Video Obama does not want you to see.

Probably need to take a good look at Palin. The odds of McCain (who has already lived longer than the average life span) making it to the end of a four year term are pretty slim. After all, the president has the most stressful job in the world. The other thing to consider is that in his 70's, McCain cannot be as mentally sharp as he once was. It is just natural progression. And as we age, we tend to fondly look at how things were in the past rather than realistically looking to the future.
I was born in the 1940's and retired almost nine years ago. Since Bush has been in office, my expenses have tripled and my income is flat. My investments have lost nearly 30%. I am not ready to have a third term of the same policies. If McCain wins, I am afraid that we will all need religion and guns. We will have to pray for a good shot to put food on the table.
Having said all of this, I strongly believe and support our democratic process. If McCain gets elected, I won't like it, but I will support him.
It always amazes me that so many people see McCain as a continuation of Bush. The war is just about the only issue where they were in agreement except for making an effort to head off the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac disaster back in 2005 which the democrats shot down. The age thing is a non-issue. Some people are out of it in their 40's and some are sharp as a tack into their 80's. If there is anything we know it is that you can not lump everyone together when it comes to health.
The notion of Obama taking the wheel makes my skin crawl. Once upon a time, many of us swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That Constitution has nothing significant in common with any socialist doctrine. I like Palin, which is good because there's a realistic chance that she'd end up in the driver's seat. I'm still very tempted to vote my conscience just so I can sleep at night. Georgia residents may have a different opinion of Bob Barr, but what I'm seeing looks like a productive path. A path worthy of consideration, anyway.

This two-party system crap has been old for a while. I haven't ruled out writing-in Ted Nugent.
Probably need to take a good look at Palin. The odds of McCain (who has already lived longer than the average life span) making it to the end of a four year term are pretty slim. After all, the president has the most stressful job in the world. The other thing to consider is that in his 70's, McCain cannot be as mentally sharp as he once was. It is just natural progression. And as we age, we tend to fondly look at how things were in the past rather than realistically looking to the future.
I was born in the 1940's and retired almost nine years ago. Since Bush has been in office, my expenses have tripled and my income is flat. My investments have lost nearly 30%. I am not ready to have a third term of the same policies. If McCain wins, I am afraid that we will all need religion and guns. We will have to pray for a good shot to put food on the table.
Having said all of this, I strongly believe and support our democratic process. If McCain gets elected, I won't like it, but I will support him.

You may be right? But is mom is in her 90s+ I think he comes from a gene pool of long lifes?
You did not comment on my post re: reasons to vote for McCain. Why not?
Because others already had.

1. McCain will defend our country while Obama, in his book "Audacity of Hope" stated that he would side with the enemy if things got ugly: "If the political winds blow in an ugly direction I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Muslims".

2. McCain has an udeniable record of being willing and able to work with both parties, more so than most conservatives (including me) care for. Obama is 100% partisan.

3. McCain has a good track record of being able to make tough decisions while Obama couldn't figure out whether to vote yes or no on local issues over 130 times and instead voted "present".

4. McCain wants to give tax breaks to everyone including the small businesses that our economy is built on and has a consistent track record of doing exactly that other than his opposition to some of the Bush cuts. Obama, while talking now about tax cuts, has an absolutely unbroken record of voting for across-the-board tax increases, never voting for a tax break even once in nearly 100 tax votes.

5. With McCain, whether you like him or not, you know exactly what you are getting because he tells the truth no matter who it pisses off. Obama on the other hand, couldn't even tell us the truth about his family and background. If he ever got caught telling the truth he would probably try to lie his way out of it.

6. McCain saw the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac disaster coming and tried to do something about it three years ago. The democrats stopped every attempt that he and others, including Bush, made.

7. McCain has a ton of foreign affairs experience and knowledge and is respected all over the world. Not only does Obama have no experience, he doesn't even have the most basic grasp of the subject. He stated that "Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela are small countries. They pose no threat to us". In his very next speech he was talking about them as a "grave threat" to be taken very seriously after some advisors informed him how naive and inept his comment was.

