What scam is this?

I had them bug me yesterday as I was replacing the house numbers on my mail box. I did put up a 5ft chain link fence that keeps them out.
What I'd really like to do is find out where the jehovah witness' live at. I'd like to go banging on their door when their asleep.
It got so bad here, I had to have a group trespassed by the sheriff.

I've been told they will not come to your door if you're flying the American flag. Don't know if it's true. Do know they won't get out of the car if there is a 115 pound Chocolate Lab in the driveway that makes loud and deep barking sounds.:lol:
I've been told they will not come to your door if you're flying the American flag. Don't know if it's true. Do know they won't get out of the car if there is a 115 pound Chocolate Lab in the driveway that makes loud and deep barking sounds.:lol:
Or if they see my dog Ruger that barks over here and bites over there!
I've been told they will not come to your door if you're flying the American flag. Don't know if it's true. Do know they won't get out of the car if there is a 115 pound Chocolate Lab in the driveway that makes loud and deep barking sounds.:lol:
P.S. Just in case anyone is wondering. I do have an American flag that I would proudly fly, just haven't bought a decent pole for it ,yet.

Now back to our "What scam is this?" thread.
I do too. A 35' break away flag pole I dug up from a fire station they had replaced with a new station. With permission from my boss the Fire Chief. I fly a 6'x8' American Flag. till the day I die. I go thru about 2 a year.
I bought 60 feet of dock off craigslist yesterday
It had been listed for 16 hours when I made the first call and 12 hours after that it was on my trailer

That was a good deal

I bought 60 feet of chow line while in the Marines.....I never did pick it up.

If you get sales calls at a certain time, like during dinner, call forward your number to 202 762 1401 that's the old "talking clock" service of the US Naval observatory. It still works ! Its a good gag number to give out to trolls too.
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I've been told they will not come to your door if you're flying the American flag. Don't know if it's true. Do know they won't get out of the car if there is a 115 pound Chocolate Lab in the driveway that makes loud and deep barking sounds.:lol:
I have one flying on the porch next to the door, as well as a US Army and a MIA flag, didn't phase them. I happened to have my Duster out and sitting in the driveway, the asshat started with wanting to talk about that. I thought he was wanting to play "hey how much" , then the other two hopped out the car and started their crap. I actually politely asked them to leave, but they were persistent. They finally got into their car and sat in my driveway parked behind the Duster. After about 10 mins they were still there, this time I told them to leave the property, they still ignored me. I called the sheriff, he must have been just up the street, because he got there fast. He blocked them in the driveway, and asked me what was going on, they also wanted to get out of their car, but he told them to stay put. I told the deputy what was going on, he asked them why they were still in the drive after being told twice to leave. He had me tell him, in their presence, that I was trespassing them, if they come back, I would prosecute.
They actually had the gall to say that I was persecuting them while they were attempting to spread the word of Jehovah. Whatever, just leave.
I guess they got the message, because they haven't been back.
But no, the flag thing didn't work here!
I fenced my whole property with 5' chain linked fence. It must be like repellent. Haven't been bothered since.
I let Bella answer the door if somebody knocks!! Usually a good indication of people's motives. Most people she knows, she will let in, those she doesnt know usually leave!!

We have a nice, high quality "No Soliciting" sign right above the door knocker.

Yesterday I had to tap on it loudly several times and repeatedly say "sorry", to the JW lady that came to the door. She really wasn't getting it, and then got a really disgusted look on her face when she finally figured out that I wasn't going to stop until she left.

I've also had a few that said those signs don't apply to them since they're from a church.

Uh, yeah, they do.
Friend of mine had a sign on his door that said "Go Away". He would point at it and tell them, it's not a joke. Not been bothered with them here, but the town I use to live in I sure was. Put a decal of the American flag on the door, and they quit.
What I'd really like to do is find out where the jehovah witness' live at. I'd like to go banging on their door when their asleep.
It got so bad here, I had to have a group trespassed by the sheriff.
My worst nightmare is answering the door bell and finding a Jehovah's Witness selling Amway....
We have a nice, high quality "No Soliciting" sign right above the door knocker.

Yesterday I had to tap on it loudly several times and repeatedly say "sorry", to the JW lady that came to the door. She really wasn't getting it, and then got a really disgusted look on her face when she finally figured out that I wasn't going to stop until she left.

I've also had a few that said those signs don't apply to them since they're from a church.

Uh, yeah, they do.
It was put there specifically FOR YOU!! :lol:
Tell them your a Wicken and have them quote Exodus 22:18 Then ask "So..What are you going to do"? Then, have them quote Exodus 22:19 and introduce your wife to them ...:eek:
Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." or "Do not allow a sorceress to live."
Exodus 22:19 "Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death."

Hey, its all in fun.
I have listed one of my cars on craigslist about a month ago. I priced it extremely high because i dont really want to sell it but it gets the wife off my back as she thinks i have too many cars. Anyway I get about 3 texts a week that will say, "is your car still for sale? if so please call me."
If someone can text why do they not call? Its always a different number so Im guessing its some type of scam. I always reply back to the text with this, "if you can text you should surely be able to dial the number and call yourself"
Never another response.
So now I ask, is this some kind of attempt towards a scam?
Thanks Rod
Ya thats right
The Mormons and JW's blacklisted my house.

*knock on door*

"I'm with..."

"I can tell by what you're wearing who you're with."

"Can we..."

"Come in? Sure! Like coffee? I can pour you a cup. Have a seat."


"I see you guys have a Bible. [Or Book of Mormon.] Which translation do you prefer? I prefer NIV myself, but have over a dozen different translations if you like to discuss things. Sure you don't want that cup of coffee?"

They usually scoot and don't come back. Last Mormon I saw was five years ago. Last Witness I saw was four years ago. See 'em at the neighbors' occasionally, but they drive right by my place to go to the other neighbors'.
I just tell them that it’s against my religion to discuss my religion...and stare at them while the gears in their brains grind to dust.

I actually made one Jehovas witness laugh with that...and he just shook his head as he walked away.
When they asked if our dogs bite, my Dad would say yes. So the Witnesses would only stay long enough to drop off their propaganda.