Transport Service recommendations SoCal to Denver area.



The parts you don't add don't cause you no trouble
FABO Gold Member
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
Hi all,

My sister has a car in SoCal (Orange County) that she wants to have moved to Fort Collins CO. (An hours north of Denver)

I'm looking for recommendations

I have a quote request with Reliable transport.

Reliable is spendy but good, just make a vacation out of it and drive it out.:thumbsup:
does it drive?

*grins broadly*

(promise i won't stop in vegas
Yes it does but it is a 65 mustang with an I-6, it would not be all that much fun.

Reliable is spendy but good, just make a vacation out of it and drive it out
Are you offering your services????

I actually offered that to her but she is too worried that I would be driving the entire trip and something bad would happen ( to the car! :realcrazy: )
just make a vacation out of it and drive it out.
Dave.... I'm only hearing crickets from you?

Your truck and trailer and a 2 day turn and burn?

Leave Monday?

Is she looking to have it transported this Winter or wait until Spring?
Yes it does but it is a 65 mustang with an I-6, it would not be all that much fun.
sometimes a slow, uneventful drive is a nice palate cleanser. white knuckle california turnarounds in clap-trap rigs are good for piling up stories of epic proportion, but one can only do that so much before shaving years off life expectancy.
Is she looking to have it transported this Winter or wait until Spring
Sooner than later.

Most likely Dec or early Jan

sometimes a slow, uneventful drive is a nice palate cleanser. white knuckle california turnarounds in clap-trap rigs are good for piling up stories of epic proportion, but one can only do that so much before shaving years off life expectancy
Are you calling Dave's truck a clap trap rig?


I'm not serious about a turn and burn, I'm just poking the bear (jaws) so to speak.

At this point a transporter is the solution
Sooner than later.

Most likely Dec or early Jan

Are you calling Dave's truck a clap trap rig?


I'm not serious about a turn and burn, I'm just poking the bear (jaws) so to speak.

At this point a transporter is the solution
no, no, not in the slightest! i was speaking solely from my own experiences!

i ran a big block car out to BFE Utah by way of salt lake last january. of the options the transporter was the right one, but my lizard brain overrode all common sense and thought it'd be super fun to bomb that run out in a car with no heater and virtually no interior. i don't know whether my extremities thawed first or my ears quit ringing.
I would love to Roadkill a car from CA to CO but I don't have the luxury of a chase crew!
I would love to Roadkill a car from CA to CO but I don't have the luxury of a chase crew!
pfft! chase crew? call up a buddy (or two), upgrade triple A to platinum, a grab a smattering of tools and some spares. you'll need $1000 in 20's and $800 in 5's, a quart of gin, two dozen donuts and enough coffee to float a battle ship. and beef jerky, don't forget the beef jerky. luckily alien fresh is on the way...
and beef jerky, don't forget the beef jerky
I do beef jerky ( old trapper) and diet Dr Pepper.

Most times I have done the trip I stop for the night so where.

I almost made it in one day but threw a rod bearing at the Eisenhower tunnel, got towed the rest of the way so technically did make it in one day
Hi all,

My sister has a car in SoCal (Orange County) that she wants to have moved to Fort Collins CO. (An hours north of Denver)

I'm looking for recommendations

I have a quote request with Reliable transport.

@Mopar Tim ?
Should be able to get it transported for around $700.
SoCal to Denver is a common route for carriers. I have a broker that can arrange it . PM me if you want it . She got my Imperial shipped from Boise to 100 miles east of St Louis for $1300.
Does your broker hire random haulers?
I don’t know if they are random but she uses a variety them . They are all insured .
A friend referred her .He owns the Sun Valley Auto club and has her ship luxury cars for him all over the country .
Thanks, pass in the winter and snow. In Denver
You California people are so misled about Colorado and snow.

My sister is moving here from Orange County and she thinks she will need a dog team just to get the mail!


It snowed the beginning of October then a week or two ago 9 inches, gone in 4 days, roads were completely clear in 2.

Hasn't snowed down here in over a week. Infact it's been in the high 50s low 60s many a day.

3 routes

I 80 through Utah and whyoming
I 70 Utah and colorado
I 40 New Mexico and Colorado

To I 25

I have driven all 3 in the winter.

Only had snow on one trip, basically the entire state of Utah.

I'm just poking the bear ...

I would not want to drive any of them if it was going to snow.
I was thinking the same thing . 2 of my kids live in Denver .
When I moved to Idaho from Minnesota back in the early 80s I drove my 70 Charger SE 383 Magnum in late November and hit a blizzard across Wyoming.