Well, another reason to skip Wal-Mart

Don't they sell dog sweaters in pet stores? I'm sure there is a large selection and your dog would be welcome to shop there anytime. Why go to Walmart when there is probably a Petsmart or the like in your town? IMO, only service dogs should be allowed in any store, as they are trained to behave and do their jobs regardless of their surroundings. Leave the pets at home unless you are going to a pet store that allows them to go in. Geof
Woof woof ruff ruff ruff. Grrr, woof woof ruff! Ruff ruff ruff. Woof woof. Grrrrrr! Hoooowwwwwwwl!!!!!!!

Speedthrills dog, Augie
Uhm pittman..unless I am mistaken... this is in the "general" thread topics which covers just about anything. There are lots of threads on cars to entertain your mind. This belongs here just as much as posts of pictures of dogs in snow, or sunsets, or whatever. The glorious thing is you really dont have to read it ;)

Woof woof ruff ruff ruff. Grrr, woof woof ruff! Ruff ruff ruff. Woof woof. Grrrrrr! Hoooowwwwwwwl!!!!!!!

Speedthrills dog, Augie

WOL!!! (woofing out loud!)

Uhm pittman..unless I am mistaken... this is in the "general" thread topics which covers just about anything. There are lots of threads on cars to entertain your mind. This belongs here just as much as posts of pictures of dogs in snow, or sunsets, or whatever. The glorious thing is you really dont have to read it ;)


X2 RPM, ...or the weather, or new girlfriends or a bad day at work, etc.
There is a hardware mom and pop store near my work. I went in one day for something and noticed they had 2 dogs apparently their pets. As a dog owner I am ok with that but dogs need to stay home. As I rounded the corner in the back guess what I almost stepped in. I walked out without purchasing a thing and will not return to that store. My dog is a house dog and trained it is not considered an accident to me. It is blatent disrespect for the dog not to make you aware they need to go. Also when I told the lady what was around the corner she made like it happens all the time.
I don't have time to read all of this but LEAVE YOUR F'N RAT AT HOME...and Wash that jacket, it's makin' my nose itch just lookin' at it!!!
i know i dont rpm . but all you guys are fighting about wal-mart and how dogs cant go . wtf.lol. theres a lot better things to cry about right now in this world
The people who kill me are the ones who have animals running around in their cars. Driving down the street with a dog in their lap so it can stick it's head out the drivers window, like a lady I folllowed a few weeks ago,
Sh'e got two foo-foo dogs in her lap, and a cell phone glued to her ear.
Last I noticed, humans only have 2 arms....sh'e got one trying to hold the phone, the other sort of steering and holding the 2 dogs....not paying attention to either driving or the dogs, swerving all over the place and driving 2 feet left of the centerline. She's lucky the road was deserted....and I'm glad I wasn't coming the other way.
What happens to either her or the dogs if she hits something and the airbag deploys?
Or one of them gets down on the floor between her feet and the brake pedal? Panic :stop: =crunched skull.
Riding the rear window ledge? Panic stop=10+ pound projectile. Like a bowling ball...
What if she had to suddenly make a steering correction that required more than a 1/4 turn of the wheel?
Leave Snookums at home, or put pets in a carrier. It's the human that goes to stupid lengths to please the pet, the pet doesn't know any better.
My cat stays at home, inside, unless a trip to the vet is in order, and then he rides, safely, in a carrier.
I'm done now.
Alan627b, I'd love to see her drive that beast on your avatar with poopsie on her lap and the phone glued to her ear. She was probably telling her caller friend all about the RUDE other driver's on the road, and how they have no respect for her, or poopsies obvious right to slobber all over her and her car!!! AGHHH!!! My new motto... SHUT UP AND DRIVE!!! Or better yet, just shut up!!! Geof
The answer Fishbreath is they are anti union anti worker pro goverment handout

Can you name a single business owner that is pro union?

I have never heard that Wal-Mart is looking for government handouts. What is that from?
The reallity of it all is that we all treat our animals better than wal mart does its employees. As far as bringing the dog in,no. I have a golden retreiver and she does tell me she wants to go but, just like kids, you have to say no. I also have mini daschsand. He also stays home.Boycott wal mart as much as possible. My wife and are both union people and believe wal mart underminds any effort for labor to try to better wages and working conditions that organized and nonorganized both benefit from. F---wal mart!
Pitmann445: Obama drives a Mopar!!!!?
Damn, there another thing the Obama-mania-media didn’t report on.

RPM. I’m not amazed at what the thread has turned into. But I imagine four pages is it’s life expectancy. Probably, a good thing. I don’t have time to respond to all.
“No” is the answer to your first question of curiosity. I thought I made that clear in my last post.
Next, you make a good point. I was NOT going into an “eating establishment”. Nor would I attempt that. That’s either a straw man or a red herring. Exceptions are made for service animals in restaurants. What did you think about the link I provided earlier about the blind man’s dog? (See also “common sense” verses government zero tolerance.) Those that appealed to government regulations, or can’t see the relevance of bringing up government rules as the cause of my rejection and a private company “hiding” behind those rules, might want to ponder the relationship.
And lastly I was going in specifally to buy a specific lug wrench. I thought Wal-Mart was my only choice (long story) and to “look” for a sweater. I later found out that I did have other choices on the wrench. Choice is something that seems to become less and less common as Wal-Marts open in a town near you.

