Ungreatful little $h*#



I'll take the Duster.....
Feb 26, 2008
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I was looking on youtube the other day, just looking around & found a video of my hometown. The title was in referance to the army ammunition plant here. I clicked on it thinking it would be a video about how much someone appreciated the folks of McAAP, producer of all heavy ordinance for the armed services. Instead it was a hate video. This guy was calling the people of my home town everything from baby killers to antichrists. I was absolutely outraged. He says the "the people of McAlester are the reason for the wars in the world" WTF? You get the picture, right? So I did what any red-blooded american would do, send him a reply letting him know I was outraged. He sends me one back saying "that is is his right & he can say anything he wants". He goes on to say that the wars of the last 50 yrs. were all UNCALLED FOR! & That McAAP was largely responsible for the US being involved, due to the fact that we produce(d) all heavy ordinance (bombs). How the hell does he think he got that right? Or any other right that all americans have? With people like this floating around, I weep for the future, I truely do.

Sorry for the rant, Im sure some of you guys on here are vets & thought you would like to know about it.
Well... he does have the right to state his opinion.

You also have the right to disagree and think he's a knucklehead.

I do believe his take on certain periods of conflict is a bit twisted.

My Dad is a Vet and would disagree with this guy also, however, he would also tell you the same thing I said. If you want to censor him, then, you are one step closer to the dark side. Your opinion may be the next to be unpopular and censored. See the slippery slope.
Oh no, I acknowledge he has that right. For sure. But, I also know what was involved in bestowing that right to him. Im not trying to censor him in the least, but I would like for him to acknowledge what went into getting the rights he spoke of.
I was looking on youtube the other day, just looking around & found a video of my hometown. The title was in referance to the army ammunition plant here. I clicked on it thinking it would be a video about how much someone appreciated the folks of McAAP, producer of all heavy ordinance for the armed services. Instead it was a hate video. This guy was calling the people of my home town everything from baby killers to antichrists. I was absolutely outraged. He says the "the people of McAlester are the reason for the wars in the world" WTF? You get the picture, right? So I did what any red-blooded american would do, send him a reply letting him know I was outraged. He sends me one back saying "that is is his right & he can say anything he wants". He goes on to say that the wars of the last 50 yrs. were all UNCALLED FOR! & That McAAP was largely responsible for the US being involved, due to the fact that we produce(d) all heavy ordinance (bombs). How the hell does he think he got that right? Or any other right that all americans have? With people like this floating around, I weep for the future, I truely do.

Sorry for the rant, Im sure some of you guys on here are vets & thought you would like to know about it.
fidn out where he lives and kick his ***
Oh no, I acknowledge he has that right. For sure. But, I also know what was involved in bestowing that right to him. Im not trying to censor him in the least, but I would like for him to acknowledge what went into getting the rights he spoke of.

I agree... lots of people died in the 1600-1700's and on for some of the rights he is currently using. Problem is if he admitted it, his argument vanishes/gone.

His argument is flawed on it's face anyways. I'd bet there is at least one person in this town that is against military conflict past and present. Ya think?

Just a blowhard. Look at it this way, if you get pissed off, you're likely doing exactly what he/she wants.
Theres no doubt that this A - hole has a mental short coming in a major way. Explaining anything to this person with the I -D 10 -T (idiot) problem will not help anything. Foward the video to the town concil and others in a position to help. You elected them for a reason.
The best way to get back at this nut is to notify any and all local TV stations about his rants, and get somebody to confront him on camera to give an account for his words.............

It's really easy to be a loud mouthed ingrate when you're hidden behind your computer screen.......another thing altogether when asked to defend yourself on camera.

There must be a reporter out there somewhere willing to defend the honor of this noble township.............. Ya' think? Call this guy into the street. :blob:
Hey, we all could agree that the world would be a great place if there were no war or killing of innocents.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.
There are groups who have been killing innocents for world domination for years.
Unfortunately America is the only country willing to take responsibility for being the bad guy and going in to kick *** where it needs kicked in defense of those innocents.

In my opinion, we are NOT using munitions large enough to kick the *** to the extent we should kick it.
With the plolitically correct "how America looks to the rest of the world" crowd, our hands are tied, and our commanders cannot do the job they know they can do because of P/C regulations and U.N. influence.

Too bad we have the means to do the job, but by too much outside influence and Insiders in congress who have total disdain for this country and it's sovereignty we are looked at like the bully instead of the protector.

I'd love to see this guy talk crap like that back in 1938 on the streets of America.
I think he'd change his tune rather quickly after the first azz beating, most likely from a woman to boot. LOL!
Remember this salient point: we emptied out our mental hospitals during the past 30 years. Where do you think these people are now?
Remember this salient point: we emptied out our mental hospitals during the past 30 years. Where do you think these people are now?

"Salient"??? You can't use the term "salient" on a car junkie message board...

I enjoyed JimmyRay's contribution to this thread as well!

Remember this salient point: we emptied out our mental hospitals during the past 30 years. Where do you think these people are now?

I'm married to one.
Seriously, people with a real mental illness get a bad rap. They usually don't care about material things and are just struggling to get by. They don't take on weighty issues like this.
This guy probably just has a bad case of stupid. And you can't fix stupid.
When ever I talk to a "pacifist" I tell them: "Oh, Stalin would have loved you".
It doesn't change anything but there is a point there.
Some minds are like concrete.......
He's got it all wronge, ask any Marine: “Guns don’t kill people, we do”
I Would Show That To The Local Police ,this Is The Kind Of Person That Will Snap And Go On A Rampage.