What;s wrong with kids these days?



Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Happened last week, story goes --

I'm trying to finish a cigarette before entering my apartment complex so I'm sitting on a curb near the parking lot -- this kid who sometimes approaches me and talks to me asks to bum a smoke... Generally I don't care what people do with their health I'm personally trying to quit. He doesn't even look old enough so I ask him how old he is... he freezes... I ask him if he's even old enough, he says yes..... so I ask him for ID... He runs home, comes back with a junior high electronic ID card, doesnt even have a DOB on it. I tell him that if he was old enough I wouldn't mind, but that won't work and while I'm a nice guy, I also follow the law. He shouldn't even be smoking anyways. I didn't pick up my first cigarette til I was 26....and I regret it ever so horribly. 29 now.
My 17-year-old son admitted to me that he smokes (after I caught him). When I asked him why he started, he said "because I wanted to be like the cool kids, dad." Unfortunately, by the time he realized those "cool" kids were really dumbasses, he was already hooked.

As punishment, I made him pay me back the couple hundred dollars I spent on nicotine patches to get him clean.

He loved his grandmother very much, so I also asked him to think of her if he ever gets a craving again, and how she died from cancer at 61. He immediately tears up when I talk about her. Some may think tugging at the heart strings like that is cruel, but when it comes to keep my kid off cigarettes, the gloves are off, baby.

In my opinion, kids start smoking mostly because of peer pressure from the wrong kind of kid.
I've never smoked, and I'm glad I haven't had to deal with that monkey.

I did get to watch my kindly old grandmother (who didn't smoke, either) die a slow painful death from emphysema. My grandfather and all of her kids, except my mother, smoked. For the last 15 years of her life, she was always gasping for air, never being able to catch her breath, until eventually her heart gave out. She was in a nursing home at the time and I stopped by to visit her. I walked into the room just in time to just about be run down by the doctors and nurses that were rushing in to try to resuscitate her. I was 16 years old, and got to watch my grandma die. Second hand smoke kills.

Now, I didn't plan to smoke, anyway, but that experience sure helped keep me away from the stupid things. Unfortunately my story only will help deter myself, or people that knew my grandmother from smoking. To others, it's just story, and will not affect them the same.
I grew up in a home where both my parents smoked, my older brother picked it up in junior high too. My dad was told if he didn't quit it would kill him,guess what? He still smokes. My Mom finally quit around 97 then picked it back up about 5 years ago. And my brother finally quit too when he turned 30. I will be 30 in September and I have never smoked, not even one. The reason I never started is also the reason I never have tried drugs. I didn't have the money to support any kind of habit.
doesn't sound like much has changed except for the fact that he has an electronic id and there is a min. age law now. you are the odd one not starting till 26 years old. i know a ton of people that started smoking at ages from 9 to 14. . and how the hell do ya start at 26? seems to me that by then ya either smoke or ya dont..:)
I have been approached by "youngsters" at convenience stores wanting me to buy them a pack. Sorry I can't do that I might go to jail.
Good for you! You may have helped that kid take a step toward kicking a filthy habit.

(rant mode ON) :protest:

For anyone who still smokes in this day and age, with all the medical documentation of how bad smoking is for you, I have to ask......"Why?"

If its JUST addiction, well there are cures for that these days if one wants it bad enough.

I watched my old man "try" to quit smoking and he always found excuses to go back.

It can be done.

Just don't make the purchase to begin with.

Just like dealing with obesity -- if the Twinkies aren't in the house, its much harder to eat one.

My grandmother smoked like a train (they tell me) up until age 40 or so. One day she quit cold turkey. Never picked up a cancer stick again and she died at age 89 from a heart attack.....but clean as a fiddle, cancer wise. And she quit back in the 60s when it was still "cool" and accepted widely.

I still cant understand how smoking ever got to be "cool" in the first place.

Its expensive, it stinks when you are doing it, it makes both your breath and your body stink, it makes your teeth look like something out of a bad horror movie, it has been proven to kill you and its just a vile disgusting habit.

And while I aam ranting...LOL.....

Smokers -- please dont assume your smoking problem should be my problem.
Its ok to throw your slobber-covered butt into my yard or street for me to have to deal with but if I toss a scraps of paper out the window of my car I can get fined $500. Go figure.

