What is this surgery called?



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
When you have your tonsils taken out, it's called a tonsillectomy.
When you have your appendix taken out, it's appendectomy.
So when a woman has a sex change operation, what is that called?
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When they cut off the nerves between your anus and eyballs,its called an optirectomy.aparrently it corrects your shitty outlook.
When you have your tonsils taken out, it's called a tonsillectomy.
When you have your appendix taken out, it's appendectomy.
So when a woman has a sex change operation, what is that called?
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Actually it's written Adadicktome. LOL
Then there is the non surgical procedure. A neuterectomie.
Or in layman's terms . Marriage.
You need to be careful not to die from cerebral hemorrhoids. You get them when your head is too far up...you guys know the rest.
hey,there are a lot of homos on here,and trannys,so watch it buddy.lmao. just like what cuntry music has turned into.
I don't know the official term, but I'd say "perversion" pretty much cover is