Too close for comfort on the street.



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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In a tree near you.
Came back from a car show last night minding my own business cruising at 45 mph all by myself on a road heavily patrolled by the local sherriffs.

I noticed a group of cars coming towards me from behind all going much faster than the speed limit, then one car gets into the left lane behind me and speeds up to pass me on the left when all of the sudden some idiot in a small pickup comes right up on my *** and almost kisses my bumper of the cuda and jumps in front of the other guy that is about to pass on the left.

Then the pickup starts easing over into my lane so I punch it and blow past him on the right......, then..........a freaking lamborghini countach comes out of nowhere and blows through the red light where I turned right to get the hell away from all these idiots.

I swear if that dude hit my car I would have chased him down and clubbed the living daylights out of him.

Anybody mess with you like that just because you were driving a classic muscle car?
What the hell is wrong with people?
Oh yea, alot. Very often, a young gun in some jap crap will start talking junk at a light or goose the throttle next to me while I'm driving the Duster or what ever. (All I own is old Mopar iron)

Sometimes I have to pull off the road due to there insistance on racing me.
Sounds like another day on the LIE huh Rob. I once saw a guy drive in to another car, They gave each other the finger and kept going like nothing happened.

Another time when I lived on he Island I was at a stop sign, The guy in front of me started to go, Stopped, Threw it in reverse, backed in to my car then drove off. I looked at my friend and laughed.
Yep! One day I had this guy for nearly 5 min.s talking smack while the Duster was still a 6cylinder. I asked him to pull over so I could explain things to him. He actually pulled over and listened and he and his freinds got a Duster tour and a lesson on what actuallly is and is not a muscle car and why some were and not as well as what a muscle car is, and not just any old car can be one.
A couple boxes of 44 mag shells on the dash stops that in the daytime. And my wife says I just look mean. Stops a lot of people before they start.
Driving home from a show in my Roadrunner convert. Had a guy giving me the thums up and saying how cool my car was. All as he was running me off the road into the ditch. Funny he didn't stick around when I was in the ditch.
wow, some people are just all around rude, i hate tuners, they think they are all that
Sounds like another day on the LIE huh Rob. I once saw a guy drive in to another car, They gave each other the finger and kept going like nothing happened.

Another time when I lived on he Island I was at a stop sign, The guy in front of me started to go, Stopped, Threw it in reverse, backed in to my car then drove off. I looked at my friend and laughed.

LOL... welcome to Long Island. There's stupid people everywhere, and none of them know how to drive.

One day I was driving to work (on the LIE, of course). I see a knucklehead in a Mercedes blow by me the in the left lane, doing 80 or so... reading the newspaper. I watch him to see what sort of trouble he'd get himself into. Not too long after he blew by me he plowed into the back of another car, never even slowed down or hit the brakes. I guess the article he was reading was really interesting...
A couple boxes of 44 mag shells on the dash stops that in the daytime. And my wife says I just look mean. Stops a lot of people before they start.

Yeah, usually I can give the stink eye and they stay away from me, but this was at night and I guess they had nothing better to do than to try to show off.
That's usually how they kill themselves or others.

I guess people are jealous or something because some of those idiots will get right up and almost kiss my bumper at red lights.
Out here you can't avoid 'em. If the illegals ('cuse me, "undocumented aliens") don't hit you & run off, you have people with roaad rage flipping you off and/or tailgating you. And you don't dare do anything as chances are they're armed, so if you're smart you are too, which leads to a REAL bad scene. It's a real challenge as we have some pretty nice roads & damn good weather for cruising so I just plan my trips real well & hope for the best..........
Don't know what it is if its that I never speed (except once 90 mph in a 60 another story) but even when I took my swinger into Toronto on their busiest 4 line highway in rush hour traffic all I do is turn my blinker on and BAM everyone stops and makes a nice open space for me to move over in me and my wife aren't sure if its the respect the car or think i'm some old geezer with massive bumpers (its a 74 with bumperettes) and don't want their cars destroyed either way I like it
Don't know what it is if its that I never speed (except once 90 mph in a 60 another story) but even when I took my swinger into Toronto on their busiest 4 line highway in rush hour traffic all I do is turn my blinker on and BAM everyone stops and makes a nice open space for me to move over in me and my wife aren't sure if its the respect the car or think i'm some old geezer with massive bumpers (its a 74 with bumperettes) and don't want their cars destroyed either way I like it