8. McCain has never said anything betraying even the smallest bias or prejudice. Obama on the other hand has said that "white man's greed runs a world in need", that "'s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," basically accusing all traditional americans of being backwards, bitter racists who blame any troubles they have on others, while he was talking about people in Pennsylvania to people in San Francisco.

9) Both parties are talking about "change" and being non-partisan as so many politicians do. The only difference is that unlike Obama, McCain can talk not only about what he will do along those lines, but what he has done.

10. McCain supports doing what we can to bring down the cost of fuel and energy in the short and long term including drilling. Obama vehemently opposed drilling until very recently after finding out that over 80% of the country supports drilling now. To be honest, I can't think of one position Obama has not done an about-face on except for murdering babies, even if they are "accidently" born healthy. He is consistent on that one.

I could go on for quite some time but it is getting late.
I'm going to say this, if Obama gets elected President, I'll be moving the HELL out of the U.S. That stupid, flopping S.O.B. is going to run this country further into the hole. Why did the ignorant democrats decide to let this moron with only 3 shakey years of so called senate experience run in the first place? WTF? People open your eyes...he's not the answer, he'll be the problem. What is this "change", higher taxes, terrorist attacks on the U.S.? Mmmm, good idea. Thanks for letting me rant. I havent been to bed in about a day and a half because of work. I appologize for all spelling errors.
Obama's views change with every way his popularity pols blow, just as john kerry did, Just as hillary Clinton did.

At least the conservatives make a comment, and have the dignity to stick by their decision.

Unfortunately the conservatives have to deal with the liberals in congress that say they care and talk a big game but when it comes down to it, they are the ones that are partisan (meaning one sided for those that are too ignorant to know what the word means, and that's the dumbed down version).
The libs accuse the conservatives of being partisan and biased, close minded and hateful.
Funny, I never see the conservatives doing that.

When do you ever see the democrats criticizing idiotic or unconstitutional decisions coming from Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Clinton, and many others?

It's because the liberals don't care about the total disdain and contempt the democrats in washington have for our sovereignty and our bill of rights, as long as the government handouts keep coming, they don't care because they are too lazy to be self reliant and get off of their big, fat, potato chip eating ,welfare asses and get a job.All they care about is what can the government do for me.

Why is there so much bipartisanship?

Let's see.

The dems talk a big game about being environmentally conscious and energy independent but why do they stonewall any effort o pass a comprehensive drill here drill now bill?

Why are the dems so adamant about the "fairness doctrine"?

Why does free speech scare them so much?

Because they can't argue with the facts and make total asses out of themselves.
They can't succeed at talk radio because their hateful coments and immature, rude, nasty, filthy attitudes turn off most normal people who work for a living.

What makes the liberals so afraid of guns?

It's not crime they are afraid of, they know that when the government condemns lawful gun ownership, the government can better control the people, thus making it much easier for the social agenda's to strip the people of their hard earned tax dollars and the fat, welfare recipients and lazy scum bags don't have to get off their big fat asses and find a job.

Why do the democrats keep referring to conservative talk radio as hate speech?

Because they are extremely afraid of the truth and it hurts to hear it when their beloved leaders are caught lying to the public again and again.

At least the conservatives have the guts to call their party leaders out when they do something that is contrary to the consitution and our countries core values.

The libs just bow down and go with the bandwagon regardless of the truth.

I can go on and on, but I will say at least Sarah Palin has character and is not trying vehemently to hide her past and she's much more likable and better off teleprompter than barak Husein (muslim) Obama.

And don't for a minute think this guy is not a Muslim even though he lies through his teeth and says he's a Christian.

Sorry the guy has too many dark skeletons in the closet, and too many that have surfaced enough to make one think what the hell is happening to this country.

Hell the guy won't even admit he's half white and his campaign is the only one playing the race card by stirring fear and driving a wedge between the races.