And when I am outside trying to enjoy the fresh air the last damn thing I need is to take a nice deep breath of "fresh" air only to find that instead I get lung full of putrid smoke that you have exhaled.


And ladies.....it makes you look terrible!

There will be times when I see a good looking lady...cute face, pretty eyes, nice body... and then she pulls out a cigarette and sticks it in her face. It just hangs there, smoldering. Instant turn off. Blech. Like kissing a toilet.

The saddest part, like you said, is with the kids. They dont know any better. They see the adults they look up to doing it and imitate.

I pray I can keep my two boys (both under 12) off of them.....we try and point out how nasty it is without necessarily forbidding them (because we all know how well forbidding a kid to do anything works...LOL)

Its legalized drug use and the only reason it hasn't been completely banned everywhere is because big tobacco has greased the right palms.

We have a government that preaches about drug use and then they collect taxes on nicotine and alcohol.

People can smoke in public...spewing filth into the air others breath, giving no choice to those who do not want to ....littering our sidewalks and adding to the healthcare crisis slowly but surely.

Yet they arrest pee wee herman for waxing his knob in a dark movie theatrer...which hurts no one but its illegal because its "immoral".

Go figure. LOL

Ok....rant mode off....LOL :protest:

Not looking to offend any smokers here...I know it an addiction. But take charge of your life and DO something about it....there will always be "a reason to smoke." But look at all the reasons NOT to.

Asktoro, you have only been smoking for 3 years.......it will be much easier to quit now than in 5 or 10 or 30 years, and by that point the damage will have been done. You have the chance NOW to quit.

DO IT! Spend the money you would have spent on cigarettes on car parts..... :)
When I worked in Russia, there were lots of kids who would either ask for cigarettes or ask for a light to one they already had. I asked one boy how old he was, he said 14 but he looked to be 8 or 9. It was obvious that it can and will stunt your growth. Fortunately for me, I have never had any craving for any type of tobacco.
When I was in high school ( '85 - '87 ) , smoking was permitted on campus in designated areas .
Naturally , this seemed to be subjective , as some teachers smoked in the classroom ( lol ) .

Only a few businesses carded us high schoolers ; 7-11 sold 'em to us , as did the SafeWay market ; AM-PM sometimes carded us .

I would smoke on occasion ( typically at the so-called "Punk Bench", where all the hoods gathered ) and would seldom purchase 'em ; Marlboro Reds were $1.05 / pack back then !

Cigarettes , and more importantly , their users , have been demonised for the last 10 - 15 years . Sin Taxes have been imposed , which is unfair . These taxes haven't done a damned thing to improve anyone's life ; "the taxes are for children's health care."

Smoking is my only vice . Compared to what I used to consume
( copious amounts of hard liquor , ales and stouts ; and certain hard drugs , all clinically-produced of course ) it's a minor thing .
" If I kick-out all of my demons , my angels might leave too ! "

I really like the smoking ban in bars . That one makes perfect sense , as every bar patron I've known is in the bar for their health :bs:.
I find drunks to be much more offensive than a sobre guy who's enjoying tobacco , and certainly much more dangerous !

Smoking bans have actually killed many 24 hour coffee shops . The only people who'd patronise these places between 22:00 - 04:00 were night owls looking to get out of heat or cold , and overflow from the closing bars .
Hell , more often than not , the designated non-smoking areas were empty !

I'm all for smoking and non-smoking areas in restaurants , bars and casinos . Always have been . This is especially nice when I'm sick or on a date with a non-smoker .
Too bad that this civilised option has been banquished .

And for the record :
I'm not someone whom tosses butts out , especially lit ones .
However , I certainly do see a lot of broken booze and beer bottles on the streets and in alleys . I guess this is different from cigarette butts , right ?
Happened last week, story goes --

I'm trying to finish a cigarette before entering my apartment complex so I'm sitting on a curb near the parking lot -- this kid who sometimes approaches me and talks to me asks to bum a smoke... Generally I don't care what people do with their health I'm personally trying to quit. He doesn't even look old enough so I ask him how old he is... he freezes... I ask him if he's even old enough, he says yes..... so I ask him for ID... He runs home, comes back with a junior high electronic ID card, doesnt even have a DOB on it. I tell him that if he was old enough I wouldn't mind, but that won't work and while I'm a nice guy, I also follow the law. He shouldn't even be smoking anyways. I didn't pick up my first cigarette til I was 26....and I regret it ever so horribly. 29 now.