Most of the time I get respect like you mentioned, but for every 100 good fellow motorists there is always one genetically challenged waste of human tissue behind the wheel.
Went to Lowes, was on access road between lowes and golden coral, slowly driving up to stop sign and getting ready to turn left. I noticed a bunch of cops lights comming towards my inersection but I have not made it up far enough yet to see, no one in front of me but alot of parked cars blocking view of cop cars from lights down. All of a sudden a mini van swirves around the corner and slides into my lane and I start cussing, honking, flashing lights, and a dozen cop cars are right behind the mini van all heading toward me and "Baby". The mini van hard rights, just misses my front drivers corner and stalls next to me. I look in and there's this little boy grinning from ear to ear while I'm cussing him, he restarts and takes off into lowes, 3 cops just missed me and him the same way, 4 others went across my front end and went into the empty lot and across to cut off the van, and a couple more followed (keystone cops style)
While I'm left sittin there still cussin eveyone fromt the kid on up to the president!
I find out later that kid ran away the day before too! The Mom pulled up to the local pre school to take in younger sister and left the previous days runaway in the running van! What a stupid *****!
The kid was 10 years old, hit 2-4 cars before I saw him, missed me laughing at me, hit 3 other cars and 1 motorcycle while cutting through lowes, and finally crashing into a phone pole doing a fast left across 2 lanes of traffic at an intersection. When the cops went up to the vehicle he was ttying to restart again! Thay had to break in to get him out.
Seriously though, It's been 2 months or so and I still want to beat his mom to a bloddy pulp and I don't even know her!!!
Even through all that the kid still respected the Dart! I was the only one he didn't hit!!
A lot of people wave or give me a thumbs up when I am driving my Dart. I get a few people try to race. Mostly primered up 5.0 mustangs and kids in there mommys honda. I just smile and wave.

All though I did get in to it one time with about 20 rice hatchback cars on the 15 freeway while going to the CSDRA car show this year. They were all doing 50 in a 70 zone running 3 wide so know one could get buy them. So I started working my way through the pack of jap crap and got up to the front 3 cars. That is when I saw they were taking pics of each other. Never did think of the freeway as being a good place to do a photo shoot but thats what they were doing. Then they all three jumped on it. One of them got out in front of the other two far enough for me to get around so I put my foot down and flew by them like they were siting still. Went to the car show and had a fun time.
For the most part, response to the mighty Dart is positive. I did have one idiot decide to play chicken. He cut around a stopped car and blew through a 4-way stop at ~50 mph (25 mph residential area). I had no intention of yielding. His crappy Honda would've been destroyed and I'd probably have been replacing one of the gigantic bumper guards. Another fine example of humanity became angry when I changed lanes and caused him to slow down to the speed limit. He veered aggressively toward the mighty Dart a few times while he and his caveman buddy bellowed "You wanna go?!?!". I reached into the Bag O' Considerable Suffering™, wrapped my hand around my trusty 1911 and with a cold stare replied "You wouldn't like the odds, fa**ot". Oddly enough, he didn't follow me down the exit ramp.
Well, not in my Dart yet 'cause it's still being built.
But a few months ago I did have some clown in a BMW convertible pass to the right of my '79 Kawasaki KZ1000ST - between me and the curb!
I pulled up next to him at the next light and was questioning his ancestry when he flips me off, turns left, and heads for the freeway. Wish I'd had "doktor x"s 1911.
For the most part, response to the mighty Dart is positive. I did have one idiot decide to play chicken. He cut around a stopped car and blew through a 4-way stop at ~50 mph (25 mph residential area). I had no intention of yielding. His crappy Honda would've been destroyed and I'd probably have been replacing one of the gigantic bumper guards. Another fine example of humanity became angry when I changed lanes and caused him to slow down to the speed limit. He veered aggressively toward the mighty Dart a few times while he and his caveman buddy bellowed "You wanna go?!?!". I reached into the Bag O' Considerable Suffering™, wrapped my hand around my trusty 1911 and with a cold stare replied "You wouldn't like the odds, fa**ot". Oddly enough, he didn't follow me down the exit ramp.

As many times that I have been tempted to do that, the little voice inside my head always reminds me that just simply brandishing a firearm like that could mean some serious jail time, but yes, the instant gratification would be nice sometimes but it's not worth going to jail while some punk *** walks.
Used to have a customer who Dad and I restified his '70 LeMans convertible who would trade keys with me if he needed a truck. He'd take my Ramcharger, I'd cruise in his bright red LeMans for a few days. Drove it write an estimate on a '70 Cuda, figuring I'd show off my work at the same time. Every idiot and their brother wanted to race me (including one jackass in a bone stock late '80s Ford station wagon), cut me off in traffic, rode my *** to see if they could get me to go faster. It was the last time I drove the car. Too nerve wracking having to put up with that s*** in a customer's car.
A couple boxes of 44 mag shells on the dash stops that in the daytime. And my wife says I just look mean. Stops a lot of people before they start.

