what do cops look for?


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
just now i was on my way back home from school for lunch....i was driving my aunt's ferd tortise bcoz Natasha (68 dart) is still down.

her car is much newer (2007) so i was adjusting the radio and looking around. suddenly i see red and blue lights in the rear view mirror...

i took a better look and yup ....he was after me. i look down and see i am going 5 below the speed limit (WTH), so i pull over and park and two officers get out of the patrol car. Its the county Sheriff bcoz i live in the farms and i was only about 3 miles from my house.

one officer came up the passenger side and stops by the passenger side rear door .....the other comes up to my window ....as they got out and came up to the car they took a good look at the car and the plate, took a good look through the back windows.

the officer watched me get the papers to the car from the glove box and my ID from my purse on the console, he takes the registration and compared it to the vin number on the dash. as he is comparing vin numbers, he looked through the windsheild at me and told me "hands on the steering" so i did as i was told. kinda strange feeling.

the two officers go back to the patrol car and were there for almost ten minutes.

then they both get out again and come up to the car, i right away put my hands back on the steering wheel before they came back........ the same officer comes up to the window again and takes his sunglasses off and takes a really good look at me up and down(very strange feeling).

and hands me my papers and ID and says "you have a good day miss"

Left me with a "WTH was that feeling"

So what were they looking for??

they didnt give me a ticket for anything .....never asked why my name is not on the registration,its my aunt's car.......never asked for immigration papers......didnt ask where i was going or coming from....NOTHING ????

WOW what was that?
Thought you were an Illegal..........lol

thats very possible but they never asked for any immigration papers or anything and i was waiting for that to come up bcoz i had my papers with me, so i was prepared for that.
Who knows with cops, but they do watch your movements and hands very closely when they approach the car. Maybe the guy was training in a new cop and wanted to go through the basics? It might have been cause they seen you messing around with the mirror and not watching the road. Funny he didn't talk to you more or be a little more polite atleast. Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, maybe they were just bored? Checking for stolen vehicles? Who knows really...glad to hear you didn't get a ticket :glasses7:
Did you have a "FABO" sticker on your aunts car?? Maybe they were after you wondering where the Dart is......LOL, J/K :D
you probably speak good english...

plus they profile people...

if you are driving along at the speed limit or under the speed limit...they suspect that you are trying not to get pulled over..
They were probaly wondering what little miss mopar was doing driving a FORD- proably thought you had to be drinking to do that!
If the cops there work like they do here , they have a quota for fines every month . They will never admit to it , but most places do . I worked in law enforcement , and thats the way it always was then . Some things don't change . They were more than likely checking to see if your seat belt was on , that you weren't on your phone , no visible alcohol , firearms , etc .
The way it sounds to me.Most likely a car was reported stolen that fit your aunts description.So they were on gaurd as they checked everything out.My theory anyways.
checking to see if you had a booster seat to see over the dash....lol
Agreed, not that I have pulled over many times. I can not recall ever having my VIN checked on a stop.

The way it sounds to me.Most likely a car was reported stolen that fit your aunts description.So they were on gaurd as they checked everything out.My theory anyways.
yeah you dont get that much in the older cars. but in newer cars sometimes they are looking for a vehicle from amber alerts, robberies, carjackings etc.
They were probaly wondering what little miss mopar was doing driving a FORD- proably thought you had to be drinking to do that!


checking to see if you had a booster seat to see over the dash....lol


Maybe they just thought you looked hot and wanted to get a closer look! :D

Quite possibly :)

As long as the address on your license matches the adddress on the reg they won't question it. Got stopped for driving to slow (really, they were following me and speedo didn't work) in a gf's car and they questioned if it was stolen cause my address didn't match.
x whatever on the stolen car theory.

I've only had my VIN # checked once, and that was on my motorcycle. Sportbike's get stolen a lot, and I was leaving a motorcycle event so there were a ton of bikes (and hooligans) in the area, so that made sense. But I've never had my VIN checked against my paperwork in a car.

My guess is they had a report of a stolen Ferd that was close in appearance to your aunt's. Two officers in the car also suggests they might have been training, so you probably got the extra super-duper by the book stop.
you probably speak good english...

plus they profile people...

if you are driving along at the speed limit or under the speed limit...they suspect that you are trying not to get pulled over..
I was cruising around with a buddy of mine one night (ok, early AM) and we met a cop at an intersection we were turning at. My buddy waits at the yield sign (even though we had a turning light, so the cop was at a red). Then, after sitting at the yield for about 10 seconds, he (my buddy) finally goes.
Then he drives at about half the speed limit as the cop catches up, and holds that speed while the cop follows us. The cop pulls us over (of course, as this was some pretty suspicious looking driving IMHO) then after he lets us go my buddy starts complaining about the cop pulling him over.
I say something like "well, maybe if you'd driven normally, he wouldn't have".
If you were driving under the speed limit they probably thought you were either lost or were looking around for things to steal.....
checking to see if you had a booster seat to see over the dash....lol

Hey nowwwwwwww ........ LOL Rani, you just tell them that dynamite comes in small packages. :-D If you want to borrow the 8" heels just let me know. (They kick pretty well too. Heh hehhh)

As to the mystery of what they're looking for, who knows? My thighs once got threatened with a speeding ticket by a Sheriff's deputy between Penrose and Pueblo West on my way to work one morning ... good thing they had their driver's license with them and promised him they'd keep it under 55.
Maybe looking for stolen hamburgers? :D Seriously, sounds like a car involved in somthing fit the description of what you were driving.