Funny, I have alot of black customers that laugh at this clown and his rediculous racial coments.
Obama is a joke to most hard working black Americans who do not consider race, but do consider character, voting history, past associations, and philosophy.
I'm still amazed at all who ran for their particular party's nominations (both camps) and who we ended up with when it was all over.

Definitely nowhere near the brightest and best.

Tell you all THIS much... I personally can't afford (in more ways than one) four more years of Republican rule. Michigan is in the toilet and will remain there longer.

On the other hand, what's Obama gonna do to turn the states economy around 180 degrees?

Freakin politicians...took 'em two days to come up with that 700 billion bail out plan, but anyone who has exhausted their unemployment benefits and is now hitting their IRA's to survive don't get squat.
I'm still amazed at all who ran for their particular party's nominations (both camps) and who we ended up with when it was all over.

Definitely nowhere near the brightest and best.

Tell you all THIS much... I personally can't afford (in more ways than one) four more years of Republican rule. Michigan is in the toilet and will remain there longer.

On the other hand, what's Obama gonna do to turn the states economy around 180 degrees?

Freakin politicians...took 'em two days to come up with that 700 billion bail out plan, but anyone who has exhausted their unemployment benefits and is now hitting their IRA's to survive don't get squat.
Michigan has a democrat Governor and democrat-controlled Senate and House but you think Michigan's problems are the fault of the republicans in the federal government? Interesting. How did you come to that conclusion? You do know that the democrats have also controlled Congress for the last two years and have done NOTHING about anything, including deciding to go on vacation instead of doing something about fuel prices as the republicans wanted to do? You do know that it was the democrats who blocked every attempt to head off the current Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae disaster that threatens our whole economy? You do also know that it is the State, not the Feds, that oversee unemployment benefits? You are apparently planning on voting for the very people that are responsible for your problems.
The only thing Obama can say is change , as in change his mind ! I m so sick of the networks like NBC putting this guy in the white house. God have mercy !!This should be intresting, just when you thought it could'nt get any worse, well it did.
You do know that it was the democrats who blocked every attempt to head off the current Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae disaster that threatens our whole economy?

Umm yeah right... LOL

If you think the fannie/freddie thing is responsible for the current economic situation, you aren't seeing the big picture. Remember that green tree comment. :-D
Umm yeah right... LOL

If you think the fannie/freddie thing is responsible for the current economic situation, you aren't seeing the big picture. Remember that green tree comment. :-D
Talk about LOL. I spent years in the mortgage industry. The Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac debacle IS THE BIG PICTURE right now. If they are allowed to fail we will see bank failures on a scale not seen since the depression. Every major lender is holding a ton of Freddie/Fannie paper and most of the smaller lenders are too. If they go under the economy is finished on a scale that none of us too young to have lived through the 1930s can imagine.
More interesting to me is that the president who had at least 50% (if not more)of the blame for ALLOWING 9/11 to occur was reelected.:angry7:
Must have been his announced intimacy with Jesus Christ that tipped THAT election is his favor:wack:
Keeping in mind THIS administration campaigned nice and hard on PROLIFE positioning and still 8 years later the law/amendment remains unchanged.

The southern border is a SIEVE with illegals coming in by the trainload, ( of course NO terrorists are among them:angry4:)

As far as unemployment benefits Michigan has shot through them, this is an aftershoot of Reagan's economic revamping where jobless benefits were not only shortened but also taxed, along with every waitperson and table servers tips. (That made a REAL dent in the economy didn't it)


My comment was intended as a no fault statement, but "interesting" that you actually are convincing me that the Democrats are at least deserving of a chance. Oh, the Democratic congress HAS tried to make some progress, only to be blocked by "Mission Accomplished" Bush.

We're so close to a depression right now, Republicans say "they can fix it"
With WHAT?

Wake up....Geez...

