what do you use



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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getting sick sucks. feel like i am coming down with a cold or something. so cough up your remedies, home brewed and store bought. the biggest issue is the cough, been coughing so much feel like my chest is going to explode. HELP!!!!!!!
oh, and there is that lol8) i know its hard but try not to "think" you have a cold....eeer i mean MAN FLU....i know when your about to come down i say no! :bootysha: dont give up!wrap yourself on sofa etc feeling sorry for yourself and the cold has won.
I use Zicam cold remedy nasal spray when I first start to feel a cold coming on. Haven't had a cold now in 4 or 5 years.
Mucinex is good for coughing all the nasty stuff out. It comes in a store-brand, same active ingredient but cheaper. Also I drink mass quantities of 100% juice cranberry juice at room temp right out of the container. Another trick is find something to do that's easy to do but will keep your mind off being sick. Sorry man, feel better soon.
Im with you on the feeling sick Inkjunkie. Went to car show yesterday, it was cold and raw outside and today I've got body aches all over, sore throat stuffed up head. Just feel like crap!! At least this gives me an excuse to put off taking down the Christmas tree till next weekend. I will stay in all day and hang out here or watch Barrett Jackson or better yet,,, Sleep!!!!!
As said before vinegar But I drink a table spoon full twice a day or pickle juice.
And like goldfish said cranberry juice at room temp and stay away from heavy foods like steak and pork for a while bud 8)
Rest and watch some comedy on utube is what I do :-D
And a big move on this is wash your pillow case and sheets everyday and bedding twice a week :happy10:
You ask for it so here it is. Liquid and a lot of it. Carry a bottle of water with you all the time. You will flush out your system and i do an occasional shot of that good Kessler whisky. Hack up all the trash in your chest and throat and get it out of your body then keep hammerin on the water. You can do it so stay after it Ink.
Small Block
Vitamin C tablets,the chewable ones.
I chew 2 a day or sometimes more.
An i havent caught a cold in ages,an when you do catch one,
take alot of vitamin c,it will quicken the recovery i promise.
Stuffy nose? Blow the hell out of it then a good shot of Otrivin in each side.Get the one withe moisturizer in it.Blue cap.8)
Nightquil, half bottle before bed

Dayquil, half bottle before work
Vitamin C tablets,the chewable ones.
I chew 2 a day or sometimes more.
An i havent caught a cold in ages,an when you do catch one,
take alot of vitamin c,it will quicken the recovery i promise.

A big x2 on this one!!! except I don't take the chewables. I've taken 500 or 1000 mg of Vitamin C with supper every night for at least 8 years and -- knockin on wood -- have NOT had a cold or been sick in that entire time frame.

Though it won't help that much for the crap you have right now Inkie (maybe help you kick it faster), it will save you from getting sick next time.

Vitamin C is something you really can't "OD" on so to speak since your body can't retain it like some other vitamins. If you don't eat a lot of fruit or drink a lot of juice, take Vitamin Cs instead.

Best of luck with the remedies and hoping you feel better soon!!! :-D
You can buy Oil of Oregano capsules at drug stores and other places.....the oil (oregano vulgare....the real stuff) is one of the most powerful anti-viral/fungal/bacterials known to man............

It doesn't screw up your immune system, and works really well against nearly all types of infections, including cold viruses.

Do a little research on it......Not snake oil......It's the real thing.

.......and watch Barrett Jackson.
Nightquil, half bottle before bed

Dayquil, half bottle before work
this was the way, kind of, that i used to deal with it years ago. except i would mix 6 or 7 beers and a couple of shots before bed. i think the mixture now would kill me....
When I am really sick John makes me a hot tottie. Whiskey, hot tea, little lemon, and honey. I don't drink alcohol but I force down. I am not sure if it is the whiskey or the mixture but it does the trick. Get better soon.
A big x2 on this one!!! except I don't take the chewables. I've taken 500 or 1000 mg of Vitamin C with supper every night for at least 8 years and -- knockin on wood -- have NOT had a cold or been sick in that entire time frame.

Though it won't help that much for the crap you have right now Inkie (maybe help you kick it faster), it will save you from getting sick next time.

Vitamin C is something you really can't "OD" on so to speak since your body can't retain it like some other vitamins. If you don't eat a lot of fruit or drink a lot of juice, take Vitamin Cs instead.

Best of luck with the remedies and hoping you feel better soon!!! :-D

Im glad you agree!
I know vitamin c helps alot.

If i feel a cold coming id take more than i normally would an it
would go away ;)

But at your stage its a bit late inkjunkie,wishing you
a speedy recovery mate!
Hot toddie

Hot tub

Hot Woman

May not cure your cold, but it will take yur mind off it for at least 5 minutes.
I use Zicam cold remedy nasal spray when I first start to feel a cold coming on. Haven't had a cold now in 4 or 5 years.

Zicam nasal spray is bad bad news! They are saying that it can actually kill your sense of smell after a while. I used to use it until I heard about that happening to people.
Take a ton of vitamin C, find the cheapest, nastiest bottle of 100 proof vodka you can, take a few shots and goto bed. I have a bottle of 100 proof Smirnoff blue label for when I get sick. It tastes like hell but it will kill damn near anything!
Zicam nasal spray is bad bad news! They are saying that it can actually kill your sense of smell after a while. I used to use it until I heard about that happening to people.
thanks for the heads up....
You ask for it so here it is. Liquid and a lot of it. Carry a bottle of water with you all the time. You will flush out your system and i do an occasional shot of that good Kessler whisky. Hack up all the trash in your chest and throat and get it out of your body then keep hammerin on the water. You can do it so stay after it Ink.
Small Block
I second this this, with an occasional shot of orange or cranbery juice. To help clear out the chest, if I can stomach it, I'll take a job or run on a treadmill, something to accelerate my breathing, for about 30 minutes. If my cold gives me the chills, this usually helps stabilize my temperature, too.
Here's to your health!

"To help clear out the chest, if I can stomach it, I'll take a job or run on a treadmill, something to accelerate my breathing, for about 30 minutes."

Oops, I meant jog, not job! LOL!!!