44super duster: Did I mention that one of our Chihuahuas is a legal service animal?
Hum? What then folks?

Whodat72: Go blow your nose. (beak)
Its to the point folks treat their dogs like kids and their kids like dogs !!!!!! Wal-Mart has a rule : NO PETS....... You shop there you obey their rules simple as that.....
Hey guys, this has been some really great reading stuff on such a snowy cold day. My guts sore from laughing! Sorry, don't mean to offend but some of the comments made had me crackin' up!

Snookums...FooFoo's .....pulling the dog out by the least while taking a dump!!!! I'm dying here..LOL!

Thanks for the laughs!
Exceptions are made for service animals in restaurants.

And... that is so the PERSON can go to the establishment because they have a physical issue that precludes them from normal living! Last I checked, people aren't tripping over guide dogs with regularity in businesses. If your precious poochy was a guide dog and you were blind then I would change my opinion.

Your dog has NO PLACE in a business establishment if the owners/management don't want it inside. Don't like it, shop elsewhere! Last I saw, lots of wal-marts are selling food goods/fruit/vegetables like any supermarket. Why is that so tough for you to understand.

If you didn't carry the dog around, it might not suffer from separation anxiety. People carrying dogs around has become an issue recently and is NOT healthy for the dog... but I digress. Surprise, surprise, dogs survived for thousands/millions of years, long before people started carrying their happy asses around! Maybe I should have put my 90# pit in a baby backpack and walked around with her... What's the difference?

Funny, that if someone disagrees with you they aren't a dog person. Laughable statement. It's more about respect and consideration for others (see guide dog comment). You have an excuse for every issue. It's apparent from your responses... it's ALL ABOUT YOU.

Carry on
Hey i'm a dog lover too,but i want one that can;t fit in my jacket ie:a "real" one..i got 2 cats that'll eat that thing in your jacket!!!
Gotta love Wally World...
Sorry couldnt help it thought it was fitting...

After landing my new job as a Wal-Mart greeter, a good find for many retirees, I lasted less than a day.

Two hours into my first workday a unattractive, mean-acting, very loud woman walked into the store with her two brats, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance.

As I had been instructed, I said pleasantly, 'Good morning, and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?' The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to scream, 'Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?'

So I replied, 'I'm neither blind nor stupid, Ma'am, I just couldn't believe you got laid twice. Have a good day , and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.'

My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work.
I wonder if Fred Meyers will hire me?
The reality of it all is that we all treat our animals better than wal mart does its employees. As far as bringing the dog in,no. I have a golden retreiver and she does tell me she wants to go but, just like kids, you have to say no. I also have mini daschsand. He also stays home.Boycott wal mart as much as possible. My wife and are both union people and believe wal mart underminds any effort for labor to try to better wages and working conditions that organized and nonorganized both benefit from. F---wal mart!

I know a number of people that work at Wal Mart and they don't complain about the work conditions any more than any one else does. The one near me has the same people working there year after year which tells me that it can't be to bad especially when the retail industry in my area up until the last few months was always begging for people. Wal Mart also hires many more physically challenged or semi-retired people than any retail business I have ever frequented which is a good thing.

In my 30+ years in the work force I have worked for places with closed shops where everyone was required to be a member of the union. Open shops where you had the option and place with no unions. The only conclusion I can make from my experiences is a union is a bad thing. They promote mediocrity in the work force, generate a hostile environment to work and limit the opportunity for some one willing to work hard to excell.

There are three chain grocery stores in my area; Two have unions one doesn't and the other two are always boycotting it trying to force a union in the one that doesn't. The folks that work at the one without continue to vote down the union. My wife won't frequent the two that are unionized because the folks there are unfriendly, angry and are always bitching about how they are being s%&^ed by management (see my conclusion above). The non union store the folks working there are friendly, helpful and its generally a much better place to shop.
"If you didn't carry the dog around, it might not suffer from separation anxiety. People carrying dogs around has become an issue recently and is NOT healthy for the dog... but I digress."

Surprise, surprise, surprise, Sargent Carter.
Some things are hard wired into a dog. That's why they don't use terriers for sheep dogs. But they are excellent ratters. Broaden your horizons.

"Maybe I should have put my 90# pit in a baby backpack and walked around with her... What's the difference?"

If I have to explain the difference, why bother?
Surprise, surprise, surprise, Sargent Carter.
Some things are hard wired into a dog. That's why they don't use terriers for sheep dogs. But they are excellent ratters. Broaden your horizons.

If I have to explain the difference, why bother?

Likewise genius!

You miss the point COMPLETELY!

My neighbors mini chi doesn't suffer from sep anxiety? Hmmmmmm. They don't carry the dog around either!

It's all about you anyways and have a great holiday.