


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2008
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I have been battling this for a solid month. My family doc sent me to PT. I get a little better then it gets worse. Today was horrible. I go to ENT Tuesday. Have any of you had this and do you have any suggestions? I’m losing my fn mind. I just want this over with. Thanks
I have been battling this for a solid month. My family doc sent me to PT. I get a little better then it gets worse. Today was horrible. I go to ENT Tuesday. Have any of you had this and do you have any suggestions? I’m losing my fn mind. I just want this over with. Thanks
I have never had it but lately I have been getting a lot of relief for other ailments from a young, well trained holistic chiropractor. He rarely "cracks" me. That would be my next step.
I had it probably 15 years ago. Mine was caused by a sinus infection 'pushing' the calcium deposits out of my cochlea. Everything spinning, constantly throwing up. Sounds crazy, but we found a homeopathic/chiropractic solution online. A series of moves (someone has to help you, can't be done by yourself) that guide the calcium back in place. Something like sit upright, head to the right, lay down, rotate head left, sit upright, etc. It worked for me! Good luck!
They tested me for it came back negative
ive been having falling issues for 15 yrs it sucks
This from a guy who played hockey for 35 yrs and rarely could get knocked down or off the puck
Did they test you yet blowing chit in your ears? That test blows
Mine isn’t a neck or back issue. It’s not the crystals either. I’ve done all the exercises for that at PT and at home. Therapist thinks it’s a nerve in my inner ear that’s causing it. I’ve taken steroids, antibiotics, decongestant and antihistamines. Just can’t shake it. It will go away briefly or half way but not all the way or permanently. Thanks for the input guys.
I’m sure that will happen Tuesday. Taken me 3 weeks to get into ENT. I will do any test they want as long they get this cleared up.
The best part about this is everyone keeps saying you may wake up one day and it’s gone.
Vertigo symptom of the inner ear not being able to maintain balance.

Chewing gum helps to keep the eustachian tubes of the inner ear to the throat open.

Used to take Sudafed as a decongestant before going scuba diving and having to equalize pressure in the inner ear. Couldn't go scuba diving without it, my inner ears couldn't equalize the pressure changes. So the Sudafed was a good quick fix for me to keep things working.

They say chocolate is bad for Tinnitus (ringing in the ears, closely related to Vertigo).

I have had the ringing in the ears for 40 some years. Doctors say to always do an over kill on hearing protection.

Just got in the habbit whenever doing anything outside the foam ear plugs go in first.

This being really careful around any noise has helped me live a normal life.

Back in my late 20s used to get nasty headaches from it, not anymore now > but I am being very careful about it. No loud music or noisy entertainment venues.

If being around loud noise it is good to take a 10 minute break from it for every 30 minutes of loud exposure, gives your system a little time to recover > then go again.

Anything you can do to keep from irritating the situation will be a big plus to you.

There was also a good steroid nasal spray that help me when things were bad Vancenese Nasal Spray prescribed by an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist, don't need that anymore now either.

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The local urgent care and my primary were absolutely useless. I finally got a nurse at my primary to forge the doctor's electronic signature for a referral to an ENT.

Took me a month to see an ENT. I was going crazy, so I bought a Bebird ear camera at the local Rite Aid (yeah its made in China :() and found I had fungal ear infection. I took pictures and treated it with a over the counter toe nail fungus treatment. I see the ENT and show him the pics, he said that on top of bacterial infection I had bread mold growing in my ear and that the active ingredient in the toenail fungus killer is what he would have prescribed me anyways. He pulled the rest of it out and gave me script for antibiotics.

Came back 3 months later, and I used a 50/50 mix of alcohol and white vinegar to clear it out. Hasn't been back.
I had vertigo bad as a result of a concussion that I suffered in a workplace accident. It came on quickly as soon as I would lay down, the room would spin immediately and not stop until I was able to stand, usually with some difficulty. I spoke with my Dr. at the time and he explained it was probably due to the fluid in the inner ear being dislodged as a result of the fall I had. He described a procedure that may resolve it, and gave me a printed set of instructions to follow. I tried it as soon as I got home and it has not been an issue since.
I will try to describe what I did:
Lie down on the side that causes the reaction, then slowly roll completely over a full 360 degree rotation, this should rebalance the fluid, if this is what is causing your issue.
I have been battling this for a solid month. My family doc sent me to PT. I get a little better then it gets worse. Today was horrible. I go to ENT Tuesday. Have any of you had this and do you have any suggestions? I’m losing my fn mind. I just want this over with. Thanks
Dealing with it now. ENT good for a start. I am looking further as that is not my problem. If ENT doesn't help PM me and I will let you know if I find more help elsewhere, maybe will help you also. Dave
I have suffered from vertigo for a number of years. Generally I am okay now, but laying on my back and working over my head will bring on an attack. I find having my head elevated in bed helps too. I also have tinnitus which seems to get worse in the evening. Mine was deemed to be benign positional vertigo.
My problem is more when I walk. My view bounces. Same when I drive. Im fine when I lay down.
Most times it's inner ear.
Lay on your back in bed slowly turn your head to the left then back to center slowly go to the right then back to center.
If you start to get the feeling of vertigo. The side you turn your head to is the problem.
The little crystals in the inner ear are the villains. Hearing or feeling your heart beat is pressure .
I do the head turn exercise everymorning.
If I don't do it for a few days the vertigo comes back.
My left side is the problem side. The PT felt it wasnt the crystals. He did the manipulation for that. He could be wrong though.
Not sure if this would help you, but cardio vascular exercise helps everything. 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week will cure many ailments. The benefits are amazing..
I will try a walk today. It’s just very irritating. The bouncing of my view.
Pick up a nice Stationary Bike, so you can do it at home without the bounce

It was a good Alfred Hitchcock movie.
James Stewart in VERTIGO
(Sorry, i just had to post it)
My left side is the problem side. The PT felt it wasnt the crystals. He did the manipulation for that. He could be wrong though.
As my doctor once told me the cemetery is full of doctors mistakes and wrong diagnosis.
Always best to get a second opinion.
If you're interested, send me a PM. This is something I have direct experience with for a long time. I won't discuss it here, but if you want, send me a PM and I'll send you my number and we can talk on the phone about it.
If your vertigo is one-sided, you may want your ENT to check for a tumor. I had one on my left ear that was growing inside my head (an acoustic neuroma). They are a benign tumor but keep growing in the ear canal until you have it removed, which in my case caused severe hearing loss and it can also impair balance and cause vertigo. Feel free to PM me if you want more details.