What;s wrong with kids these days?

Why do you feel the need to belittle the person on the other end of your conversations? Ya know, you use a lot of big words to make other readers think you're smarter than most, but even with those words you really don't say anything other than "Dan is right, and whomever disagrees is wrong". You think you can use those fancy words in front of the class, and the smoke screen you create with bewilder the other guy into thinking he's an idiot.
It's my own fault for trying to converse with you anyway so I blame myself. I should have known better. Ya can't win an argument with an idiot, you'll beat everyone else with your experience.

If you're ever standing next to me and happen to smell my smoke, feel free to tell me to put it out, OK? You will be told to go stand somewhere else.

I'm out of this one.

George just has one thing to say about that:

Why do you feel the need to belittle the person on the other end of your conversations?

I feel no such need.

Ya know, you use a lot of big words to make other readers think you're smarter than most

I use a lot of words, I'll cop to that. I write for a living; pointing and grunting or confining myself to a 5th-grade vocabulary wouldn't keep food in the fridge. I'm not especially interested in allowing you to decide which words I do and don't get to use, but look on the bright side: nobody's forcing you to read my posts. Don't like 'em? Don't read 'em -- problem solved. If you want to keep reading them, you could look up whatever words you have trouble with. www.webster.com is a fine online dictionary.
Geez, it's like Dan vs the world here!
I agree with him about 99%.
To lighten the mood here, has anyone seen the South Park version on this subject (with Rob Reiner?) If not, watch the whole episode, it's pretty good.
I don't know how to post the link, but if you go on you tube i think you'll find it.
If someone could post this link, that would be great.
I just wonder how this went from underage smoking issues to Dan being chastised for having a high vocabulary. I mean I'm hearing good point from both sides however, I'm a smoker 22 years of age that didn't even pick up a cigarette till 18 (I was too much of a wuss to do anything illegal before hand) On the one hand I've actually lost weight smoking because I don't eat when I smoke for quite awhile after, but at what expense to the rest of my body. I've tried quitting a few times with the aid of patches,gum, even trying the e-cigarettes but all in vain (Apparently my mental fortitude isn't as great as most others) and sure I could probably quit by going out and spending 5x as much on gum and other remedies (My smokes cost me $2.34 a pack while nicorete gum is at almost 16 bucks a box some brands even higher) either way I'm spending an arm and a leg to defeat a horrid habit that shouldn't have became a vise in the first place. And George R does have a valid point although I wouldn't be so direct. If you do not like what I am doing then I will gladly go elsewhere. Non-smokers do not have to like what I am doing but Its not their place to aggressively tell me to stop. What cracks me up is when someone tells me smoking is nasty then spits out a huge wad on skoal at the ground or into a cup. We all have vices and we all have habits that somebody dislikes

"He who is without sin cast the first stone" remember that
I have been smoking since age 15. I see everyone's point and wholeheartedly agree with all the anti-smoking sentiments. Though I still smoke, I smoke 1 cigarette a day and only at work. Not in the car. Not at home. Definitely not around my kids. Even on days off from work I don't usually smoke at all. I do not give cigarettes to others, even if I know they are of age. It's just a habit I don't endorse. I don't drink or do any other drugs. I feel that the best way to keep from having to complain about others habits or kids smoking is to teach our kids to know better.
Wow, this has taken me three cigs to get through.
I've been on both sides and am currently on the smokers end of the deal.
I gotta love how smokers are all lumped into the vile, evil, scourge of the universe catagory. Example would be the comment about how hot a chick is until she puts a smoke to her luscious lips. Immediately she turns into a snake headed monster with no moral fiber at all. (Although, before she lit up, you were hoping she had no morals). (Like she would really give you a second look anyhow).

Yep, smoking ain't good. Neither are a bunch of other things we like. It's how you deal with them and the people involved that counts. Some things have a bigger urgency to be dealt with than others, but it's your attitude and skill in dealing with those issues that will remain constant.

Yep, I'll quit smoking again, and I may or may not start back up. It's one of them things.
Can you quit being a dick?
I work in a restaurant and not that long ago smoking was still allowed. It always cracked me up when I would ask 'smoking or non?' and people get overly dramatic 'NON SMOKING PUH-LEEZE!' like how dare you even ask? Yes smoking is unhealthy but you don't have to get all high and mighty about it lol.
I work in a restaurant and not that long ago smoking was still allowed. It always cracked me up when I would ask 'smoking or non?' and people get overly dramatic 'NON SMOKING PUH-LEEZE!' like how dare you even ask?

More like "why bother even asking?". A smoking section in a restaurant is like a peeing section in a swimming pool.
Oh crap! You mean there isn't one?

Well, ya know, they put a special chemical in the pool water that turns bright red when exposed to urine, so everyone can see who peed in the pool. At least, that's what they used to tell us kids at summer camp! :shock:
Well, I used to be a smoker (drinker too) but that was back in the day. I started smoking (on my own) when I was about 11 (big brothers smoked and got me into it). I was raised chasing my dad around Chicago Taverns and everybody smoked in them so second hand smoke was in my lungs when I was about 4, (really)! I gave up smoking the day my first kid was born. Drinking was given up three years later just after a huge binge on my 30th birtday. Back in the day though smokes were easy to get. I would just take a pack of my dads 'pall malls' and trade them for a pack of marlboros at the local gas station even up. Smokes were not an issue. Beer was. I sat around stores waiting for someone who looked like they would take care of me and hit them up for a 6,12, or case of beer. I guess lots of us did this stuff. I have been hit up by kids for smokes and beer and just turn them down flat. WAY too much liability and there are cameras everywhere. Get caught and go to jail. It just is not like the old days!!
I sat around stores waiting for someone who looked like they would take care of me and hit them up for a 6,12, or case of beer.

Not long after I got my license at 16, I was allowed to drive my dad's car ( the '62 Lancer, now mine) on my own for the first time, to go to the grocery and then come straight home. As I was getting out of the car in the Safeway parking lot, three or four kids came up and said "Dude, would you buy us a forty?". They couldn't have been much of any younger or older than I was! :roll:
Well im happy to see the one cooled off lol i didnt want to put gas on it so i said what i had to and lost the thread. oops but im back who got kicked lol
i said what i had to and lost the thread. oops but im back

There, y'see? Addiction has nothing to do with reason!