Walmart beware!!!!

i dont shop at walmart (chinamart) any more... but when i did i came out one day and somehow my mirror on my wrangler was sheared off. (they are heavy duty and if you knock them they collapse easily on purpose) dont ask me how someone managed to do that lol.

anyways my revenge will be when i get the duster done... with the big block & headers i'm going to see how many car alarms i can set off
I know a business man here in town who's in his 80's and he called me the other day asking for the best place to buy some cheap paint. I recommended walmart and he told me "NO" real quick. He said he had never shopped at walmart and never will. He said it's on his headstone when he goes. How many here can say that?
I've been to WM exactly twice, was only there because of fairly extenuating situation, and will NOT be going back.

I wanted a security cam, but could not find what I considered a decent supplier online, and ended up finding on the web that WM had them so I bought one.

The breaking string came with my first Canon DSLR, the now old Xt/ 350D Digital Rebel. WM showed them in stock at our store on the web and I could not find a better price, considering shipping. I went out there, ended up dealing with about 5 people, and got answers all the way from "we don't stock those" to "you can't go by the website."

I was already on shaky ground with my opinion of them and that was enough.

On the plus side, I won't have to worry about cart damage to my car!!!
Same situation with a friend of mine. Cart took out a door. The real problem is the lazy *** stupid people that are just to idiotic to push a cart a few steps and put it in the correct place. IF THIS RINGS A BELL TO ANYONE THEN YES I AM TALKING TO YOU. This is my biggest pet peave of any shopping center that has carts. If someone cant take a few extra steps to put the cart in the proper place they should not be allowed to use them. Society in general are becoming lazy idiots and this is the reason we get dents and damages in cars from carts..... pure LAZINESS.

... steps off rant stand....

I shop at Walmart [cause I ain't blessed] and I park right next to the cart return, why? cause very few folks return them there so my truck is safe!!! I tried the parking in the south fourty but just like a magnet you come out and 25 *** hats have you surrounded. My opinion is this I understand your anger it's the principal of the thing but at the same time you took a risk and received damage [could happen at the Country Club too] chalk it up to a learning experience and QUIT BITCHIN!!!
I can probably count the number of times I've been in Wal mart in the past 10 years on my hands, I usually buy two items there; Mobil One 5 qt. jug, and gray primer spray paint for 88¢ a can. I use the gray primer to re-prime over areas I' had to grind for welding. Don't know who makes it for them, but it's very good.
I can probably count the number of times I've been in Wal mart in the past 10 years on my hands, I usually buy two items there; Mobil One 5 qt. jug, and gray primer spray paint for 88¢ a can. I use the gray primer to re-prime over areas I' had to grind for welding. Don't know who makes it for them, but it's very good.

Either it has been a while since you have gone to Walmart or they charge more for their gray primer here.
This same exact thing happened to my brothers new Nissan Cube at WalMart. The wind blew it across the lot and it hit the front fender. They told him tough luck, not responsible.
I saw a bunch of that too. I can also tell you what happens when you toss a cart in the cardboard compactor. lol


I can tell you what happens when you hold a cart out of the car door window at 40 and let it go, into the cart corral.

No one is going to turn in a claim for $250 to there own insurance company. even if you had a zero deductable collision coverage.

And carts don't damage cars people do. :)

The wind says otherwise. I've seen them get loose from corrals.
It's Walmart. Stop right there. No surpise.
As always in life, it's a people problem.
Thank, or blame your fellow Walmart shoppers.

Can't believe the people at the grocery store.
Leave the carts anwhere.
Then other people walk right by them on the way into the store.
And get a cart once they are in the store.
Go figure.
I get them out of the cart storage area and take one in with me.
Maybe the problem could be eliminated if they do like ALDI grocery store has done. You pay a quarter to get your basket and when you return the basket the machine returns your quarter.

If people saw an empty basket in the lot they would tend to grab it to save that quarter.

If a person is too lazy to return it to get the quarter back there will be others around that would do it to get that quarter.
Maybe the problem could be eliminated if they do like ALDI grocery store has done. You pay a quarter to get your basket and when you return the basket the machine returns your quarter.

If people saw an empty basket in the lot they would tend to grab it to save that quarter.

If a person is too lazy to return it to get the quarter back there will be others around that would do it to get that quarter.

Make it a dollar.
I don't carry change.

It could be a dollar, I just used a quarter since that is what I have seen done locally.
dude I would be ther all day pushing carts back push 100 carts a day . Make 100 bucks cant beat that with a stick .
If your parked at my house and a tree limb falls on someone's car do I tell them there SOL cause I'm not liable Wrong
actually, that's exactly what you'd tell them- unless you knew the tree was rotten you wouldn't be liable if a tree or a branch fell on someone's vehicle.

anyways, back to the previous rants:D
I'm guessing you'd find the same response in any parking lot that has carts, or at least many of them (not limiting this to Wal Mart). Someone told me once that the store is responsible and those signs are just a deterrent to minimize claims. I have never verified what I heard, but I guess this story would indicate that is either false or stores are just really good at getting out of paying.

Has anyone ever gotten a claim in a lot of a store with one of those not responsible signs in it?
dude I would be ther all day pushing carts back push 100 carts a day . Make 100 bucks cant beat that with a stick .

I seriously don't carry pocket change.
I heard, don't know, that there are more 100 dollars bills in circulation than 1 dollar bills.
Forces beyond our control are at work.
What is it at the airport on those cart?
The idea is that people would bring the carts back for money.
If it was a dollar, you might not have many carts to make your money.

But then again................................................


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It was 96 cents but I think it had gone up again. When I looked the last time it seems like it was over a dollar. It is really good primer.

Actually, that's still a good price considering the quality of that premier. I bought a couple of cans of primer yesterday at Advanced Auto, yesterday, and it was $3,99 a can.
People are slobs when it comes to the shopping cart issue.
That is why a lot of supermarkets around here have a coin drive on them so that people will return their carts to get their quarter back.
And if a cart is sitting there, i will return it to get the quarter. I even do this if there is no money involved because it's the right thing to do.
That being said, i don't have spectacular paint jobs on my daily drivers for this reason.
My son and I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and saw a HEMI EATING a shopping cart. It was an older gentleman so we stopped to see what was going on. The only way to get it out was to cut it up. I had my tools with me so I fetched a hack saw from the truck and cut it up. It came out and I kept the front swivel casters. The guy said the thing just appeared from no where and was in front of his truck before he could avoid it. At first my son and I laughed our *** off but felt bad for the guy and stopped to help him. He had been trying for a while and no one would help him. His cell phone was not working. You just never know. This was a good lesson for my 15 year old.


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