upper control arm



It's only metal
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Renton Wa
How do you get the bushings out? I have new bushing but can't seam to get the old ones to budge. Any ideas?
You have to have them pressed out and the new ones pressed in. They do sell a tool to remove them but unless your going to do more of them it would be probably cheaper to just have them done.
How do you get the bushings out? I have new bushing but can't seam to get the old ones to budge. Any ideas?

also check the rear bushing. sometimes they have an extra collar on the end that is on the inside.
I used a big socket and a bench vise and pressed the old ones out myself. Did the same type of thing to install the new ones.

Anyone ever used an air hammer to viberate them out or in ?
Scars the arm a little. Just another of those short cuts learned working in auto service center. LOL
How do you get the bushings out? I have new bushing but can't seam to get the old ones to budge. Any ideas?

I see this thread is a little old, but surprisingly no one mentioned this tool:


That's for the upper A arms?

How do you use that?
the big end is the receiver cup. the little cup washer pushes the bushing from the inside out. the threaded rod goes thru the bushing and you tighten the nuts and it acts like a jackscrew.
That's for the upper A arms?

How do you use that?

Like stated above. Jackscrew, nuts, rod, reciever cup... little lube...you get the point. 8)

Highly reccommended though. As always, right tool for the job. Chisels and hammers suck for this type of stuff, they never quite do what you want them to and you end up chewing up the arm. Been there!

There's a whole slew of new suspension tools out there. You could rebuild a front end in a few hours.
Yeah the tools are nice, bought a set but don't need them now, as I sold off the GT I was going to use them on. And my wagon already has a new front end.
I ended up pressing them out using a nice piece of pipe, cut to fit. I saw that tool in the service manual... wish I had one
Anyone ever used an air hammer to viberate them out or in ?
Scars the arm a little. Just another of those short cuts learned working in auto service center. LOL

I've done it that way on a few before I bought the tool from American Muscle.
You have to be really careful not to go crazy with the air chisel.
Can't believe I didn't buy the tool sooner....
I use sockets and a bench vise myself works great and not at all malled up when done. 1 5/16 sockets.