Watch who you argue with.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.

That sums things up pretty also makes you not care very much . I am trying to help out a family member with a 318, first thing I noticed is he has the timing at 0 TDC. I said "the spark should happen a little before TDC like 5 or 10..." nothing not even a titter. He's 85 years old and likes to argue...say things like "it ran like that before..." I'm ready to say "look Ill help you but you have to leave me alone with your car Ill come and get ya when I get it dialed in..." I have realized over the years age doesnt mantter it isnt like people get smarter as they get older there are old stupid folks also...:) :)
Well as an old man told me once .
As you get older you will realize.
"It's not how smart you are, it's how dumb you were "
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That sums things up pretty also makes you not care very much . I am trying to help out a family member with a 318, first thing I noticed is he has the timing at 0 TDC. I said "the spark should happen a little before TDC like 5 or 10..." nothing not even a titter. He's 85 years old and likes to argue...say things like "it ran like that before..." I'm ready to say "look Ill help you but you have to leave me alone with your car Ill come and get ya when I get it dialed in..." I have realized over the years age doesnt mantter it isnt like people get smarter as they get older there are old stupid folks also...:) :)
Going through that now FIL Is 90 and just looking for a fight, even though he knows he’s wrong, he just want to yank your chain. Then when you finally break and tell him off he goes sulking, I was the bad guy, until the wife witnessed it a couple times. Then she told him your on your own now buddy. Things have calmed down a little.
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize, half of em, are stupider than that!”

George Carlin
There is a lot of stupid people out there that’s for sure. But I turned forty a couple years ago and finally realized how stupid I used to be… and sometimes how stupid I can still be. Watching the younger guys and older guys I think what a cycle to go through. Not knowing anything, thinking you know everything, realizing you don’t, realizing all you’ve learned and then loosing it all again.
Or meybe the older guys are just acting stupid because there smart enough to get the younger guys to do things for them
I tHouGhT dIS posT waS AboUT dAt gUY in StAyCaTion land.
Girl I went to high school with married that ^^^^^puppet guy
Going through that now FIL Is 90 and just looking for a fight, even though he knows he’s wrong, he just want to yank your chain. Then when you finally break and tell him off he goes sulking, I was the bad guy, until the wife witnessed it a couple times. Then she told him your on your own now buddy. Things have calmed down a little.
It may very well be an age thing but the old guy has so many issues with his car and its like" if you been working on cars for years what gives? I already see so many things wrong... you need to let me dial it in then don't touch it..." he's also in a hurry wants to cruise a little he said "I don't have many years left..." I find the most mistakes happen when in a hurry.:)
It may very well be an age thing but the old guy has so many issues with his car and its like" if you been working on cars for years what gives? I already see so many things wrong... you need to let me dial it in then don't touch it..." he's also in a hurry wants to cruise a little he said "I don't have many years left..." I find the most mistakes happen when in a hurry.:)
The man I apprenticed under told me one day slow down and speed up. It took that young punk about a week to figure it out. I’ve used that line on lots of guy’s, my boys as well.
I don't argue with people.. i just smile and listen to them rant and say ok and walk away.. no reason to argue with morons..
Try having an argument with someone who thinks that 1/3 cup is less than 1/4 cup. Because 3 is less than 4, right? Never mind the fact that a smaller number in the denominator makes for an overall larger number. And most people who think things like that don't know what a denominator is.
Oh, I forgot this tidbit. Try talking to someone who thinks 1 1/3 cup in a recipe means 1/3 of a cup one time. When you try to tell them it means one whole cup plus 1/3 cup, they will say, "Then why didn't it say that?"
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