Tips for staying married



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast, CT
If you have a project car, some Do's and Dont's for staying married (assuming that's what you desire).

1. Her towels never go in the clothes hamper. They have to mysteriously dissapear.
2. It's not advisable to use her vacuum cleaner to pick up anything that smells like car oil.
3. Do remember to put her hair dryer back where you found it.
4. Get your own dish scrubber for cleaning car parts.
5. Painting in the basement during winter months is not cool.
6. If is snows where you live and you only have a one car garage, you're screwed. EOS!
7. Tell her the truth. "I'm going to work on the car for a little bit" really needs to be, "I'm going to be gone for the next 14 hours."
8. If she doesn't care what you paid for that Sharktooth grille, count yourself among the blessed.
9. You really need to have your own IPAD.
10. Don't ever complain about what she pays for gasoline if you get 12 MPG.
11. Learn to read HER tread wear indicators.
12. Don't ever forget her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day or Christmas.
13. If you choose to ignore Rule #12, don't have car parts shipped to the house six weeks before or for six weeks after. Exception: If you are newlyweds, make that six months before or after.
If you have a project car, some Do's and Dont's for staying married (assuming that's what you desire).

1. Her towels never go in the clothes hamper. They have to mysteriously dissapear.
2. It's not advisable to use her vacuum cleaner to pick up anything that smells like car oil.
3. Do remember to put her hair dryer back where you found it.
4. Get your own dish scrubber for cleaning car parts.
5. Painting in the basement during winter months is not cool.
6. If is snows where you live and you only have a one car garage, you're screwed. EOS!
7. Tell her the truth. "I'm going to work on the car for a little bit" really needs to be, "I'm going to be gone for the next 14 hours."
8. If she doesn't care what you paid for that Sharktooth grille, count yourself among the blessed.
9. You really need to have your own IPAD.
10. Don't ever complain about what she pays for gasoline if you get 12 MPG.
11. Learn to read HER tread wear indicators.
12. Don't ever forget her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day or Christmas.
13. If you choose to ignore Rule #12, don't have car parts shipped to the house six weeks before or for six weeks after. Exception: If you are newlyweds, make that six months before or after.

Number 5 makes me laugh bcoz i do that...LMAO

and number 3 gives me chuckle bcoz i keep an old hair dryer in the tool box :cheers:
Some good tips there! I have definately broke most of those at one time or another and somehow, I'm still married.

I think another good tip would be to pick a wife who loves old cars too!
Some good tips there! I have definately broke most of those at one time or another and somehow, I'm still married.

I think another good tip would be to pick a wife who loves old cars too!

There's another thread I the making....Things that make a perfect wife!
If you have a project car, some Do's and Dont's for staying married (assuming that's what you desire).

1. Her towels never go in the clothes hamper. They have to mysteriously dissapear.
2. It's not advisable to use her vacuum cleaner to pick up anything that smells like car oil.
3. Do remember to put her hair dryer back where you found it.
4. Get your own dish scrubber for cleaning car parts.
5. Painting in the basement during winter months is not cool.
6. If is snows where you live and you only have a one car garage, you're screwed. EOS!
7. Tell her the truth. "I'm going to work on the car for a little bit" really needs to be, "I'm going to be gone for the next 14 hours."
8. If she doesn't care what you paid for that Sharktooth grille, count yourself among the blessed.
9. You really need to have your own IPAD.
10. Don't ever complain about what she pays for gasoline if you get 12 MPG.
11. Learn to read HER tread wear indicators.
12. Don't ever forget her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day or Christmas.
13. If you choose to ignore Rule #12, don't have car parts shipped to the house six weeks before or for six weeks after. Exception: If you are newlyweds, make that six months before or after.
#5 got me into hot water last week. Boiling your carb in lemon water doesn't endear you to her either. I will be installing an exhaust fan in my "paint booth" today.
I do a lot of that stuff, Number five mostly. Let me assure you that if my wife wanted something painted, number five wouldn't bother her in the least.LOL
Good words of wisdom, here's one.....

Surprise your wife with giving her $100 cash out of the blue, just to spend and just because. It goes a long way to her ignoring the fact that you just spent $500 on that shiny new carb.
my wife would come out to the garage and ask for me to come in for together time I would tell her hay i am home come out to the garage sit in the chair and we talk why i work on the car truck or jeep. that did not go over well. next time she did that i ask her for a $100 dollars. she wanted to know what the $100 was for. I told her i was going to the bar. now she sits in the garage and life is good. and she knows what tools i am asking for so i don't have to get up. she gets the tools because it is really hard for me to get up after my back surgery
These are great! I think we all can relate to one or another for sure. :grin:


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I read this to my wife allong with my post and she just giggled
These are great! I think we all can relate to one or another for sure. :grin:

thats a beatiful pic.....any lady that gets mad about that really needs to take a look at whats going on....heck....i would prolly take a bath with that myself to make sure it comes out nice. :goodman:

im just sayin.........its not like its toxic waste so why not give it dunk in there


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I have found that it is best to be honest and remeber to get her roadside flowers on a Wednesday and if it has a teddy bear all the better.Tell her she is special even on days that aren't special days.This has worked for me married 23 years and not one time has she got mad when i missed our anniversary birthday or any other day i should have remembered.

Some good food for thought you posted up for us married men jabdusty57 :coffee2:

After 33 years I have a couple of my own :D

My wife is not a car person but supports my happiness :glasses7:

#14 If you have a small new man cave and she wants to help you decorate it
Let her, then wait 2 days and redo it to suit your own needs , because she will not see it again for many months :cheers:

#15 If she does gift you something for your car take a picture of it and hang it on the wall so you don't forget she bought that part, and you didn't :evil3:
in sight in mind has saved me more then once :grin: don't ask how I know!!

#16 Take the time and expense to surprise her with a new set of Kitchen towels and supplies :coffee2: you know why :D
Some good tips there! I have definately broke most of those at one time or another and somehow, I'm still married.

I think another good tip would be to pick a wife who loves old cars too!

X2!!! Have probably broken every 1 of those at Least once, Especially # 5! Had a vapour barrier paint booth in th basement at 1 time.
#14 never let her see the receipts!

I came home with my brand new moser fabricated housing and axel package with all the bells and whistles. cost $1400. she saw that and all hell broke loose. I worked 60hr weeks for 3 months to get that and i felt justified in spending MY MONEY on what i wanted. saying that didnt go over so well.
Well this is a great post !!! Honesty honesty honesty !!! I find the power of prayer to be one of the biggest factors !!!!! My wife knew all about my cars and passion before we got married, but adjusting to it takes time. What bothered her before makes her laugh at times now !!
She has a 70 bug I rebuilt a 1600 d/p for but I have been slacking and need to finish it maybe a day away from running. I will earn points when it is running again .
The best kept secret is............... She is always right no matter what. :banghead:
But I have a car girl so it all works out in the end, she has washed greasy engine parts in the kitchen sink and bathtub helped rebuild suspensions. Drop a floor jack on her toes several ties and didn't whine,rant, or scream (that is my dept)
Tis better to beg for forgivness than ask for permission. No matter what she says answer with "yes dear"