Michigan has a democrat Governor and democrat-controlled Senate and House but you think Michigan's problems are the fault of the republicans in the federal government? Interesting. How did you come to that conclusion? You do know that the democrats have also controlled Congress for the last two years and have done NOTHING about anything, including deciding to go on vacation instead of doing something about fuel prices as the republicans wanted to do? You do know that it was the democrats who blocked every attempt to head off the current Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae disaster that threatens our whole economy? You do also know that it is the State, not the Feds, that oversee unemployment benefits? You are apparently planning on voting for the very people that are responsible for your problems.
And what, exactly, do you think the "community organizer" can do about it?
More interesting to me is that the president who had at least 50% (if not more)of the blame for ALLOWING 9/11 to occur was reelected.:angry7:
Must have been his announced intimacy with Jesus Christ that tipped THAT election is his favor:wack:
Keeping in mind THIS administration campaigned nice and hard on PROLIFE positioning and still 8 years later the law/amendment remains unchanged.

The southern border is a SIEVE with illegals coming in by the trainload, ( of course NO terrorists are among them:angry4:)

As far as unemployment benefits Michigan has shot through them, this is an aftershoot of Reagan's economic revamping where jobless benefits were not only shortened but also taxed, along with every waitperson and table servers tips. (That made a REAL dent in the economy didn't it)


My comment was intended as a no fault statement, but "interesting" that you actually are convincing me that the Democrats are at least deserving of a chance. Oh, the Democratic congress HAS tried to make some progress, only to be blocked by "Mission Accomplished" Bush.

We're so close to a depression right now, Republicans say "they can fix it"
With WHAT?

Wake up....Geez...
You are lost my friend. 9/11 happened only months after Bush took office. The President that deserves the vast majority of blame for letting 9/11 happen is the one that slashed our defence and intelligence budgets against the warnings of his own advisors. The one that turned down three separate offers to have Bin Laden turned over to us. The one that emboldened the wacko Islamic terror groups by failing to respond to multiple attacks. Hint: it wasn't Bush. MY GOD, YOU WAKE UP.

If you think any one President has the power to overturn Roe vs. Wade you know pretty much nothing about how government works. The only thing a President can do is try to get judges into the Supreme Court that will eventually overturn it and that cannot happen until someone challenges it in court and the case gets all the way to them.

I agree with you on the border. Bush is severely negligent there but guess what? That is because he adopted the democrat position!

OMG. Name one instance where the democrat-controlled current Congress, which has the lowest approval rating in history (no, Bush does not), tried to do anything but massively raise taxes. When gas prices went through the roof they decided to go on vacation.

In 2005, when the republicans made the best of several efforts to head off the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac dabacle the democrats decided to ignore the problem and pander for votes from the poor by babbling about low income people no longer being able to get loans. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM! Too many people who should not have gotten loans were getting them. McCain sponsored the bill and said "If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole." The democrats, led by Barney Frank who said ''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.'' blocked every attempt at reform in the oversight of Fannie and Freddie. Who was correct??? Hmmmm...?

Reagan's revamping? That is funny. You mean the democrat Congress revamping and even that is nonsense. You want to blame a President that has been out of office for 20 years for the failings of a State-run system? I can't even express how baffling and supremely illogical that is.

With what? First and foremost, with another bailout made necessary by the democrats, only they are dragging their asses on it again, just like in 2005. I almost believe what many people are saying. That they are trying to engineer an economic disaster because they think it will benefit them politically. Why not, they tried to help the terrorists defeat us in Iraq.
While i think both sides are full of crap while campaigning ....i cant look past the last 8 years of complete crap and vote for more also helps that i don't cling desperately to guns and god to feed my family...My Union Job feeds my family (a very documented thorn in the republicans side), because the republican agenda seems to always want to make the rich folks more money via sending our jobs overseas for cheap labor (see industry) (funny how foreigners are ok in that sense because hey cool its cheaper at the Walmart) aint it..garsh! I also look past the mans skin color and "supposed" religious choice because in this country ..ALL men are created equal, not just the white christian ones.
While im on this rant ...I also dont find it Sarah Pailin or McCains buisness to tell people that a rape victim has to have a child that is a product of rape just because God says so.
and to clear up any confusion ...the war against Afghanistan was in Afghanistan ...not Iraq.. Not all brown people are bad
in fact im half brown Hispanic and Irish that doesn't mean I am a terrorist?