I like your thinking. When I read the first post I was thinking the same thing!
As many times that I have been tempted to do that, the little voice inside my head always reminds me that just simply brandishing a firearm like that could mean some serious jail time, but yes, the instant gratification would be nice sometimes but it's not worth going to jail while some punk *** walks.
I stopped short of brandishing, but the dudes seemed to pick up on being close to having their week ruined. :angel5:
Last year me and my dad were in the roadrunner, going to a show, and some idiot in a mustang decided to rev his car at a red light. It was a late 90's style mustang convertible... sounded like any other one that those guys buy and put an exhaust on. Well when the light turned green we were off and had them as soon as we hit 2nd... 1 shift and it was over. We only went until my dad shifted into third anyway. The only reason we did it was because we were the first two cars in line at a long redlight so there was nobody in front of us at all.... plus we were smart about it and stopped in third gear. We got caught by the next light and an SUV went by with a couple people hangin out the windows... they cheered and clapped at us when they went by... my only guess is that they were the car that was behind us at the last light, haha.

Either way, with that said... its the only time that me and my dad have "raced" anyone. People here really arent to bad about that... everyone stays clear of other people. Of course maybe people are smart and have seen our car before.... that could be it. Either way it's not bad here with things like that, thank god. It was just the one time somebody did and our patience was a little thin that day. :-D
Last year me and my dad were in the roadrunner, going to a show, and some idiot in a mustang decided to rev his car at a red light. It was a late 90's style mustang convertible... sounded like any other one that those guys buy and put an exhaust on. Well when the light turned green we were off and had them as soon as we hit 2nd... 1 shift and it was over. We only went until my dad shifted into third anyway. The only reason we did it was because we were the first two cars in line at a long redlight so there was nobody in front of us at all.... plus we were smart about it and stopped in third gear. We got caught by the next light and an SUV went by with a couple people hangin out the windows... they cheered and clapped at us when they went by... my only guess is that they were the car that was behind us at the last light, haha.

Either way, with that said... its the only time that me and my dad have "raced" anyone. People here really arent to bad about that... everyone stays clear of other people. Of course maybe people are smart and have seen our car before.... that could be it. Either way it's not bad here with things like that, thank god. It was just the one time somebody did and our patience was a little thin that day. :-D

Oh man, I've been through Erie Pa many times, it ain't the people you gotta worry about hitting your car, It's the imensely large whitetail Bucks that decide to jump across four lanes of traffic at the most inconvenient times.LOL.
Oh man, I've been through Erie Pa many times, it ain't the people you gotta worry about hitting your car, It's the imensely large whitetail Bucks that decide to jump across four lanes of traffic at the most inconvenient times.LOL.

Yeah at times the deer are more dangerous than the other drivers, that's true!!!! lol :toothy10:
For the most part, response to the mighty Dart is positive. I did have one idiot decide to play chicken. He cut around a stopped car and blew through a 4-way stop at ~50 mph (25 mph residential area). I had no intention of yielding. His crappy Honda would've been destroyed and I'd probably have been replacing one of the gigantic bumper guards. Another fine example of humanity became angry when I changed lanes and caused him to slow down to the speed limit. He veered aggressively toward the mighty Dart a few times while he and his caveman buddy bellowed "You wanna go?!?!". I reached into the Bag O' Considerable Suffering™, wrapped my hand around my trusty 1911 and with a cold stare replied "You wouldn't like the odds, fa**ot". Oddly enough, he didn't follow me down the exit ramp.

That is the best line since, "Go ahead, make my day."
Wow. Luckily haven't had many problems but my area isn't super populated. Had a good one last year that was part my fault. Just after leaving a cruise- in with the cuda & my wife riding shotgun we saw a new vette going gangbusters to catch us. He caught us at the next light squalling tires while downshifting. Saw it was two guys that had been there with the vette ,wife told them that was retarded and it began, they started talking crap about the exhuast leak's make that piece of pacer(least they knew of the mighty pacer) looking S*#t sound pretty good,bla,bla,bla. Should'nt have done it (pacer reference got to me) but road was clear ahead with no constables in sight, told wife to hang on, light turned green,she screamed & we were two cars ahead by the time I shut down at 70mph. I was very honored to get a ricer fly by from a vette.
