Waterdown car show

just got blstnoff on the road yesterday! was aiming for the fling, but i would like to show up at waterdown. is there an a body spot? or the usual park where you can? I need some small parts, but it has become somewhat of a garage sale there, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you never know!!!!!
It's still just a "park where you can". My family usually gets a few spots on the fenceline(my wifes cousin is the promoter). It's one of my favorite swapmeets(I'm a junk collector) but there are a few gems to be found. I'll bring some more FABO cards, and get them out to new prospects.
just got blstnoff on the road yesterday! was aiming for the fling, but i would like to show up at waterdown. is there an a body spot? or the usual park where you can? I need some small parts, but it has become somewhat of a garage sale there, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you never know!!!!!

I was mentally incapacitated when I made my post?

Will be at Spring Fling as well, missed last year, better have shirts for sale from last year...hate to have a gap in my collection LOL
yeap, see ya'll tamaraw! no car for me though. wifey wants to trade me. she give me a hemi, i gotta give her Terra greenhouses, so gotta take the truck!
well, its 5 in the morn, gout's acting up! May not make waterdown now. will see in a couple of hours if I'm walkable! No pity friends please. I would like to make it and meet those from that area though. if not have a blast everyone! see you Sunday at the fling.
Hope to make it down with the Duster! Don't be shy introduce yourselves if you see me and the Duster! I most likely will be along side my cousin and his red Demon.

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I mist you Craig, I wasn't keeping my eyes open for a Duster.

Spring Fling tomorrow in Mississauga...
Hey Giles,nice to see you and Brenda again,also Bill and George,Wally.It was very busy today with lots of cars and lots of vendors.The heat was also a little on the hot side.I wasn,t really in the mood to be snapping a bunch of pics(too dam hot)Here,s a couple pics of FABO members cars and an old Merc. pickup with a Caddy frontwheel drive engine in the rear.MtNemoMopar(Bill)was telling me that the guy threw dirt in the paint to give it the rusty look.It looked like it was just dragged out of a field.LOL
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Hey Scott, just by looking at those few pics, you can tell, it was a beautiful day and a great turnout.

Those two pre-70's Darts sure look familiar...
Don't forget the ALL MOPAR in Mississauga tomorrow, weather forecast is also favorable.

Now I'm off to a quiet bon-fire with the little lady and a couple cold ones, to finish off another beautiful day.

All the best!
Had a great time Scott. It was good to see you, and Wally. The car show turned out fantastic. We have a lot of craftsmen in Canada to be proud of. All of our members here should reconize that apple green Swinger. You need to see this car in person to appreciate the paint.
Thanks for the wings Scott.