OK, first up, I'm a on and off again smoker, with years inbetween on and off.

Second, when ever someone asks/bumbs me for a smoke, even more so, the young ones, I normaly say something like;

"At the price of these tings, this addiction! If you can't afford a pack yourself, then you don't need to be smoking. You can go without it."

Sometimes, I am offered a price for a smoke. Normaly the offer is 50 cents. I allways turn it down with, "50 cents does get me to my next pack, in which I donot have the money for and a limited amount of cig's is what I have. I 'll ration myself until I get home where my next pack is."

Then it re-bleeds into the above line, "If you can't afford" ...... bla bla bla

Have you ever smoked?
Have you ever had an addiction?
For anyone who still smokes in this day and age, with all the medical documentation of how bad smoking is for you, I have to ask......"Why?"

If its JUST addiction, well there are cures for that these days if one wants it bad enough.

This statement alone says you have no idea what your talking about as far as addiction is concerned. Your not qualified to even speak on the topic.

Just like dealing with obesity -- if the Twinkies aren't in the house, its much harder to eat one.

Yet agaion, this show you know nothing on the issue of addiction OR the actual workings of the human body and what obesity is for some people. The addiction of eating food may be linked to this problem but is not the only issue with it.

Once you understand how the human body work, and I'll wait the 8 years to reagrue this topic of which you clearly state that "You know nothing" and ony talk out your backside from the all mighty toothless wonder.

I still cant understand how smoking ever got to be "cool" in the first place.
How it got this way and how it stayed that way are probably 2 different things. But I can make notable mentions to old TV and movies and show you how Hollywood (TV and movies) glammed up smoking. Then there were the old Doctor ad's on TV and news print of all kinds suggesting a slew of things for (AKA Pro) cig's.

Smokers -- please dont assume your smoking problem should be my problem.

Actually, it is your problem as well, though not a direct problem with your own health, your finacial health is at stake. The goverment is making your wallet pay for smokers and other bad habbits/issues running about in the country.

Its ok to throw your slobber-covered butt into my yard or street for me to have to deal with but if I toss a scraps of paper out the window of my car I can get fined $500. Go figure.

There both littering and finable. Don't complain about it Even more so if you never got a ticket for throwing paper on the street.

I pray I can keep my two boys (both under 12) off of them.....we try and point out how nasty it is without necessarily forbidding them (because we all know how well forbidding a kid to do anything works...LOL)

Keep enforcing the notion that it is bad. Praise them for not picking up the habbit. Instill a sense of pride and values that will propel them through adulthood and onto there children. This, your job as a parent, is hard but must be done and is doable. Vigilance is key. Not loosing screws is IMO, a key thing.

Its legalized drug use and the only reason it hasn't been completely banned everywhere is because big tobacco has greased the right palms.
Conjecture, but probably so. The sale to minors is a minor offense and should be stepped up w/jail time IMO.

IMO, To phase out smokers, make the sale illgeal period! Then mark there drivers license with a symbol enabling them to purchase smokes. All new drivers under the leagal age are not getting the smokers symbol. Within 100 years, no more smokers.

We have a government that preaches about drug use and then they collect taxes on nicotine and alcohol.
Good GOD, what else is new?

adding to the healthcare crisis slowly but surely.

Folow my plan and within a 100 years, it'll be a non issue. Deny them bennifits from the Gov. and your tax dollors can feed the war machine instead.

Yet they arrest pee wee herman for waxing his knob in a dark movie theatrer...which hurts no one but its illegal because its "immoral".
Poor comparo. IF you think it is OK to have your kids watch P-Wee wax his knob in public, then by all means, the jails are full of pedifiles for your kids to be ooogled over.
I personaly will wack your prick off. Since you think it OK to do so, please come over, I know a women that'll hack your stuff off in a second flat.

How can you think wackin it in public is OK? You teach your kids this moral standard?

Now how is wacked?

You are seriously distrubed for even a mention of this and what bolis down to OK P-wee's behavior as OK and even more so wack as OK vs. smoking.