And you know what... I do feel that everybody in America should have free healthcare ...wake up people ..its not a freebee..or a giveaway ..its a basic human need in this world ...this is not free computers we are talking about oe even free cars ..or free gas....its care for the well being of the people in this country (what a concept) could anyone with half a heart or brain deny people with basic needs such as good health...Obviously nobody who opposes it has ever lost someone close to them because they couldn't afford health care.

If we worried more about taking care of each other in the USA (REGARDLESS OF RACE COLOR CREED OR OPINION) We would be a beacon of light in a very dark world...
Ill probably make alot of enemies on here, you all might even run me completely out of here all together...but im tired of seeing folks trade all of their rights and liberties as well as turn your backs on human beings in this country and even the world and the only excuse is ..i wanna keep my guns...
Evolve people ...this isnt what the founders of this country wanted this all to turn out like..

regardless i hope we can all agree to disagree and continue to get along as far as our love for Mopars go

/rant off
You are lost my friend. 9/11 happened only months after Bush took office. The President that deserves the vast majority of blame for letting 9/11 happen is the one that slashed our defence and intelligence budgets against the warnings of his own advisors. The one that turned down three separate offers to have Bin Laden turned over to us. The one that emboldened the wacko Islamic terror groups by failing to respond to multiple attacks. Hint: it wasn't Bush. MY GOD, YOU WAKE UP. Blame Clinton because Bush gave the same rats *** about OBL? Isn't this country's defense a NUMBER one priority with ANY administration?If you think any one President has the power to overturn Roe vs. Wade you know pretty much nothing about how government works. Then WHY campaign on it and make the claim other than hope the lower IQ'd population will buy (and did)that rhetoric? The issue was decided 35 years ago, why bring it up at all?I have an excellent idea how government works BTW, I'm just not naive enough to swallow all the crap.The only thing a President can do is try to get judges into the Supreme Court that will eventually overturn it and that cannot happen until someone challenges it in court and the case gets all the way to them.

I agree with you on the border. Bush is severely negligent there but guess what? That is because he adopted the democrat position! What??? Bush and his administration are Republican, they can't work for the good of the country instead of reverting to the democratic way of thinking?

OMG. Name one instance where the democrat-controlled current Congress, which has the lowest approval rating in history (no, Bush does not), tried to do anything but massively raise taxes. When gas prices went through the roof they decided to go on vacation. And they are supposed to do...what?
make it illegal to raise gas prices? Take off a few cents a gallon tax which only cripples us in the long run? At least Nixon tried wage and price freezes, and he didn't wait for congress to tell him what to do.

In 2005, when the republicans made the best of several efforts to head off the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac dabacle the democrats decided to ignore the problem and pander for votes from the poor by babbling about low income people no longer being able to get loans. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM! Too many people who should not have gotten loans were getting them. McCain sponsored the bill and said "If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole." The democrats, led by Barney Frank who said ''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.'' blocked every attempt at reform in the oversight of Fannie and Freddie. Who was correct??? Hmmmm...?

Reagan's revamping? That is funny. You mean the democrat Congress revamping and even that is nonsense. You want to blame a President that has been out of office for 20 years for the failings of a State-run system? I can't even express how baffling and supremely illogical that is.Unemployment INSURANCE is a FEDERALLY set up system.

