Welding noob, hows this one or other suggestions



Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
Oregon City, OR
So Ive never welded anything in my life. I want to learn and plan on taking a course at the college here this summer. At any rate, I also wanted to pick up a welder to practice at home. I most plan on doing sheet metal welding but want the ability to go bigger as well; I have 220 in my shop. Found a deal on the welder below for about half retail. Is it a good one or any other recommendations for a total noob. Also I wont be doing this for a living so easy settings for the rec user are great. Thanks!

The 220 volt 180 amp range welders are a very good choice. Lincoln is one of the reputable brands as well. One thing to look for though is to make sure you have both continously variable amperage and wire speed. The units I've seen at the box stores just have click settings instead of infinitely variable. On the thicker material the click settings ar OK but when you get down to sheet metal it is very nice (almost a necessity) to have the ability to make changes in very small increments.
Sheet metal is tough to begin on, very thin and you can burn through it very quickly. 1/4 steel is very EZ to weld, header pipe is almost impossible for a beginner, especially 18G thin crap that is rusty and already thinned from years of use. Good luck, practice practive practive. Get a good auto darkening helmet too. Very useful.
So this welder for me is: $669.00-Each and you can get it fo half that??? if so what the heck are you w8n for???
One thing you need to check out CAREFULLY is whether or not this welder has been SPECIALLY MADE for the "big box" stores. There's some discussion about this around the www. A good friend of mine had a "John Deere" tractor that came from either HD or one of the other (Lowes?) big stores. It was NOT "all" Deere, and the Deere dealer wanted nothing to do with it.

This, unfortunately is all too common, and I believe it should be illegal.

You may be getting a machine with some oddball Chineso controller or other parts which Lincoln won't / cant replace.
As 67Dart mentioned...the Home Depot/Lowes welders...even though they are a Lincoln product...are NOT the same as what you buy at a welding shop. That doesnt mean they are no good. I started with a Lincoln 135 from Lowes. They will do the job and are a great beginner welder. If you dont make a living with it, you'll probably never have a problem.
Good luck. Dont get frustrated. Half the battle is machine settings, and then PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. You'll get it.
I would take Collision Repair Welding at the local college, this is specifically for automotive, sheet metal, patch panels, frame sectioning.

Use their welders and see what you like.
That is so funny Baxter. I bought one off of CL up there in October and brought it down here. I spent a lot of time looking it over and these guys pretty much called it.

I don't recall off the top of my head if it was tapped or not. But I do know that the wire feed mechanism was plastic as I recall on this one and metal on the others that aren't the box store models. I also believe that it was the same guts inside essentially.

Most everyone was real supportive of it. Particularly in your position, patch work on cars. Several of my 4x4 friends have used it extensively and liked it.

I sold it and bought a giant Esab before I used mine. LMK if you want me to help you out next time I am up there.

Formula, thats my plan is to head over to CCC this summer and play around.

Rob, Im always lookin for help!

As far as actually buying that particular one I listed I'll see if the deal actually goes through. It was a "heard from a guy who heard it from a guy" scenario and I think we can all agree that those are rarely as they seem.
I paid $380 for mine in mid-October. A lady bought it for her boyfriend and then he moved on. She lived in an apartment and just wanted some of her money back.

Sold it for $480 and put in some cash and bought an ESAB Migmaster which fit my needs better for the 4x4 stuff.