumps and has low fan attendance. He is a draw and people would come to the game to see him plain and simple.
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