With what? First and foremost, with another bailout made necessary by the democrats, only they are dragging their asses on it again, just like in 2005. I almost believe what many people are saying. That they are trying to engineer an economic disaster because they think it will benefit them politically. Why not, they tried to help the terrorists defeat us in Iraq.
Hmm wait a minute, weren't we ALL told that Iraq had WMDs? That was the reason for going to war and popping up a second front? Then magically it turned over to fighting terrorism? What happened to the WMD's? Seven years later we are still looking for OBL and are still navel deep in Iraq, meanwhile the economy does a free fall. Great logic. Let's put the GOP back in for another term otherwise Obama will ruin the country, like WORSE than it is NOW??
When Clinton left office, there was a budget surplus,the national debt was being paid on for the first time since Eisenhower, the US dollar was the strongest it had ever been, we had the respect of 98% of the world, and now 8 years later we're on the verge of collapse??!

Friend, I AM awake! Awake enough to see and accept that this country needs a huge change. Obama is NOT my first or second choice, but he's going to have to do for me anyway. how ANYONE can see anything positive out of four more years of "mission accomplished" and "bring it on" is beyond me( At least it's not "a thousand points of light" ??)
This administration has indeed been more corrupt than Clinton's ever was, and I don't want to get started on the no bid contracts thru Cheney's Halliburton cronies.

I believe a sh**storm is on the horizon regardless.
Hmm wait a minute, weren't we ALL told that Iraq had WMDs? That was the reason for going to war and popping up a second front? Then magically it turned over to fighting terrorism? What happened to the WMD's?
You prove my point about you being the one needing to wake up. All through the late 90s and right up until the 2000 election it was the DEMOCRATS talking about the danger that Saddam's WMD program posed to the U.S. Bush's now infamous (thanks to the liberal media) WMD speech came THREE MONTHS AFTER Congress, with strong democrat support, voted to approve military action. What happened to the WMDs? According to several of the highest-ranking Iraqi military leaders we have captured and photo and video recon, they were moved to Syria. The head of the Iraqi Air Force even gave a statement about the types and numbers of aircraft used in the move. And don't forget that our troops have found mobile chemical weapons labs and chemical artillery shells among the abandoned facilities.

Seven years later we are still looking for OBL and are still navel deep in Iraq, meanwhile the economy does a free fall. Great logic. Let's put the GOP back in for another term otherwise Obama will ruin the country, like WORSE than it is NOW??
Right, let's go with the democrats, who's insistance that we remain almost totally dependent of foreign sources of oil is costing us FAR more than the war ever will. GREAT IDEA.

When Clinton left office, there was a budget surplus,the national debt was being paid on for the first time since Eisenhower,
HAHAHA. You must mean the completely ficticious "smoke and mirrors" surplus that was based on revenues that never materialized. Please stop listening to democrat B.S. and do some research. Go to the U.S. Treasury site and check out their tracking of the U.S. deficit. There was not one year of surplus and he left office with a deficit of over $130 billion. If you look deeper into the numbers you find that the deficit reduction during his terms did not start until after the republicans took over Congress and starting cutting spending.

the US dollar was the strongest it had ever been,
OMG, look at the historical record of exchange rates. The exchage rate against the Pound and Mark (there was no Euro yet) during Clinton's presidency was DISMAL compared to what it was from the 1960s through the 1980s except for a sharp drop in 1975. The dollar has been in decline for over 40 years and it is not because of any president or party. It is because of the increasing propensity of Americans to live on credit. Not just the government, the people too.

we had the respect of 98% of the world,
Right. And everyone hates us now? I guess that is why several of the most liberal countries in Europe like France and Germany elected openly pro-American, pro-Bush leaders. Stop listening to the MSM's democrat lapdogs.

This administration has indeed been more corrupt than Clinton's ever was, and I don't want to get started on the no bid contracts thru Cheney's Halliburton cronies.
B.S. More talking point manure. Halliburton is the only company on earth that can do the job they do on the scale they can do it and every administration including Clinton's has used them. There is no one to bid against them.

I believe a sh**storm is on the horizon regardless.
Here we agree. I am not a republican, I am registered with the Constitution party. When it comes to our basic rights and the Constitution the republicans and democrats are often nothing more than opposite sides of the same crooked fence. The only reason I am so vehemently opposed to Obama is because he is undeniably the least qualified, least honest, most anti-American person ever to run for the office.
the republican agenda seems to always want to make the rich folks more money via sending our jobs overseas for cheap labor
Right, it doesn't have anything to do with democrat tax policies that make it economically untenable to keep doing business here.

