what did you all do today?



It's only metal
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Renton Wa
I am almost done with the 8 3/4 for Tara's swinger after spending way too much time stripping and cleaning and painting everything.

What did you all do today?

8 3 4 tara's swinger1.JPG

8 3 4 tara's swinger2.JPG

8 3 4 tara's swinger3.JPG

8 3 4 tara's swinger4.JPG

8 3 4 tara's swinger5.JPG

8 3 4 tara's swinger6.JPG
Worked on the underside of my hood. I didn't think it was going to be that bad untill I started scraping away loose paint. P.O. painted over rust and then someone painted over that.:angry7:
But the weather was beautiful yesterday at 85 deg and no humidity. I didn't break a sweat untill 2:30, and that was in direct sunlight.
More of the same today. Yeah!

DSC00004 (Custom).JPG
Finished prepping a 360 block for the machine shop. Dropping it there this afternoon. It was such a nice evening I took the '65 for a short moonlight cruise... Now I've got a nasty cold and feel like poop...lol.
I am gonna finish painting the stuff for my column and gonna attempt to put it back together correctly.
had knee surgery yesterday so sitting at home watching tv and playing on the computer
I was up doctoring knucklehead. He hurt his leg some how while playing with the other two knuckleheads. Looks like he over extended his leg and got a shin splint. He is going to be all right but he is going to have to be in the peen for a few weeks so he stays off of it.

Mabby one day I will have some time to work on the car but it is not looking good so far:toothy10:

I installed my new column shift knob yesterday and tightened the play in the power steering box. I also changed out my throttle return spring. The first one was too heavy which didn't allow full-throttle. The second one was too loose and kept idle about 250RPM too high unless I physically pulled back the throttle pedal with my foot. Hopefully this middle of the road one will be good.

I also need to work on my 8.75. But I'm lazy!
I like how the swinger is in the back ground! Tara would love to see this pic a horse and a swinger. (two of her favorite things)
I just got back from a leg stretching walk and know soaking 4 trash cans to be washed out.
Our fridge quit on us while I was gone to MMW and Tuesday we had another one delivered, So you can imagine what the trash company got when they picked up our trash Wednesday at noon :toothy10:
I hope your horse heels up good Burnt. and I have to say that is a good looking roof you have :cheers: Is that a clay roof ?
Decided to sand my extra set of wheels for my daily driver el camino im planning to paint them black maybe itll make someone want it more than i do and buy it im trying to get a dodge aspen daily driver and maybe do a v8 swap
I like how the swinger is in the back ground! Tara would love to see this pic a horse and a swinger. (two of her favorite things)

Technicall the horses are my girl friends and the cars are mine but we do have fun sharing each others hobbys.

I hope your horse heels up good Burnt. and I have to say that is a good looking roof you have :cheers: Is that a clay roof ?

He will be all right. That is an adobe house with a clay tile roof on it.
The walls are about two foot thick and it stays well insulated.
just got back from surfing this morning. super windy here today so I doubt I'll get any painting done.
dusted 72, I broke my foot a week ago just walking the mall, i have feet problems plus alot of other things from being a diabetic for 44 years, had an emergency appendix removal 4 weeks ago, in hospital for a week because of gang green. Gotta love being a senior citizen
Spent some of the day in bed nursing a sore head due to a migraine last night...:angry7:
Worked on the underside of my hood. I didn't think it was going to be that bad untill I started scraping away loose paint. P.O. painted over rust and then someone painted over that.:angry7:
But the weather was beautiful yesterday at 85 deg and no humidity. I didn't break a sweat untill 2:30, and that was in direct sunlight.
More of the same today. Yeah!

I feel for you. My Scamp VIN decodes as a White car with a black vinyal top.

Sometime in its life, it got painted gold, then white, then grey, then white again.

Right over the bond they slapped on the panel seams behind the rear window, so now the paint has started peeling off, due to nio prep work,

Can wait to sand all that down.

I worked today( still there), gonna go home and play with the doggies.
well today I finished the 8 3/4 and then winterized my boat. I think I will work on the rally dash tonight.
I actually paid out money to hang drywall. My brother is putting up a modular and needed help so me and a guy working for me spent the day hanging his basement. Did i mention I HATE DRYWALL... car wise my new wheels didnt come in so i tore the old carpet out to inspect the floor.