You ARE seriously distrubed.
Go figure.
The simple reason kids still smoke today is they perceive it is 'cool.'

Re: PeeWee, he was inside an x-rated theater, there wouldn't be any kids around.
While that should be try, no kids around, Do you want so guy waxing his knob next to you? It is a public place! Just becauseit is behind an adult entry only theater doesn't make it any less of an issue than running behind a dumpster and doing the same thing.

The perception of cool, is THEY thing that must be curved and shut down. Parents are the first line of defense. It starts in the crib. It never ends.
I started sneaking around when I was 11 working in the Apple orchards in Michigan...
That would be about 1969, setting in the back seat traveling from state to state with two smokers in the car had to be bad but it was a way of life back then....
When I turned 14 my mom and grandmother allowed me to smoke ( but did not like it )..
Don't judge them harshly for this, It was what it was and I was a man buy the time I was 15 years old watching the world go around as I worked like a man to help raise my younger brothers and feed the world. I lost my mom and uncles I was raised buy and it was not cigarettes that put them in an early grave...
I field dress every smoke I smoke and it is a penalty to throw a cigarette but down on the ground here and can be fined up to $2.000.00 for doing it.
Smoking is a tough thing to quite and if you have never smoked good for you.. we all need to quit.
I don't smoke around non smokers or children if it could bothers them, a smoke can wait...
But if you put me around negative judgmental people I will fire one up when I want one if it is legal to!!
I do not contribute to miners and I will hunt down any freak show that brings his other and real bad habits around my family and friends..
Stay strong and get this new generation off cigarettes :glasses8:
I guess when my granddaughter pleads to me and tells me that she want's me to quit smoking it will make me throw them away :love6: but today I have a smoke in my hand and glad to be alive today... Remember the old add Walk a mile for a Camel cigarette :mrgreen:, Well walk a mile in a persons shoes that smoked most of there life before you judge there caricature and strength to be a good person but have not put it in there mind strong enough to quit this nasty habit the world bestowed on to us :toothy9:
Fun fact for those claiming its easy to kick -- Nicotine is 20 times more addictive than cocaine or heroine.

As for why I picked it up at 26? I managed to stay away from it for the longest time, til I moved to go to college and when all your room mates smoke, the second hand starts getting to you, atop that I came home and found a smoke left on the work bench in the garage after a very long day. Curiosity and already exposed to 2nd hand smoke on a daily basis.

There's never a good reason for picking it up, although it probably did NOT help that my dad chain smoked when I was younger. He never smoked inside though, but him and his friends/and my family at points i probably got exposed to it. He managed to quit his 2-3 pack a day habit after how many years. There's a deeper back story but it's private so ... :p anyways, yes it's a ***** to quit. People don't just say it, even with patches its tough.
yup just as the subject line stated. Long rambling story too!
Stopping smoking was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

It was easier to quit drinking. not totally but the 3 beers afer work 3 beers before work and the 3-6 during lunch break every day, oh and the 3 -6 to get to sleep at night. I still can drink a beer or 2 when the family get together or we go to a party(wife drives) but I never drink more than 1-2 even then.

I started smoking at the glorious age if 16, everone knows that age right? my cousin "Butch " had an awesome 56 chevy 327 built up so much it was barely streetable. he came up and lived with us in Michigan from Ohio and he smoked, He was different from anyone I had known . (he did pick up a lot of girls, didn't keep any of them BTW)

Fast forward 22 years later. I finialy quit when I woke up one night and heard this terrible wheezing, yup you got it I whacked my dog "Sammers" My Favorite Pug and told him to shut up with the wheezing or he's going to sleep in the living room. He turnd his head back to look at me like I'd done something wrong and had hurt him horribly. you know the turn the head back over his body and those big eyes just say "What was that for" I went back to sleep and a little later the wheezing started again, ARGHHHH I whacked him on the butt and scooted him off into the living room. again I went to sleep only to be jarred awake AGAIN. I looked around and no one was in bed with me ?? What?? The next morning I talked with the wife and she told me she was really worried about the funny noises that I was making when I was sleepingand had to get up just because it bothered her so. she had tried to tell me but I always blew it off or blamed Sammers.
I did all the tricks to stop smoking "nicorette, patches. hypnotism ect., nothing worked. DARN stopping serious drinking was EASIER. what was I to do? ok wife came up with a plan. go to Canada and get laser treatment. Yeah right, well when the Wife's not happy (yeah you know the rest of that line) I made an appointment, saved up the money and went. I walked into the clinic in Canada smoking 2 1/2 packs a day(at least that) and left Not smoking, I even crushed a brand new pack and tossed it into the trash . That day the wife and I went from Canada to Michigan to pick up our little pop-up tent on the back of the dakota and the 3 Pug Dogs and took a slow Trip to florida and stayed 2 weeks there. I haven't had one since I walked out of that building. That was 22 years ago, I still find myself patting my shirt pocket and sniffing when someone first lights up or pop a brew and start to reach. But I shudder at the price I'd pay if I started again and know that if I smoke just one I'd be hooked.