I also look past the mans skin color and "supposed" religious choice because in this country ..ALL men are created equal, not just the white christian ones.
And you think that is a reason to support the democrats? Wow. Lets talk about the only KKK leader in the Congress, democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Let's talk about all the democrats and liberal media types who were saying Obama "was not black enough" because he is not descended from slaves when they wanted Hillary to win the nomination. Who was it that said that Obama was the "first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,"? Oh yes, that was JOE BIDEN. Let's talk about Democrat State Representative Billy McKinney of Georgia, the father of former Democrat Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. During his daughter's failed 2002 reelection bid, McKinney appeared on television and blamed his daughter's difficulties on a Jewish conspiracy saying "this is all about the J.E.W.S." Let's talk about democrat Al Sharpton, who was behind several disgraceful anti-semitic demonstrations like the 1991 Crown Heights race riot. Want to go farther back in history? Who were the major players in the filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
Robert (KKK) Byrd, current senator from West Virginia, J. William Fulbright, Arkansas senator and political mentor of Bill Clinton, and Albert Gore Sr. A whopping 40% of the House Democrats VOTED AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, while 80% of Republicans in both houses SUPPORTED it. The margins for the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were almost identical. Who was it that was standing in the doorways of universities vowing that blacks would never enter, and even using State guard troops or police to enforce it? People like Orval Faubus, Democrat Governor of Arkansas and one of Bill Clinton's political heroes, George Wallace, Democrat Governor of Alabama, and Lester Maddox, Democrat Governor of Georgia. Lets get back to more recent times. How many minority appointees to high cabinet or court positions did Clinton have? If you include Madeline Albright, a white woman, one. How many has Bush had? Many. How did the democrats react to the appointment of these minority men and women? They did everything they could to assassinate their character and prevent them from being confirmed. And your "looking past the color of a man's skin" makes you support the democrats why exactly?

While im on this rant ...I also dont find it Sarah Pailin or McCains buisness to tell people that a rape victim has to have a child that is a product of rape just because God says so.
Good, neither do they. Have you even listened to them? In her first major interview, Palin was directly asked about such exemptions and said she had no problem with them.

and to clear up any confusion ...the war against Afghanistan was in Afghanistan ...not Iraq..
And yet we are fighting the exact same terrorist groups there. Hmmm...

Not all brown people are bad in fact im half brown Hispanic and Irish that doesn't mean I am a terrorist?
Now you are just being silly.

And you know what... I do feel that everybody in America should have free healthcare ...wake up people ..its not a freebee..or a giveaway ..its a basic human need in this world ...this is not free computers we are talking about oe even free cars ..or free gas....its care for the well being of the people in this country (what a concept) could anyone with half a heart or brain deny people with basic needs such as good health...Obviously nobody who opposes it has ever lost someone close to them because they couldn't afford health care.
Ah, the mythical free health care. Sure lets let our wonderfully efficient government take over the best health care system in the world. They have done SO well with everything else they run. Maybe we can get ourselves into the same tax rates as that wonderful panacea (according to liberals) Norway, where their own government sources quote a tax rate of between 70% and 87% for their citizens. Wow. Where do I sign up for that? I guess the poor shape of our system is why tens of thousands of people from Canada and the U.K. come here every year to pay for our health care rather than wait for the "free" health care in their own countries. It is funny that supporters of government-ruin health care say the kind if things you do like "how could anyone with half a heart or brain deny people with basic needs such as good health" as though it is that simple and as though socialized medicine in other countries didn't have a track record of comparitively poor care and economic destruction. It is also a lie that anyone is denied health care. Hospitals are required to treat anyone who comes in. It is free health insurance that they (and you) are trying to force down our throats thanks in no small part to the huge campaign contributions coming from insurance company lobbyists. Hell, I didn't have health insurance until I was almost 30 because I didn't want it.

