Took a fall damn this hurts, might be X-rays



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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My stupidity. Took the garbage out, I got the automatic light somehow turned off. Did not take time to turn it on "I thought I could see" Tripped and fell coming back and stuck the corner of the concrete bottom step right into my left ribs. Barked up my elbow. This SOB hurts. I think summer, for me, is done
i feel for ya. just when you think your old enough for this crap to not happen to you... :BangHead:
Yeh, thanks. This is gonna be a long LLLLOOOOONNNGGG night. I can't sit comfortably. I've got a lot of **** I wanted to get done. This is feeling like round two of broke ribs. ;
Sorry to hear about this...

Do we get to tease and "rib" you about this???? :poke: (pun intended...)
that sucks ... been there, sorry
Try not to laugh.:rolleyes:

Two things.:poke:
Ask your wife if she can make some 'spare ribs' for you.
Get one of those Covid masks that say 'I can't breathe'
My stupidity. Took the garbage out, I got the automatic light somehow turned off. Did not take time to turn it on "I thought I could see" Tripped and fell coming back and stuck the corner of the concrete bottom step right into my left ribs. Barked up my elbow. This SOB hurts. I think summer, for me, is done

GAWD. Go get yourself seen about. Man. I sure wish you could move this way. I'd carve you out an acre hunk and we'd get into all kinda trouble. That sucks.
oh snap......................

sorry, couldn't resist......... :D

hoping for "unhappy bruising"! broken ribs are the worst!
Well, if nothing else, now you'll have some time to catch up on reading. Or go visit somebody. Entertain angels.
Ouch! Damn, take care of yourself. I ran into the glider on the patio in the dark one night. My shins looked like I ran into a meat grinder but have healed back up. Not pretty though! They weren't before though. Hope you get feeling better.
Broken ribs are no joke and make everything a new experience in pain plus the elbow fugowie is the icing on the cake.

I always carry a flashlight anymore if I have to walk in the dark. At almost 57 I know my night vision is not nearly what it was. I understand you expected a light on though.

Getting old ain’t for sissies.
Sorry to hear this Del. We all think we’re never gonna get hurt but the older u get the longer it takes to heal up. Go get checked out. And fallow doctors orders. Or maybe the doc will put u in the hospital with all the lovely nurses. Then u time off won’t be so bad. Kim
Well just got back from the ER. I have to get up normally at least twice to go to the "little blue room" and the second time I got up was 5AM I said "this is enough" so I went to the ER. "The usual." Xrays, bla bla bla, hydrocodone, follow up in a week. Broke 3 ribs. There is no doubt this summer is over. "Del's boat yard" is closed, and I will NOT be getting anything done on the 67 at all.

The corner of the step hit me in the rear 3/4 of my ribs about mid torso. Great big abrasion. The good side is that there was and endless supply of young in shape blonde attendants I've never seen so many pretty young ladies in an ER.

So for now, I'm in my reliner, just now (10AM) got a big breakfast down and veg out
Dang Del. I'm sure you'll turn on the light next time!! Take it easy and get well.

I started a new job this week working in a hospital. I love me some scrubs :D. Something about following those young things down the hall makes me love my job!!
Well just got back from the ER. I have to get up normally at least twice to go to the "little blue room" and the second time I got up was 5AM I said "this is enough" so I went to the ER. "The usual." Xrays, bla bla bla, hydrocodone, follow up in a week. Broke 3 ribs. There is no doubt this summer is over. "Del's boat yard" is closed, and I will NOT be getting anything done on the 67 at all.

The corner of the step hit me in the rear 3/4 of my ribs about mid torso. Great big abrasion. The good side is that there was and endless supply of young in shape blonde attendants I've never seen so many pretty young ladies in an ER.

So for now, I'm in my reliner, just now (10AM) got a big breakfast down and veg out

Damn Del I am awful sorry. I know you were lookin forward to gettin some more stuff done. I wish we were local, I'd be over there in a minute to help you out.
Dang, sorry to hear that Del.

I got luckier than you, helped take a canopy off the side of a house and it drug me off the ladder. Ended up jumping down from 4 or 5 rungs up, hurt my leg and really hurt my shoulder. Thought I dislocated it, couldn’t move my arm right after it happened. But I seem to be healing up ok without an ER visit. Sure put a stop to trying to finish building my garage, at least for a week.

Glad it wasn’t worse and hope that you heal fast.