Heck I can have a couple of beers with family and friends and don't fall back into heavy drinking. I felt so bad about blaming my Sammers he (really they all did, but he always got the biggest) got extra big bones and treats for that rest of his life.
Although my dad smoked unfiltered Camels and my grandfather smoked as well, I never started. Why? Because I lost my dad to his 2nd heart attack when I was 7 years old. The doctor said his smoking was a major contributor to his heart disease. He was thin and active, a scratch golfer and and avid outdoorsman who loved both hunting and fishing.
My grandparents lived next door and I always knew when my grandfather got up in the morning because I could hear him coughing and hacking trying to clear his lungs out. He was diagnosed with lung cancer and still wouldn't quit - said "Why stop now? They're already killing me." He literally coughed his lungs up one morning sitting on the edge of his bed. That's a visual that will always stay with me.
Is second hand smoke addictive? You bet it is! Right after college I started working for a manufacturing company and was trapped in an enclosed office with 4 smokers while training. After a short while I caught myself breathing deeper when one or more of them would fire up a cigarette. I was never more thankful than when I finished up that portion of my training and moved to another office without any smokers.
Living in SoCal, it's great to not have to put up with smokers in restaurants or other public buildings. The smell of cigarette smoke is the first thing my wife and I notice when we walk into a casino in Las Vegas - it's better than it used to be but still noticeable.
Like 'shadango', I've always found a female with a cigarette to be an instant turnoff - no matter how pretty or how great of a body.
Ok, nicotine is a extremly additive compound, it can be very hard for any individual to quit smoking. I quit about 8 years ago, after watching my father lay in a bed an dying from smoking, 60 years worth. I don't think it is a good habit for anyone to pick up and I also don't feel it is my business to tell others to quit. Quiting has to come from the person smoking, the more you tell someone not to do something the more they will be inclined to do it. I work in the medical field and see the burden it puts on the health system, those that smoke should pay the premium themselves, not the non smokers. My wife smokes and she is courteous about it an doesn't smoke in the house or the car, which I apprcieate greatly. So smoke not smoke it is your choice, not someone elses......
This statement alone says you have no idea what your talking about as far as addiction is concerned. Your not qualified to even speak on the topic. <snip>

Yet agaion, this show you know nothing on the issue of addiction OR the actual workings of the human body and what obesity is for some people. The addiction of eating food may be linked to this problem but is not the only issue with it.

Once you understand how the human body work, and I'll wait the 8 years to reagrue this topic of which you clearly state that "You know nothing" and ony talk out your backside from the all mighty toothless wonder.

Wow......no need to make it personal.....or was it just meant to be condescending?

I guess that, from your reply, you are a Doctor specializing in addiction and what makes it tick and so you ARE qualified?

If not, then you and I could very well be in the same boat as far as speaking from experience.

My point was that in this day and age when smoking is no longer glamorized and hyped in public as cool, and when you can readily see graphic pictures of lungs blackened and hardended by years of smoking, you STILL have 26 year olds who take up the habit.

As far as addiction goes, the treatment of addicitions has become much more of a science and going clean, whatever the addiction, is very attainable these days if the person really wants to.

Or, as I noted in my post earlier about my grandmother, do what many people do and just QUIT forever.

There both littering and finable. Don't complain about it Even more so if you never got a ticket for throwing paper on the street.