You have obviously not run the numbers. The cost of the war to date is estimated at nearly $583 billion or roughly $17 billion less than we spend yearly on welfare programs for a very small percentage of the U.S. population. If it costs roughly $600 billion dollars a year to provide welfare for a small percentage of the population, what do you think it is going to cost to provide health care for everyone? Guess where that money would come from. The war has also cost us in total, roughly $117 billion less than we send to foreign oil suppliers each year, thanks to the democrats. The war isn't that expensive when you look at the big picture, is it?

If we worried more about taking care of each other in the USA (REGARDLESS OF RACE COLOR CREED OR OPINION) We would be a beacon of light in a very dark world...
No argument there but that is sadly true of all nations.

Ill probably make alot of enemies on here, you all might even run me completely out of here all together...but im tired of seeing folks trade all of their rights and liberties as well as turn your backs on human beings in this country and even the world and the only excuse is ..i wanna keep my guns...
Evolve people ...this isnt what the founders of this country wanted this all to turn out like..

regardless i hope we can all agree to disagree and continue to get along as far as our love for Mopars go
You will cause spirited debate but you will make no enemies, even though your attack on gun owners is 100% baseless and insulting. The desire to keep the basic human right of defense against not only criminals, but oppressive government has nothing to do with caring for others. If you look at the records for charitable contributions you will find that your typical Christian, probably gun-owing american is FAR more charitable than any of the liberals/socialists/communists that are afraid of guns in the hands of those they wish to subjigate. While we may not all agree on politics, this is a great bunch of people and in the end we all have a shared love of country and cars. An interesting note about the Founding Fathers: they did not believe in giving everyone the responsibility (not a right to them) of voting. Only land owners were able to vote until after 1850. They were terrified of what would happen if the un-educated or un-interested masses were allowed to vote. Rightfully so.
Once and for all...Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction! He used them on the Iranians and on his own people. PERIOD. More than 150 tons of yellow cake uranium ore were shipped out of Iraq this summer to a processing plant. That was the stuff Saddam acquired while that idiot Joe Wilson was sipping tea in Africa. What was Saddam going to use that stuff for? Maybe in his Easy-Bake Oven?
You guys are all good and get into the real details. People that are way left do not want the facts. You cab talk and talk and talk. I am sorry left folks, it is like talking to a Ford Mustang owner about a mopar. They just get emotional and make little since. You can even shown them list of year after year of SSAA cars, Nascar records from the days when Petty ruled etc.

There are some good people on the left and we need the balance, but this guys is out their. Obama that is. His former church oh I did not here them say that etc.. Wel lthe church's web sites #1 selling book is abook the White man being the antichrist.. GEE I am sorry what the heck kinda church is that? I you "know nothing" Mr. Kernal Schultz?

It is fine to be Liberal, it is even OK to own a Ford right? But you need to look at facts 2+2=4 not 3.6 etc. And I could have even stomached other libs Hillerary included. But a lot of the issues today etc are the charge charge charge Clinton days. Sure it seemded good, but now the cards are maxed out, the debts are at the top, people over extended hell 50+% of all americans have a mortgage of 54% of what they make. That is just plain STUPID! They bought to much house and those that bought in a market that they were banking on going up and it did not are now stuck with a non-refiable loan. The roolled the DICE on crappy adjustable loans, Fanie and Fredie were pushed by the Black Cacus( not being racial here) these are facts to lower quailfications to the lower credit score folks. Now that many of these did not pay the loans the fanie freddie went bust. Yes much greed, much BS in people that should not of been given loans. But the Dems pushed for the Fair Housing act adjustments. I do not know why I and the other conservative folks waste our time? I know it is because we CARE. but it is like talking to someone with their eyes closed.

So why in the heck should the responsible conservatives that spend wisely and tell you TOLD you SO! have to bail them out now? :angry7:
Well enjoy the video
Throw Biblical prophesy into this and you'll see that all the cards are lining up for a one world government.