When is car vandalization ok?

Had a psycho EX do that to my 4x4, I was going down a steep hill and hear this ping, ping,ping than felt a drop in the front.Only thing saved me was the long wheel hub.

Yada Yada I know sleeping with her little sister wasn't the smartest thing to do but sheeze is that worth killing a guy over:-\"

The Key is to sleep with them at the same time, and give them equal attention! :cheers:

Some where I shouldn't have parked I guess. It's been taken care of as for the light I still have to drive with I out, until I can splice it back. I have 3 other workin lights though, but still. And no cameras.

So what did the cops do?
The best way to get back at somebody is so easy.........................

Super Glue in the door locks AND the door handles if you can get to the linkage underneath them. Don't forget the trunk lock as well as the wiper blades also.
For real a*# holes, a gallon of cheap oil in the gas tank.

Don't ask how I know of this.
grease the underside of all door handles, let yourself in and grease the back of the mirror, shifter handle, inside door handle and anything else that might get touched as well as the crazy glue was a favorite of mine, wait a minute, what did i just admit to??
The Key is to sleep with them at the same time, and give them equal attention! :cheers:

So what did the cops do?

Some bullshit fair warnings cause there was no camera and no real damage other than the light, which upon further inspection could have been done by the snow( there was a lot of ice under the bumper)
Looks like the work of some woman PMS-ing. I guess it was just easier to pull out the pink lipstick than to leave a note with a paper and pencil. What a whacko!
Find the person who did this to your vehicle, Get an oil change pan (the type with the resealable cap, climb underneath at night when no one is awake, drain the oil into the pan, and take off and the next time you see the vehicle of the person who did this to your truck, it will be on the back of a wrecker heading to either the junk yard an engine rebuilder.
Why don't you write them a nice note on their car thanking them for informing you about your mistake. Just get a squeeze bottle of mustard and write them a nice note on the paint of the car. When they go to wash it off...yep you guessed it, the paint comes off too and your words of wisdom will remain with them forever. Something like "cops suck" or "I smell bacon" or something the local law enforcement will take offense to will keep them on their toes from now on!!! Can you say "Probable Cause"!!!! Geof
you guy's are Lil' :snakeman: 's ,see first post when is car vandalisim ok ? what comes around goes around
well, i have ideas now, if anybody screws with my car, i know how to get back at them :p did the people even write an apology note? lol jk
Ha! Hell no they didn't write one.

She only lives three doors down. She must hate how I rev to keep the engine alive at -15 degrees at 5:30 am. I try to keep it quiet enough but damn, at -15 it's a bear to start and warm up.

You know it could be worse, who wants to see when my window was shot at on the freeway? That's a tough windshield to find.
Why don't you write them a nice note on their car thanking them for informing you about your mistake. Just get a squeeze bottle of mustard and write them a nice note on the paint of the car. When they go to wash it off...yep you guessed it, the paint comes off too and your words of wisdom will remain with them forever. Something like "cops suck" or "I smell bacon" or something the local law enforcement will take offense to will keep them on their toes from now on!!! Can you say "Probable Cause"!!!! Geof

I like that idea, but I would use the exact same thing she used to make it all the more righteous of a payback, and she probably would not know what the hell to do after that.
But the dog poop, warm milk mixer in the vents is the best especially when the weather gets warm.....yummy.
It's like the warm, fuzzy gift that keeps on giving, and yes she will probably have to junk the car or you will see her have a boyfriend tearing the dash apart some day in the parking lot in a futile attempt to locate the smell.
Ya know...this is totally uncalled for. I hate when people think that they have permission to even touch your vehicle, I guess they just think its sooo pretty they have to TOUCH IT! I guess its something us "CLASSIC CAR" owners have to live with... but vandalism is NEVER OK!
I tell you that's why I fear restoring my cuda, but thank god I have 2 extra rear windows. I'm collecting them all the time.
I had a guy slash all my tires on my Dart once because he thought I was racing around the complex. My car didnt run, the radiator was out getting recored. Duh! Well he got his, the cops found his VW sideways on a major street blocking traffic. Never saw his VW again. The cops were no help, the cop said that "you probably deserved it". Gotta love a good police officer. I told him that I was ashamed for him and his department for being a poor cop.
my dad told me a story of when sombody parked nose to nose in a store lot some where. he came out and the guy was parked in his grill, (70's datsun pickup), smashed the grill, so while he was looking under his truck he rolled over and undid the bastards drain thing for the radiator!

those datsun parts are really hard to find!
I hear that they only check for bodies up to 25 feet down, so just dig the hole 26 feet deep and your safe....
When is car vandalization ok?

When the other illogical choice could lead to an assault charge. :violent1:
Sheesh. Other people spoil everything. Tell us about the detective work you did to find out who did it!

Me, I agree with you: vandalism is never okeh, not even if they did it to you first. I prefer to take the high road and do a good turn for whoever might do something anti-social like thoughtlessly or maliciously damage my car: gasoline's costly these days, and there're always going to be really bad people who think nothing of stealing it from parked cars, so when my attention is drawn to a particular car (say, because I know for a fact its owner damaged my car, or—just pulling examples outta the air here—its owner is a dillweed who routinely pulls in and takes his time parking at 2AM with the stereo blasting while people all around are trying to sleep) I go to the nearest auto parts store and buy 'em a nice, shiny new fuel cap. Then I install it for them.

How does this accomplish anything? Well, y'see, I buy 'em a locking fuel cap, and I keep the key. It's time-release nuisance and expense for them; they won't discover the locking cap until they're almost out of fuel and probably somewhere well away from home. But (this is the key) I have not damaged or vandalized their car.

Remember, kids, this falls into the category of things that are fun to think about, but never ever to actually do. Right? Right! :)
I don't vandalize cars that are parked where they are not supposed to, but I do routinely tow them!!
grease the underside of all door handles, let yourself in and grease the back of the mirror, shifter handle, inside door handle and anything else that might get touched as well as the crazy glue was a favorite of mine, wait a minute, what did i just admit to??

Nothing!!! You just have an overly vivid imagination, right, yeah, that's the ticket, and overly vivid imagination!!!

One thing to consider when plotting revenge, cameras!! If you are in a public place, these days, you have to consider the fact that you are PROBABLY on camera.

And, as in the NFL, it's the one doing the retaliation that normally gets caught.

Not that the tech school administrator who gave 3 whacks to the 12 guys who skipped out of the half day back in the 70's because it was the first really nice day of spring and said 12 went to the park, didn't deserve the mortar mix in the radiator, sugar in the gas tank, loosening of the valve cores ever so slightly, cheap perfume dumped into the fresh air vents, and loosening of the oil drain plug enuf that it dripped. Or did someone just dream that???

Vivid imaginations, remember that