A - I dont litter and I abhore those who do.
B - I have seen people nailed for littering. I have never seen anyone nailed for tossing a butt.
C - I dont smoke and abhore those who do and throw their butts around like its nothing

It is illegal but it isn't enforced. There are right now about 15 people standing out front of my work on a public street littering with their butts and none will get busted.

I will complain about people doing illegal stuff.....better said, I will complain about people doing illegal stuff and not getting nailed for it.

And really the fact that tossing butts is illegal in most places isnt even the issue. Its just COURTESY. The smokers feel its OK to throw their refuse anywhere they want, along with polluting the air I breath just because they have a habit and need a fix.

To those smokers who consider their addiciton/habit more important than others' right to breath clean air I say :finga:

IMO, To phase out smokers, make the sale illgeal period! Then mark there drivers license with a symbol enabling them to purchase smokes. All new drivers under the leagal age are not getting the smokers symbol. Within 100 years, no more smokers.

Great idea...but....

You'll never see that. Too much big money STILL at stake.

Folow my plan and within a 100 years, it'll be a non issue. Deny them bennifits from the Gov. and your tax dollors can feed the war machine instead.

Great idea but cant do it...because then you would have to deny benefits to anyone doing anything unhealthy in any way shape or form. You can thank the lawyers and the ACLU for that.

Poor comparo. IF you think it is OK to have your kids watch P-Wee wax his knob in public, then by all means, the jails are full of pedifiles for your kids to be ooogled over.

I personaly will wack your prick off. Since you think it OK to do so, please come over, I know a women that'll hack your stuff off in a second flat.

How can you think wackin it in public is OK? You teach your kids this moral standard?

Now how is wacked?

You are seriously distrubed for even a mention of this and what bolis down to OK P-wee's behavior as OK and even more so wack as OK vs. smoking.

Not a poor comparison at all.

You don't want to see me whacking off in public. Fair enough.

I don't want to see you smoking, polluting the air I have to breath and throwing butts where I live. Oh, but now its a problem and a quetsion of smokers' RIGHTS. LOL

To me its very simple:

Your mental comfort versus my physical comfort.

That said:

First off, I never brought kids into the picture. YOU did. Peewee was at an adult theatre in the dark beating off. No kids should have been there to begin with. A quick search on the net would have given you that info before you jumped to conclusions.

Second of all, I didnt say whacking it in public is ok (and again, define "public".....peewee was in a dark theatre with other people watching sex films.....hardly the same "public" as the public city street you refer to.

Although frankly if I had to choose between seeing someone spanking the monkey on the street or having to sit next to someone, inhaling their flth from smoking, I would QUICKLY pick the whacker. I can close my eyes or ignore them....EVer try to stop breathing to avoid a smoker's filth? :mrgreen:

Depending on your beliefs and upbringing, sexuality may be something that horrifies you or it may be no big deal or maybe something in between.

I wont question your sexual morals and hangups if you don't question how I teach my kids, agreed?

The direct health affect from the filth that smokers spew is far more an immediate danger to my kids health than if they see a guy whacking off. I am not a perv, but I am also not a prude for kriste sake. At least human sexuality is based in biology, even when it skews into what could be called perversity. Smoking is completely un-natural and a direct attack against our bodies.

I compared the two because each, when done in public, both are equally nasty to me - again, your mileage may vary -- and both should be illegal because the people you subject to either your whacking or your smoking do not have a choice.....but yet only one is illegal and remains accepted.

GO figure.
I also don't feel it is my business to tell others to quit. Quiting has to come from the person smoking, the more you tell someone not to do something the more they will be inclined to do it.<snip> So smoke not smoke it is your choice, not someone elses......

AMEN...agreed 100%.

But smokers should be able to be told to NOT smoke in public places, period , because they affect everyone around them when they do.

Most people are too scared or timid to object.

And thats not right.

You wanna smoke? Go in your backyard and smoke. Smoke in your (windows up) car.....in other words, where you dont subject others to it.

I have no objection to people smoking.

I have an objection to people smoking near ME.

And if the smoker has a "right" to smoke in public, where is MY right to NOT have to be subjected to that filth?
While that should be try, no kids around, Do you want so guy waxing his knob next to you? It is a public place! Just becauseit is behind an adult entry only theater doesn't make it any less of an issue than running behind a dumpster and doing the same thing.

