Torsion bar adjust bolt help needed



Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2013
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I am assembling the front of my 70 dart. I took front end apart a year ago and have no idea how far to run the adjustment bolt into the block in the LCA to assemble. No motor is in the car. I have no idea how many turns it took to get it out. Has 340 bars in car
you are not going to be able to set the ride height without the engine in the car...

turn the bolts in the same about and then readjust once the engine is in
And don't lock the lower control arm bolts tight until AFTER the ride height is set and the car is on the ground at ride height; locking those down is the very last thing.
So, just run the bolt in until they touch the rotating portion of the t-bar, meaning whe pocket the bolt goes into? Taking all pressure off of the bar. Correct
Won't hardly matter. Run them in until they contact the lever, look at how much you have left of the bolt and turn them in about half that. At least the car won't be sitting on the stops when you drop the engine and trans in.
Also depends on what T bars you have. I scored an unknown aftermarket set in a junker, there are about .9" the adjustment bolt is in a vastly different position than the originals.