The guy waxing his knob isnt causing me direct physical danger aside from maybe a mental shock and maybe a body fluid (keeping it pg-13) getting on me.

Smokers pollute the air that non smokers have to breath.

I can wash my clothes or skin with soap and water.

Last I checked, impossible to wash the filth out of my lungs once I breath it.

THAT is the correct comparison....what directly affects you physically ....not "what offends you more"....SHOULD take priority, but it doesnt.
I agree to a certain extent, but that takes us back to the ACLU. It is a issue that has many ramifications. A lot of businesses are hurt by smoking bans, mom and pop places, places the shift workers from the factories go, college students fequent, etc......

There needs to be a middle road to all of this, you should have the right not to be unindated with the smoking and the smokers should also have the right to smoke. We allow drinking public places, bars, concerts, etc.....and alcohol kills a **** ton of people every year second handly I might add... yet we place limited restiction on that.... but Smoke and your the scourge of the earth...that makes no sense to me.....

there are no easy answer to this.........

QUOTE=shadango;1452232]AMEN...agreed 100%.

But smokers should be able to be told to NOT smoke in public places, period , because they affect everyone around them when they do.

Most people are too scared or timid to object.

And thats not right.

You wanna smoke? Go in your backyard and smoke. Smoke in your (windows up) car.....in other words, where you dont subject others to it.

I have no objection to people smoking.

I have an objection to people smoking near ME.

And if the smoker has a "right" to smoke in public, where is MY right to NOT have to be subjected to that filth?[/QUOTE]
I love the title of this thread. LOL - yeah kids didn't smoke up until recently.

I started smoking when I was 16, back in the 80s. My dad smoked, my mom had smoked but quit, mostly I blame "Escape from New York" with Kurt Russell. haha. Smokes were 1.10 a pack.

Quit cold turkey when I was 27 lasted almost exactly one year. A couple years after that i tried the Zyban (I think the nicotine patches and gum is just another excuse to sell this crazy addictive substance) and I'm happy to say I haven't touched a single cigarette for 11 years. Even with the pharmaceutical help, quitting cigarettes was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done.

So, I do know what I'm talking about. And I am SO glad they have banned smoking in the public places around here, especially restaurants.

The smoking/non-smoking section only works for the smokers. If you quit smoking for a couple of days, you realize how bad you smell, and how the stink of cigarette smoke hangs on everything you own, and how it ruins the taste of food.

In the smoking/non-smoking model, I get to taste your cigarette on the food I paid for, and then probably stink like smoke the rest of the evening all because you can't wait fifteen minutes to indulge your addiction. Do you think you should be able to talk at whatever volume you want in the movie theatre also? An even those people don' get to make the other patrons stink for the rest of the evening.

Yes, I was a smoker. I know all about the denial and feeling pissy when people give you the stinkeye for lighting up. Here's the truth from someone who's been on both sides of the fence: Smokers smell bad, and if you think you know already, you're wrong. Smoking dulls your sense of smell. You smell worse than you think. Sorry, but its true.

As far as making it illegal...well we've spent a trillion dollars or more on the war on drugs, and people can still get ****** in prison. Now we've got a meth epidemic too. Someone said they think the only reason smokes are still legal is because someone did a payoff. I think the opposite is true - lots of drugs are only illegal because the booze and cigarette companies are working to keep it that way.

I think we should go the other way. I'm tired of building prisons to put drug users away for their own good:bs:, and enriching drug dealers.

It is supposedly a free country: I say do whatever stupid crap you want. Just don't do it when you drive, or at work, and know that the rest of us will tax the ever-loving crap out of you.
Making the sale of cigarettes illegal would fail, just as prohibition failed.
I am thankful that I never smoked. Especially when a good friend of mine who has been smoking since he was 15 and is now 40 actually sat down and made a real attempt at figuring out how much money he has spent in 25 years of smoking.

I do agree with public smoking bans, but only because the foul habits of smokers effect everyone else. Designated smoking areas only, or at home. I have the bad habit of chewing my nails. I dont walk around leaving fingernails on the ground and throw them at people. The point is people are free to do as they wish provided its legal and does not inhibit the peacible enjoyment of others. Like thugs with their 8-billion watt car stereo systems blaring that vile crap they call music.